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1. ‘…a machine has broken…’ is written in the present perfect tense. 2. The negative form of: ‘a machine has broken...’, is: ‘…a machine doesn’t have broken …’ 3. The words in bold in ”… clearly, little is getting through.” and “…more workers trying to keep pace with production…” are in the present progressive tense. 4. The negative form of “…and the remedy follows easily.” is “and the remedy doesn’t follow easily.”
Choose the alternative which presents the correct ones.
“… with production demands that should not have been placed on them.”
The underlined words are being used to express:
“Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality…”
Can be replaced by which word without changing its meaning?
Há poucos dias, ao revelar minha idade, uma jovem universitária reagira assim: “Mas ninguém lhe dá isso.” Respondi que, em matéria de idade, o triste é que ninguém precisa dar para você ter. De qualquer maneira, era um gentil consolo da linda jovem. Ali na porta do Detran, nem isso, nenhuma alma caridosa para me “dar” um pouco menos. (4º parágrafo)
Assinale a alternativa correta, em relação ao trecho.