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Q2486282 Conhecimentos Bancários
[Questão inédita] No que diz respeito aos cartões de crédito e às suas características, qual das seguintes afirmações é incorreta? 
Q2486281 Conhecimentos Bancários
[Questão inédita] No contexto do mercado de capitais, qual das seguintes afirmações é verdadeira? 
Q2486280 Conhecimentos Bancários
[Questão inédita] No âmbito do mercado de câmbio internacional, qual das seguintes afirmativas é incorreta?
Q2486279 Conhecimentos Bancários
[Questão inédita] Considerando as atribuições da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) no cenário do mercado financeiro brasileiro, assinale a alternativa que NÃO corresponde a uma função desse órgão:
Q2486278 Conhecimentos Bancários
[Questão inédita] Dentre as funções do Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN) no Sistema Financeiro Nacional, qual NÃO é uma atribuição desse órgão?
Q2486277 Conhecimentos Bancários
[Questão inédita] De acordo com o Sistema Financeiro Nacional (SFN), qual das seguintes instituições é responsável por regular, supervisionar e fiscalizar as operações das instituições financeiras e demais instituições autorizadas a funcionar pelo Banco Central do Brasil?
Q2486276 Relações Humanas
[Questão inédita] Considerando os modernos conceitos e as medidas de enfrentamento ao assédio moral e sexual no ambiente de trabalho, pode-se afirmar que:
Q2486275 Direito Digital
[Questão inédita] Dentre os fundamentos previstos na LGPD para a proteção de dados pessoais, não encontramos: 
Q2486274 Legislação Federal
[Questão inédita] Levando em consideração as disposições da Lei Complementar nº. 105, de 2001, e as respectivas interpretações prestigiadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, as informações bancárias requisitadas pela Receita Federal:
Q2486273 Ética na Administração Pública
[Questão inédita] Tendo em vista as disposições do Código de Ética da Caixa Econômica Federal, assinale a alternativa que veicula afirmação correta.
Q2486272 Direito Penal
[Questão inédita] A Lei nº 9.613, de 3 de março de 1998, instituiu mecanismos para coibir a lavagem de dinheiro no Brasil, definindo os crimes, as penalidades e os procedimentos aplicáveis. Sobre essa lei, é correto afirmar que:
Q2486271 Matemática
[Questão inédita] Levando em consideração os cálculos da estatística descritiva podemos afirmar que:
Q2486269 Matemática
[Questão inédita] Danilo diariamente come uma coxinha em frente à faculdade. A coxinha é assada de forma aleatória por um dos três cozinheiros da lanchonete: 40% das vezes, a coxinha é assada por Roberta; 40% das vezes, por Pedro; e 20% das vezes, por Carol. Roberta assa mal o salgado e acaba deixando o centro da coxinha frio em 10% das vezes; Pedro o faz em 5% das vezes e Carol 20% das vezes. Certo dia, Danilo pede sua coxinha e, ao experimentá-la, verifica que o centro está frio.

A probabilidade de que essa coxinha tenha sido feita por Pedro é igual a:
Q2486268 Matemática
[Questão inédita] Em um encontro regional de motoqueiros estavam presentes 20 motoqueiros, cada um com sua moto. A tabela abaixo apresenta a faixa etária (em anos) e a quantidade de motos que se enquadram naquela faixa. De acordo com os dados da tabela, podemos determinar que a idade média das motos presentes é igual a:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2486267 Matemática
[Questão inédita] Após uma escalada, a probabilidade de que a corda precise de reparos é de 0,40; a probabilidade de que algum mosquetão tenha de ser trocado é de 0,10; a probabilidade de a corda precisar de reparos e o mosquetão tenha de ser trocado é igual a 0,05. Assim, a probabilidade de a corda precisar de reparos ou o mosquetão tenha de ser trocado será  igual a:
Q2486265 Matemática
[Questão inédita] Elmer fez um empréstimo de R$ 150.000,00 para ser quitado em 50 meses a uma taxa de 3% ao mês, pelo sistema de amortização constante. O saldo devedor após o pagamento da 30ª prestação será igual a: 
Q2486261 Inglês

Bob Dylan and the “Hot Hand”

For decades, there’s been a running academic debate about the question of “the hot hand”— the notion, in basketball, say, that a player has a statistically better chance of scoring from downtown if he’s been shooting that night with unusual accuracy. Put it this way: Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes, will raise his odds to fifty per cent or better if he’s already on a tear. He’s got a “hot hand.” If you watch enough N.B.A. ball, it appears to happen all the time. But does it? Thirty years ago, Thomas Gilovich, Amos Tversky, and Robert Vallone seemed to squelch the hot-hand theory with a stats-laden paper in the journal Cognitive Psychology, but, just last year, along came Joshua Miller and Adam Sanjurjo, marshalling no less evidence, to insist that an “atypical clustering of successes” in three-point shooting was not a “wide spread cognitive illusion” at all, but rather that it “occurs regularly.”

