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Q2339 Gestão de Pessoas
Correlacione a coluna A com a coluna B e escolha a opção correta.

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Q2328 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "Congress Caps
another Disappointing Year" in order to answer questions
27 to 30.

Congress Caps another Disappointing Year
4th January 2006 (Adapted)

On December 30, nearly three months into the fi scal
year, President Bush signed the last two Fiscal Year
2006 appropriations bills into law, bringing the FY 2006
appropriation process to a close. The American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) estimates that the
federal Research & Development (R&D) portfolio totals
$134.8 billion in 2006, a $2.2 billion or 1.7 percent increase.
But 97 percent of the increase goes to just two specifi c
areas: defense weapons development and human space
exploration technologies. Funding for all other federal
R&D programs collectively will barely increase, and will fall
nearly 2 percent after adjusting for infl ation. Leaving out
large federal investments in development, congressional
appropriations for basic and applied research total $57.0
billion, an increase of $1.0 billion or 1.8 percent over
2005. But NASA applied research on human space fl ight
technologies accounts for a majority of the increase,
leaving most agency research portfolios with modest
increases falling short of infl ation, or cuts. Many fl agship
federal science agencies have disappointing budgets in
The text concludes that
Q2327 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "Congress Caps
another Disappointing Year" in order to answer questions
27 to 30.

Congress Caps another Disappointing Year
4th January 2006 (Adapted)

On December 30, nearly three months into the fi scal
year, President Bush signed the last two Fiscal Year
2006 appropriations bills into law, bringing the FY 2006
appropriation process to a close. The American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) estimates that the
federal Research & Development (R&D) portfolio totals
$134.8 billion in 2006, a $2.2 billion or 1.7 percent increase.
But 97 percent of the increase goes to just two specifi c
areas: defense weapons development and human space
exploration technologies. Funding for all other federal
R&D programs collectively will barely increase, and will fall
nearly 2 percent after adjusting for infl ation. Leaving out
large federal investments in development, congressional
appropriations for basic and applied research total $57.0
billion, an increase of $1.0 billion or 1.8 percent over
2005. But NASA applied research on human space fl ight
technologies accounts for a majority of the increase,
leaving most agency research portfolios with modest
increases falling short of infl ation, or cuts. Many fl agship
federal science agencies have disappointing budgets in
The increases given to most agency research portfolios are said to have been
Q2326 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "Congress Caps
another Disappointing Year" in order to answer questions
27 to 30.

Congress Caps another Disappointing Year
4th January 2006 (Adapted)

On December 30, nearly three months into the fi scal
year, President Bush signed the last two Fiscal Year
2006 appropriations bills into law, bringing the FY 2006
appropriation process to a close. The American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) estimates that the
federal Research & Development (R&D) portfolio totals
$134.8 billion in 2006, a $2.2 billion or 1.7 percent increase.
But 97 percent of the increase goes to just two specifi c
areas: defense weapons development and human space
exploration technologies. Funding for all other federal
R&D programs collectively will barely increase, and will fall
nearly 2 percent after adjusting for infl ation. Leaving out
large federal investments in development, congressional
appropriations for basic and applied research total $57.0
billion, an increase of $1.0 billion or 1.8 percent over
2005. But NASA applied research on human space fl ight
technologies accounts for a majority of the increase,
leaving most agency research portfolios with modest
increases falling short of infl ation, or cuts. Many fl agship
federal science agencies have disappointing budgets in
The author points out that "Funding for all other federal R&D programs collectively will barely increase", which means it will
Q2325 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "Congress Caps
another Disappointing Year" in order to answer questions
27 to 30.

Congress Caps another Disappointing Year
4th January 2006 (Adapted)

On December 30, nearly three months into the fi scal
year, President Bush signed the last two Fiscal Year
2006 appropriations bills into law, bringing the FY 2006
appropriation process to a close. The American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) estimates that the
federal Research & Development (R&D) portfolio totals
$134.8 billion in 2006, a $2.2 billion or 1.7 percent increase.
But 97 percent of the increase goes to just two specifi c
areas: defense weapons development and human space
exploration technologies. Funding for all other federal
R&D programs collectively will barely increase, and will fall
nearly 2 percent after adjusting for infl ation. Leaving out
large federal investments in development, congressional
appropriations for basic and applied research total $57.0
billion, an increase of $1.0 billion or 1.8 percent over
2005. But NASA applied research on human space fl ight
technologies accounts for a majority of the increase,
leaving most agency research portfolios with modest
increases falling short of infl ation, or cuts. Many fl agship
federal science agencies have disappointing budgets in
According to the author, the area of defense weapons development
Q2324 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "A modest proposal"
in order to answer questions 24 to 26.

