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A aferição da pressão arterial (PA) é uma medida para avaliar a saúde cardiovascular e monitorar potenciais problemas relacionados à pressão sanguínea. Referente ao procedimento de aferição da PA, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
A __________________ é um procedimento cirúrgico no qual são removidos a trompa de Falópio e o ovário. Essa intervenção pode ser realizada por diferentes razões médicas, incluindo questões relacionadas à saúde reprodutiva, prevenção do câncer e tratamento de condições ginecológicas.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do trecho acima.
As técnicas de administração de medicamentos por via intramuscular (IM), assim como os locais mais adequados para reduzir complicações ao paciente, devem ser conhecidos e respeitados pela equipe de saúde e em especial pela equipe de enfermagem. Analise a Figura 1 abaixo e assinale a alternativa que indica a técnica que está sendo demonstrada para aplicação de uma medicação por via IM.
Figura 1
Para compreender os objetivos da limpeza/lavagem das mãos, é necessário o conhecimento da flora normal da pele e sua fisiologia. Sendo assim, analise as assertivas abaixo e assinale V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.
( ) A pela humana normal, especialmente a das mãos, é colonizada por bactérias que são divididas em duas categorias: transitórias e residentes.
( ) A flora transitória coloniza as camadas superficiais da pele e é mais susceptível à remoção pela lavagem rotineira das mãos. Contém os microrganismos mais frequentes relacionados a infecções associadas à assistência à saúde.
( ) A flora residente se liga às camadas mais profundas da pele, é mais resistente à remoção e está menos associada à infecção.
( ) As funções principais da pele são: aumentar a perda de água, prover proteção contra a ação abrasiva e de microrganismos e agir como barreira de impermeabilidade para o ambiente.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Em relação à prática do aleitamento materno, assinale a alternativa correta.
A tuberculose é uma doença que tem implicações significativas na saúde pública em muitas partes do Brasil, especialmente em áreas com condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis. A tuberculose é transmitida de uma pessoa para outra por:
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
In the image below we see a man who is taking dancing lessons and a woman who is saying “There are only two things stopping you from being a good dancer, Mr. Jones. Your feet!”
The word “dancer” is formed by adding a suffix to the verb “dance.” Which of the words below does NOT take the suffix -er when used as a noun describing professions?
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
In the adapted excerpt “If we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, they would surely be deep and powerful”, we have an example of:
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Local accents aside, in standard English the final -ed in regular simple past verbs can be pronounced /d/, as in “labeled”, /t/, as in “asked”, and /Id/, as in “related”. Which alternative below shows verbs that follow the same pronunciation rules, in the same order as “labeled”, “asked”, and “related”?
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Mark the INCORRECT statement about the word “must” in the sentence “There must be something glorious about dancing” (l. 10).
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Mark the alternative that correctly fills out the gaps in the 4th paragraph, from top to bottom.
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
In the excerpt “When we dance, we can remember them all a little better” (l. 30), the words “a little”:
I. Should be used with countable nouns.
II. Indicate an exact amount.
III. Can be used before nous, adjectives, or adverbs.
Which statements are correct?
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
The use of the word “yet” in “I have yet to find a better alternative” (l. 09) suggests that the author:
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
The sentence “Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient.” (l. 13) is an example of how to use reflexive pronouns. Which of the alternatives below also shows a reflexive pronoun used correctly?
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Why is there a hyphen in “dance-related topics” (l. 01-02)?
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Mark the INCORRECT statement about the article.
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
When the author says “something that could be labeled as trivial” (l. 05), we understand that:
The Reasons Why We Dance
- As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
- topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
- my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
- people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
- Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
- we love it so?
- There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
- stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
- though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
- heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
- intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
- tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
- Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
- feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
- passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
- they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
- be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
- powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
- dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
- Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
- we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
- ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
- way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
- always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
- we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
- our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
- the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
- march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
- waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
- forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
- butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
- was of no matter…for we were dancing.
- Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
- better question is, “Why would we not?”
*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Analyze the following statements about the text and mark T, if true, or F, if false.
( ) The author thinks there is not one right answer to the question in the title.
( ) Dancing is the only activity that brings both mental and physical benefits.
( ) The text says dancing could be used as a translator when we cannot put our emotions into words.
The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to botton, is:
A respeito do contexto histórico das origens do município de Iraí, assinale a alternativa correta.
“Na realidade, João Goulart e a cúpula que o apoiava tinham uma visão equivocada do quadro político. Eles tomavam o que se passava nas esferas do poder como expressão do que se passava na sociedade” (Fausto, 2006). A respeito das características sobre o governo de João Goulart (1961-1964), assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.