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Q3050711 Inglês

What is the definition of translanguaging?

      For years, research into the best instructional approaches for students identified as English learners has pointed to the concept of translanguaging.

       Identified by bilingual education researcher Ofelia García, it’s both a skill set and a total shift in the way language is thought of, used, and taught in K-12 classrooms where multiple languages are honored and addressed, even as English remains the dominant language of instruction, said Marybelle Marrero-Colon, the associate director of professional development for the Center for Applied Linguistics.

      Researchers are looking into how it can be applied to formal assessments, such as state standardized tests on which English learners might struggle to demonstrate their academic proficiency because they are tested in an unfamiliar language.

      Translanguaging is the ability to move fluidly between languages and a pedagogical approach to teaching in which teachers support this ability.

       In translanguaging, students are able to think in multiple languages simultaneously and use their home language as a vehicle to learn academic English.

      A student could be reading an article about the solar system in English, but in their brain, they are also thinking and making connections in Spanish. They might annotate in Spanish or first write down reading comprehension responses in Spanish and then figure out how to provide the responses in English, said MarreroColon. […]

   Teachers can engage in a variety of activities that deliberately encourage translanguaging, ranging from providing vocabulary in multiple languages to collaborative translation opportunities. The goal is to get students translanguaging as a practice that can be leveraged toward supporting literacy outcomes and engagement, as well as other academic endeavors.

      For example, two students could be assigned to solve a word problem, and one might be stuck on a word in English. The two students can then use an equivalent word in their home language to make sense of what the word problem is asking of them, Phillips Galloway said.

      Or in group activities, students can be prompted to share with the rest of the class how something taught in English would make sense in Spanish by highlighting similar and different grammatical structures between the two languages, Marrero-Colon said.

      “When you translate, you don’t have to do it word for word. You’re really trying to capture the feeling of that text,” MarreroColon said.

        Once teachers start doing these activities, research has found that students who have not spoken before start speaking and students who were not as engaged in text-comprehension activities suddenly are, she added. That's occurring because they are being encouraged to use their home language in class to think about language use overall.

Adapted from
When the text argues that “teachers support this ability” (4th paragraph), it means teachers:
Q3050708 Inglês

What is the definition of translanguaging?

      For years, research into the best instructional approaches for students identified as English learners has pointed to the concept of translanguaging.

       Identified by bilingual education researcher Ofelia García, it’s both a skill set and a total shift in the way language is thought of, used, and taught in K-12 classrooms where multiple languages are honored and addressed, even as English remains the dominant language of instruction, said Marybelle Marrero-Colon, the associate director of professional development for the Center for Applied Linguistics.

      Researchers are looking into how it can be applied to formal assessments, such as state standardized tests on which English learners might struggle to demonstrate their academic proficiency because they are tested in an unfamiliar language.

      Translanguaging is the ability to move fluidly between languages and a pedagogical approach to teaching in which teachers support this ability.

       In translanguaging, students are able to think in multiple languages simultaneously and use their home language as a vehicle to learn academic English.

      A student could be reading an article about the solar system in English, but in their brain, they are also thinking and making connections in Spanish. They might annotate in Spanish or first write down reading comprehension responses in Spanish and then figure out how to provide the responses in English, said MarreroColon. […]

   Teachers can engage in a variety of activities that deliberately encourage translanguaging, ranging from providing vocabulary in multiple languages to collaborative translation opportunities. The goal is to get students translanguaging as a practice that can be leveraged toward supporting literacy outcomes and engagement, as well as other academic endeavors.

      For example, two students could be assigned to solve a word problem, and one might be stuck on a word in English. The two students can then use an equivalent word in their home language to make sense of what the word problem is asking of them, Phillips Galloway said.

      Or in group activities, students can be prompted to share with the rest of the class how something taught in English would make sense in Spanish by highlighting similar and different grammatical structures between the two languages, Marrero-Colon said.

      “When you translate, you don’t have to do it word for word. You’re really trying to capture the feeling of that text,” MarreroColon said.

        Once teachers start doing these activities, research has found that students who have not spoken before start speaking and students who were not as engaged in text-comprehension activities suddenly are, she added. That's occurring because they are being encouraged to use their home language in class to think about language use overall.

Adapted from
In the last paragraph, the author informs that results of translanguaging activities can be:
Q3050707 Inglês

What is the definition of translanguaging?

      For years, research into the best instructional approaches for students identified as English learners has pointed to the concept of translanguaging.

       Identified by bilingual education researcher Ofelia García, it’s both a skill set and a total shift in the way language is thought of, used, and taught in K-12 classrooms where multiple languages are honored and addressed, even as English remains the dominant language of instruction, said Marybelle Marrero-Colon, the associate director of professional development for the Center for Applied Linguistics.

      Researchers are looking into how it can be applied to formal assessments, such as state standardized tests on which English learners might struggle to demonstrate their academic proficiency because they are tested in an unfamiliar language.

      Translanguaging is the ability to move fluidly between languages and a pedagogical approach to teaching in which teachers support this ability.

       In translanguaging, students are able to think in multiple languages simultaneously and use their home language as a vehicle to learn academic English.

      A student could be reading an article about the solar system in English, but in their brain, they are also thinking and making connections in Spanish. They might annotate in Spanish or first write down reading comprehension responses in Spanish and then figure out how to provide the responses in English, said MarreroColon. […]

   Teachers can engage in a variety of activities that deliberately encourage translanguaging, ranging from providing vocabulary in multiple languages to collaborative translation opportunities. The goal is to get students translanguaging as a practice that can be leveraged toward supporting literacy outcomes and engagement, as well as other academic endeavors.

      For example, two students could be assigned to solve a word problem, and one might be stuck on a word in English. The two students can then use an equivalent word in their home language to make sense of what the word problem is asking of them, Phillips Galloway said.