A modest proposal

14 Dec 2005 (Adapted)
          What on earth is the European Union budget for? It
is too small (taking up just over 1% of EU-wide GDP) to
have any serious effect. To judge by the wrangling before
this week's EU summit in Brussels, it has become mostly
an opportunity for countries to air their pet grievances
and to demand their money back. If there is a deal on the
budget this week, it will be an agreement reached for its
own sake, because EU leaders cannot bear to be blamed
for yet another summit failure. And if there is no deal, it will
similarly be a disagreement for its own sake - because
France rather likes the idea of putting Britain, which holds
the rotating EU presidency, in the dock for one more
fi nancial fi asco.
          Yet if there was ever a good moment to think hard
about how the budget might be better designed to
advance the Union's stated aims, it ought to be now. The
"fi nancial perspective" is negotiated once every six years.
That ought to create enough time to step back a bit and
consider some fi rst principles. The present negotiation
is also the fi rst since French and Dutch voters rejected
the EU constitution this summer, creating another good
opportunity to ask whether the club is still spending its
money on the right things. What would a budget look like if
it took the EU's goals at all seriously?
In relation to the "fi nancial perspective" mentioned in paragraph 2,
Q2323 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "A modest proposal"
in order to answer questions 24 to 26.

A modest proposal

14 Dec 2005 (Adapted)
          What on earth is the European Union budget for? It
is too small (taking up just over 1% of EU-wide GDP) to
have any serious effect. To judge by the wrangling before
this week's EU summit in Brussels, it has become mostly
an opportunity for countries to air their pet grievances
and to demand their money back. If there is a deal on the
budget this week, it will be an agreement reached for its
own sake, because EU leaders cannot bear to be blamed
for yet another summit failure. And if there is no deal, it will
similarly be a disagreement for its own sake - because
France rather likes the idea of putting Britain, which holds
the rotating EU presidency, in the dock for one more
fi nancial fi asco.
          Yet if there was ever a good moment to think hard
about how the budget might be better designed to
advance the Union's stated aims, it ought to be now. The
"fi nancial perspective" is negotiated once every six years.
That ought to create enough time to step back a bit and
consider some fi rst principles. The present negotiation
is also the fi rst since French and Dutch voters rejected
the EU constitution this summer, creating another good
opportunity to ask whether the club is still spending its
money on the right things. What would a budget look like if
it took the EU's goals at all seriously?
In paragraph 1, the author refers to "the wrangling before this week's EU summit", which denotes an atmosphere which is
Q2322 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "A modest proposal"
in order to answer questions 24 to 26.

A modest proposal

14 Dec 2005 (Adapted)
          What on earth is the European Union budget for? It
is too small (taking up just over 1% of EU-wide GDP) to
have any serious effect. To judge by the wrangling before
this week's EU summit in Brussels, it has become mostly
an opportunity for countries to air their pet grievances
and to demand their money back. If there is a deal on the
budget this week, it will be an agreement reached for its
own sake, because EU leaders cannot bear to be blamed
for yet another summit failure. And if there is no deal, it will
similarly be a disagreement for its own sake - because
France rather likes the idea of putting Britain, which holds
the rotating EU presidency, in the dock for one more
fi nancial fi asco.
          Yet if there was ever a good moment to think hard
about how the budget might be better designed to
advance the Union's stated aims, it ought to be now. The
"fi nancial perspective" is negotiated once every six years.
That ought to create enough time to step back a bit and
consider some fi rst principles. The present negotiation
is also the fi rst since French and Dutch voters rejected
the EU constitution this summer, creating another good
opportunity to ask whether the club is still spending its
money on the right things. What would a budget look like if
it took the EU's goals at all seriously?
According to the text, the European Union budget
Q2321 Inglês
Read the text below entitled "Job Outlook" in order to
answer questions 21 to 23.

Job Outlook
20th Dec 2005 (Adapted)

Competition for budget analyst jobs is expected over
the 2004-14 projection period. Candidates with a master's
degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity
with computer fi nancial software packages also should
enhance a jobseeker's employment prospects.
Employment of budget analysts is expected to
grow about as fast as the average for all occupations
through 2014. Employment growth will be driven by the
continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the
public and the private sectors. In addition to employment
growth, many job openings will result from the need to
replace experienced budget analysts who transfer to other
occupations or leave the labor force.
In paragraph 2, the text mentions the rise in
Q2320 Inglês
Read the text below entitled "Job Outlook" in order to
answer questions 21 to 23.

Job Outlook
20th Dec 2005 (Adapted)

Competition for budget analyst jobs is expected over
the 2004-14 projection period. Candidates with a master's
degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity
with computer fi nancial software packages also should
enhance a jobseeker's employment prospects.
Employment of budget analysts is expected to
grow about as fast as the average for all occupations
through 2014. Employment growth will be driven by the
continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the
public and the private sectors. In addition to employment
growth, many job openings will result from the need to
replace experienced budget analysts who transfer to other
occupations or leave the labor force.
In paragraph 2, the author refers to "the continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the public and the private sectors." Therefore, this analysis should be
Q2319 Inglês
Read the text below entitled "Job Outlook" in order to
answer questions 21 to 23.

Job Outlook
20th Dec 2005 (Adapted)

Competition for budget analyst jobs is expected over
the 2004-14 projection period. Candidates with a master's
degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity
with computer fi nancial software packages also should
enhance a jobseeker's employment prospects.
Employment of budget analysts is expected to
grow about as fast as the average for all occupations
through 2014. Employment growth will be driven by the
continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the
public and the private sectors. In addition to employment
growth, many job openings will result from the need to
replace experienced budget analysts who transfer to other
occupations or leave the labor force.
In paragraph 1, the author
Q2301 Português
Leia o seguinte texto para responder às questões 02 e 03.