Steph Curry fans, who have been loyal witnesses to his improbable streaks from beyond the arc, surely agree with Professors Miller and Sanjurjo. But let’s assume that the debate, in basketball or at the blackjack table, remains open. What’s clear is that when it comes to the life of the imagination, the hot hand is a matter of historical fact. Novelists, composers, painters, and poets are apt to experience stretches of intense creativity that might derive from any number of factors — surrounding historical events, artistic rivalries, or, most mysteriously, inspiration — but the streak is undeniably there.

For Dylan, the greatest and most abundant songwriter who has ever lived, the most intense period of wild inspiration and creativity ran from the beginning of 1965 to the summer of 1966.

Before that fifteen-month period, Bob Dylan, who was twenty-three, had already transformed folk music, building on Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams. Now he was scribbling lyrics on pads and envelopes all night and listening to the Stones and the Beatles and feverishly reading the Surrealists and the Beats. In short order, he recorded the music for “Bringing It All Back Home” (the crossover to rock that ranges from “Mr. Tambourine Man” to “Subterranean Homesick Blues”); “Highway 61 Revisited” (the best rock album ever made; again, send your rebuttal to ); and “Blonde on Blonde” (a double album recorded in New York and Nashville that includes “Visions of Johanna” and “Just Like a Woman”).

Full text available on https://www.newyorker. com/culture/cultural-comment/bob-dylanand-the-hot-hand
[Questão inédita] In the fragment “Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes”, the word his refers to
Q2486260 Inglês

Bob Dylan and the “Hot Hand”

For decades, there’s been a running academic debate about the question of “the hot hand”— the notion, in basketball, say, that a player has a statistically better chance of scoring from downtown if he’s been shooting that night with unusual accuracy. Put it this way: Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes, will raise his odds to fifty per cent or better if he’s already on a tear. He’s got a “hot hand.” If you watch enough N.B.A. ball, it appears to happen all the time. But does it? Thirty years ago, Thomas Gilovich, Amos Tversky, and Robert Vallone seemed to squelch the hot-hand theory with a stats-laden paper in the journal Cognitive Psychology, but, just last year, along came Joshua Miller and Adam Sanjurjo, marshalling no less evidence, to insist that an “atypical clustering of successes” in three-point shooting was not a “wide spread cognitive illusion” at all, but rather that it “occurs regularly.”

Steph Curry fans, who have been loyal witnesses to his improbable streaks from beyond the arc, surely agree with Professors Miller and Sanjurjo. But let’s assume that the debate, in basketball or at the blackjack table, remains open. What’s clear is that when it comes to the life of the imagination, the hot hand is a matter of historical fact. Novelists, composers, painters, and poets are apt to experience stretches of intense creativity that might derive from any number of factors — surrounding historical events, artistic rivalries, or, most mysteriously, inspiration — but the streak is undeniably there.

For Dylan, the greatest and most abundant songwriter who has ever lived, the most intense period of wild inspiration and creativity ran from the beginning of 1965 to the summer of 1966.

Before that fifteen-month period, Bob Dylan, who was twenty-three, had already transformed folk music, building on Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams. Now he was scribbling lyrics on pads and envelopes all night and listening to the Stones and the Beatles and feverishly reading the Surrealists and the Beats. In short order, he recorded the music for “Bringing It All Back Home” (the crossover to rock that ranges from “Mr. Tambourine Man” to “Subterranean Homesick Blues”); “Highway 61 Revisited” (the best rock album ever made; again, send your rebuttal to ); and “Blonde on Blonde” (a double album recorded in New York and Nashville that includes “Visions of Johanna” and “Just Like a Woman”).

Full text available on https://www.newyorker. com/culture/cultural-comment/bob-dylanand-the-hot-hand
[Questão inédita] In the sentence “Steph Curry fans, who have been loyal witnesses to his improbable streaks from beyond the arc”, the word witnesses can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2486259 Inglês

Bob Dylan and the “Hot Hand”

For decades, there’s been a running academic debate about the question of “the hot hand”— the notion, in basketball, say, that a player has a statistically better chance of scoring from downtown if he’s been shooting that night with unusual accuracy. Put it this way: Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes, will raise his odds to fifty per cent or better if he’s already on a tear. He’s got a “hot hand.” If you watch enough N.B.A. ball, it appears to happen all the time. But does it? Thirty years ago, Thomas Gilovich, Amos Tversky, and Robert Vallone seemed to squelch the hot-hand theory with a stats-laden paper in the journal Cognitive Psychology, but, just last year, along came Joshua Miller and Adam Sanjurjo, marshalling no less evidence, to insist that an “atypical clustering of successes” in three-point shooting was not a “wide spread cognitive illusion” at all, but rather that it “occurs regularly.”