      Or in group activities, students can be prompted to share with the rest of the class how something taught in English would make sense in Spanish by highlighting similar and different grammatical structures between the two languages, Marrero-Colon said.

      “When you translate, you don’t have to do it word for word. You’re really trying to capture the feeling of that text,” MarreroColon said.

        Once teachers start doing these activities, research has found that students who have not spoken before start speaking and students who were not as engaged in text-comprehension activities suddenly are, she added. That's occurring because they are being encouraged to use their home language in class to think about language use overall.

Adapted from
Based on Text I, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

( ) The concept of translanguaging holds that students need to be exposed to languages one at a time.
( ) Translanguaging exercises are meant solely for group activities.
( ) Studies on how translanguaging can help measure student performance are under way.

The statements are, respectively,
Q3050606 Enfermagem

Analise os símbolos a seguir.

Q50.png (123×58)

Os símbolos indicam, respectivamente, a presença de riscos

Q3050605 Enfermagem
De acordo com as diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde, a insulina regular deve ser administrada
Q3050604 Enfermagem
Acerca dos drenos utilizados na assistência de enfermagem, avalie se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).

( ) O dreno de Jackson-Pratt é um dreno de baixa pressão negativa que permite quantificar precisamente o exsudato que foi drenado. ( ) Um dos cuidados com o dreno de tórax é manter o sistema de drenagem nivelado com a cama quando o paciente estiver deitado. ( ) O dreno de penrose é um sistema fechado de drenagem por sucção contínua e suave, com uma “sanfona” externa que mantém uma pressão negativa.

As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
Q3050602 Enfermagem
Com base nas Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão Arterial, assinale a opção que indica a pressão arterial considerada normal para um jovem de 19 anos.
Q3050601 Enfermagem
De acordo com o calendário nacional de vacinação da criança, a primeira dose da vacina pentavalente (difteria, tétano, coqueluche, hepatite B e infecções causadas pelo haemophilus influenza tipo B) deve ser administrada em até 
Q3050600 Enfermagem
Considerando os protocolos e as recomendações acerca da administração de medicamentos, avalie se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).

( ) Apesar de não ser muito utilizada, a região ventroglútea é considerada a mais segura para administração pela via intramuscular em crianças acima de 3 anos e em adultos. ( ) A infusão medicamentosa (EV) rápida é aquela realizada em até 40 minutos. ( ) Entre as regiões mais adequadas para a administração de medicamentos por hipodermóclise estão a abdominal, a interescapular e a anterolateral da coxa.

As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
Q3050599 Enfermagem
Acerca da coleta de materiais para exame, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3050598 Enfermagem
Durante a realização de um curativo, o profissional de enfermagem observou que o leito da ferida apresentava aspecto vermelho-vivo, brilhante, úmido, com a presença de pequenos novos vasos sanguíneos.

Essas características dos tecidos viáveis correspondem à
Q3050597 Enfermagem
No atendimento a um paciente com dificuldade respiratória, foi prescrito oxigênio com máscara não reinalante.

Assinale a opção que apresenta, corretamente, uma características desse dispositivo de oxigenoterapia. 
Q3050596 Enfermagem
Uma das medidas recomendadas pela ANVISA para prevenir infecção de corrente sanguínea é a troca dos equipos de administração intermitente a cada
Q3050595 Enfermagem
Com base nas normas e conceitos relacionados ao processamento de produtos para a saúde, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3050594 Enfermagem
Acerca dos materiais e equipamentos utilizados nas salas de cirurgias e recuperação pós-anestésica, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Entre os parâmetros básicos de um monitor multiparâmetro estão: pressão arterial invasiva, oximetria de pulso, frequência respiratória e frequência cardíaca. II. A placa neutra de dispersão deve ser colocada no paciente em local limpo, com pele seca, sem pelos e sobre grande massa muscular. III. As pinças hemostáticas são instrumentais utilizados para pinçar os vasos sanguíneos, dentre as quais estão a pinças Kocher, Kelly e Halsted.

Está correto o que se afirma em
Q3050593 Enfermagem
Com base nas recomendações do Ministério da Saúde acerca do protocolo de Cirurgia Segura, avalie se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).

( ) Antes da indução anestésica o condutor da lista de verificação deve confirmar que o procedimento e o local da cirurgia estão corretos. ( ) Antes da incisão cirúrgica deve ser realizada a apresentação de cada membro da equipe pelo nome e função. ( ) As compressas e os instrumentais cirúrgicos devem ser contados logo após a saída do paciente da sala cirúrgica.

As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
Q3050592 Enfermagem
De acordo com a classificação do choque hipovolêmico associado à perda sanguínea aguda, um paciente adulto com choque Classe II apresenta uma perda sanguínea
Q3050591 Enfermagem
A padronização do atendimento inicial ao paciente politraumatizado é feita por meio do mnemônico XABCDE, que define as prioridades na abordagem a esse paciente.
Nesse sentido, a letra X corresponde à ação de
Q3050590 Enfermagem
Com base nas disposições acerca do Gerenciamento dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS), avalie se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).

( ) Os sacos para acondicionamento de resíduos infectantes devem ser substituídos ao atingirem o limite de 2/3 de sua capacidade ou então a cada 48 horas, independentemente do volume. ( ) É permitida a separação do conjunto seringa agulha com auxílio de dispositivos de segurança, sendo vedada a desconexão e o reencape manual de agulhas. ( ) As embalagens primárias de resíduos químicos vazias podem ser utilizadas para acondicionamento de RSS do Grupo B, observada a compatibilidade química.

As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
Q3050589 Enfermagem
Na realização de um eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações, o eletrodo correspondente à derivação V2 deve ser posicionado no
381: B
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