O fi nal do século XX assistiu a um processo sem
precedentes de mudanças na história do pensamento
e da técnica. Ao lado da aceleração avassaladora nas
tecnologias da comunicação, de artes, de materiais e
de genética, ocorreram mudanças paradigmáticas no
modo de se pensar a sociedade e suas instituições.
De modo geral, as críticas apontam para as raízes
da maioria dos atuais conceitos sobre o homem e
seus aspectos, constituídos no momento histórico
iniciado no século XV e consolidado no século XVIII.
A modernidade que surgira nesse período é agora
criticada em seus pilares fundamentais, como a crença
na verdade, alcançável pela razão, e na linearidade
histórica rumo ao progresso. Para substituir esses
dogmas, são propostos novos valores, menos
fechados e categorizantes.

( (acessado em 14 de dezembro de
2005, com adaptações))
Assinale a opção que, de acordo com o padrão culto da língua portuguesa, apresenta afirmação incorreta.
Q2296 Sociologia
Segundo André Gorz (Metamorfoses do Trabalho: Crítica da Razão Econômica. São Paulo: Anablume, 2003), as últimas décadas do século XX testemunharam o surgimento de sociedades do desemprego em massa de forma permanente. Essas mudanças estão associadas a inovações tecnológicas e ao denominado "crescimento sem emprego". Essas mudanças não irão apenas provocar desemprego em massa, mas também alterações na estrutura de classes socioeconômicas das sociedades de emprego. Para André Gorz, uma ruptura ou "dualização" social tornou-se o aspecto dominante de todas as sociedades industrializadas a partir de meados da década de 70. Baseado nesse pressuposto teórico de uma "dualização" social com impactos sobre os trabalhadores, assinale a opção correta.
Q2294 Sociologia
A categoria trabalho, segundo Anthony Giddens (Sociologia, Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2005) significa "a execução de tarefas que requerem o emprego de esforço mental e físico, cujo objetivo é a produção de mercadorias e serviços que satisfaçam as necessidades humanas" (p.306). Baseado nessa concepção de trabalho, assinale a opção correta.
Q2287 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Com base no Decreto n.127, que promulgou a Convenção 161, relativa aos Serviços de Saúde no Trabalho, é incorreto afirmar:
Q2286 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Diversas são as desvantagens apontadas pela ergonomia na manutenção da postura em pé, particularmente em situações de pouca mobilidade. No entanto, se reconhece que em algumas situações tal postura se justifica, exceto:
Q2284 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Analise as proposições sobre acústica e, a seguir, assinale a opção correta.

I. Define-se som como energia na forma de ondas mecânicas longitudinais audíveis que se propagam através de meio elástico.

II. A audibilidade humana está compreendida, em regra, entre 20 Hz e 20 KHz.

III. O que diferencia o ruído do barulho é o caráter subjetivo deste, notadamente desagradável ao ouvido humano.

IV. O sistema auditivo humano divide-se didaticamente em três partes, quais sejam: epicraniana, mesocraniana e intracraniana.

Q2280 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
No tocante à Portaria MTE n. 1.127, de 02/10/2003, que estabelece metodologia de elaboração e revisão de norma regulamentadora, serão precedidas pela elaboração de minuta de texto básico, produzida por Grupo Técnico - GT, apresentada e discutida no âmbito do Grupo de Trabalho Tripartite - GTT, ouvidas as representações de empregadores e trabalhadores. Nesse temário, é incorreto afirmar:
Q2279 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Quanto ao delineamento dos estudos epidemiológicos, analise as proposições e assinale a opção correta.

I. Os estudos observacionais permitem que a natureza determine o seu curso; neles, o investigador mede, mas não intervém, enquanto, nos estudos experimentais, há uma tentativa de mudar fatores determinantes de uma doença, como uma exposição ocupacional, por exemplo. 

II. Embora fáceis de realizar, os estudos ecológicos são freqüentemente difíceis de interpretar, visto que raramente é possível encontrar explicação para os resultados, devido ao fato de se trabalhar com populações ou grupo de pessoas, cujas conclusões suscitam o viés conhecido por "falácia ecológica".

III. No estudo de prevalência as medidas de exposição e doença são feitas simultaneamente, fato que favorece a interpretação de causalidade, pois essa decorre da associação estatística entre a variável resposta e a explicativa, sob investigação, independentemente da seqüência cronológica observada entre a exposição e o desfecho clínico em estudo.

IV. O estudo de caso e controles inicia com um grupo de pessoas livres da doença, que são classificadas em subgrupos aleatoriamente, de acordo com a exposição a uma causa potencial de doença, momento a partir do qual se faz acompanhamento e medições das variáveis de interesse para os novos casos no grupo de expostos e não-expostos (controles).

Q2278 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Em uma dada região geográfica, endemia significa que a doença:
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