Steph Curry fans, who have been loyal witnesses to his improbable streaks from beyond the arc, surely agree with Professors Miller and Sanjurjo. But let’s assume that the debate, in basketball or at the blackjack table, remains open. What’s clear is that when it comes to the life of the imagination, the hot hand is a matter of historical fact. Novelists, composers, painters, and poets are apt to experience stretches of intense creativity that might derive from any number of factors — surrounding historical events, artistic rivalries, or, most mysteriously, inspiration — but the streak is undeniably there.

For Dylan, the greatest and most abundant songwriter who has ever lived, the most intense period of wild inspiration and creativity ran from the beginning of 1965 to the summer of 1966.

Before that fifteen-month period, Bob Dylan, who was twenty-three, had already transformed folk music, building on Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams. Now he was scribbling lyrics on pads and envelopes all night and listening to the Stones and the Beatles and feverishly reading the Surrealists and the Beats. In short order, he recorded the music for “Bringing It All Back Home” (the crossover to rock that ranges from “Mr. Tambourine Man” to “Subterranean Homesick Blues”); “Highway 61 Revisited” (the best rock album ever made; again, send your rebuttal to ); and “Blonde on Blonde” (a double album recorded in New York and Nashville that includes “Visions of Johanna” and “Just Like a Woman”).

Full text available on https://www.newyorker. com/culture/cultural-comment/bob-dylanand-the-hot-hand
[Questão inédita] In the fragment in the fourth paragraph of the text, “Bu let’s assume that the debate, in basketball or at the blackjack table, remains open”, the word in bold refers to
Q2486258 Inglês

Bob Dylan and the “Hot Hand”

For decades, there’s been a running academic debate about the question of “the hot hand”— the notion, in basketball, say, that a player has a statistically better chance of scoring from downtown if he’s been shooting that night with unusual accuracy. Put it this way: Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes, will raise his odds to fifty per cent or better if he’s already on a tear. He’s got a “hot hand.” If you watch enough N.B.A. ball, it appears to happen all the time. But does it? Thirty years ago, Thomas Gilovich, Amos Tversky, and Robert Vallone seemed to squelch the hot-hand theory with a stats-laden paper in the journal Cognitive Psychology, but, just last year, along came Joshua Miller and Adam Sanjurjo, marshalling no less evidence, to insist that an “atypical clustering of successes” in three-point shooting was not a “wide spread cognitive illusion” at all, but rather that it “occurs regularly.”

Steph Curry fans, who have been loyal witnesses to his improbable streaks from beyond the arc, surely agree with Professors Miller and Sanjurjo. But let’s assume that the debate, in basketball or at the blackjack table, remains open. What’s clear is that when it comes to the life of the imagination, the hot hand is a matter of historical fact. Novelists, composers, painters, and poets are apt to experience stretches of intense creativity that might derive from any number of factors — surrounding historical events, artistic rivalries, or, most mysteriously, inspiration — but the streak is undeniably there.

For Dylan, the greatest and most abundant songwriter who has ever lived, the most intense period of wild inspiration and creativity ran from the beginning of 1965 to the summer of 1966.

Before that fifteen-month period, Bob Dylan, who was twenty-three, had already transformed folk music, building on Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams. Now he was scribbling lyrics on pads and envelopes all night and listening to the Stones and the Beatles and feverishly reading the Surrealists and the Beats. In short order, he recorded the music for “Bringing It All Back Home” (the crossover to rock that ranges from “Mr. Tambourine Man” to “Subterranean Homesick Blues”); “Highway 61 Revisited” (the best rock album ever made; again, send your rebuttal to ); and “Blonde on Blonde” (a double album recorded in New York and Nashville that includes “Visions of Johanna” and “Just Like a Woman”).

Full text available on https://www.newyorker. com/culture/cultural-comment/bob-dylanand-the-hot-hand
[Questão inédita] In the section “Now he was scribbling lyrics on pads and envelopes all night and listening to the Stones and the Beatles and feverishly reading the Surrealists and the Beats”, the expression scribbling lyrics is synonymous with
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