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( ) A arte barroca originou-se na Espanha, logo se espalhou por outros países da Europa e chegou a Ásia.
( ) Em todos os países em que o barroco esteve presente, sua arte apresentava características bastante diferentes em cada um deles.
( ) O barroco italiano do início do século XVII tinha características iguais ao barroco holandês da mesma época.
( ) Mesmo com as diferenças na arte barroca, nos diversos países, as obras desse período apresentou características comuns, como: o predomínio da emoção e não da razão, o contraste entre tons claros e escuros e, os temas religiosos.
“O artista desenha uma figura sobre um bloco de madeira.
Inicialmente, com um instrumento chamado goiva, ele faz sulcos na madeira, seguindo o desenho. Depois, cobre as partes salientes com tinta preta, geralmente nanquim. Em seguida coloca o bloco de madeira sobre uma folha de papel, com o desenho voltado para ela e o pressiona, decalcando o desenho”.
I’m buying hygiene products.
We are destroying our forests faster than any other ecological zone in our planet.
Forests cover only 6% of the Earth’s lands but they have between 50% to 90% of all plant and animal species from the planet. But unfortunately, humanity is destroying the forests faster and faster.
Many species of the rainforests (the ones that are located in a tropical area and which receive a lot of rain) benefit all of us. Many medicines (pharmaceuticals), for example, come from the rainforest. China, Brazil, Australia, and Mexico have a large number of species in extinction.
We are losing 50-100 species of plants and animals every day. Lost of species become extinct from natural processes. If we lose 50% of our planet’s species, it will take evolution 5-20 million years to replace them. Humans should help endangered species. We can work together to stop this destruction!
(Adapted from, 654432006 .
Accessed: April 2006. )
From fifty to _____ per cent of all plant and animal species live in the forests.
We are destroying our forests faster than any other ecological zone in our planet.
Forests cover only 6% of the Earth’s lands but they have between 50% to 90% of all plant and animal species from the planet. But unfortunately, humanity is destroying the forests faster and faster.
Many species of the rainforests (the ones that are located in a tropical area and which receive a lot of rain) benefit all of us. Many medicines (pharmaceuticals), for example, come from the rainforest. China, Brazil, Australia, and Mexico have a large number of species in extinction.
We are losing 50-100 species of plants and animals every day. Lost of species become extinct from natural processes. If we lose 50% of our planet’s species, it will take evolution 5-20 million years to replace them. Humans should help endangered species. We can work together to stop this destruction!
(Adapted from, 654432006 .
Accessed: April 2006. )
About _____ per cent of our planet is not covered by forests.
We are destroying our forests faster than any other ecological zone in our planet.
Forests cover only 6% of the Earth’s lands but they have between 50% to 90% of all plant and animal species from the planet. But unfortunately, humanity is destroying the forests faster and faster.
Many species of the rainforests (the ones that are located in a tropical area and which receive a lot of rain) benefit all of us. Many medicines (pharmaceuticals), for example, come from the rainforest. China, Brazil, Australia, and Mexico have a large number of species in extinction.
We are losing 50-100 species of plants and animals every day. Lost of species become extinct from natural processes. If we lose 50% of our planet’s species, it will take evolution 5-20 million years to replace them. Humans should help endangered species. We can work together to stop this destruction!
(Adapted from, 654432006 .
Accessed: April 2006. )
Our planet loses from _____ up to one hundred species of plants and animals daily.