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A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains.
Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives."
Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.
A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains.
Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives."
Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.
A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains.
Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives."
Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.
A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains.
Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives."
Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.
A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains.
Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives."
Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.
Com base nas principais vias de administração, assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a via descrita abaixo.
"É aquela em que o medicamento é administrado na veia do paciente ou em um acesso via diversos tipos de equipo. É indicada para situações emergenciais e aplicações de grandes volumes de substância, mas requer atenção aos sintomas do paciente. Exemplos de medicamentos compatíveis: antibióticos e aminas vasoativas (adrenalina, dobutamina etc.)."
Em relação as varizes esofágicas, analise:
( )Varizes esofágicas são causadas por hipertensão arterial nos vasos sanguíneos no rins e ao redor dele (hipertensão portal).
( )A hemorragia pode ser muito grave e causar choque ou, raramente, morte.
( )Os médicos diagnosticam e tratam varizes esofágicas usando endoscopia.
Após análise, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Em relação as pneumonias, assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde ao tipo de pneumonia descrita abaixo.
"Apesar de ser o tipo de pneumonia mais raro, tem o potencial de ser bastante
agressivo. Ocorre com mais frequência em pessoas imunodeprimidas ou com doenças crônicas, como é o caso de pacientes oncológicos ou infectados pelo
vírus do HIV."
Com base na Vigilância Epidemiológica das Doenças Transmissíveis, marque (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso nos itens abaixo relacionados aos aspectos que devem ser considerados na notificação.
( ) Notificar a simples suspeita da doença, sem aguardar a confirmação do caso, pois isto pode significar perda da oportunidade de intervir eficazmente.
( ) A notificação não tem de ser sigilosa, podendo ser divulgada para a comunidade, respeitando-se o direito de anonimato dos cidadãos.
( ) O envio dos instrumentos de coleta de notificação deve ser feito mesmo na ausência de casos, configurando-se o que se denomina notificação negativa que funciona como um indicador de eficiência do sistema de informações.
Após análise, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Em relação ao choque obstrutivo, é INCORRETO afirmar que:
A terapia de grupo é um modelo psicoterápico introduzido nos anos 40 e que, desde então, passou por diversas adaptações para o uso na prática clínica. Novas teorias psicológicas, conceitos e cenários clínicos foram adaptados no trabalho com os grupos, de modo que atualmente diversas abordagens compõem o quadro dessa modalidade. Em termos conceituais entendemos a psicoterapia de grupo como uma modalidade psicoterápica com foco nas interações interpessoais para a mudança de padrões mal adaptativos. Ou seja, um dos seus pressupostos básicos (que inclusive a diferencia do atendimento individual) é apostar na “força” que a interação grupal tem para produzir mudanças de caráter interpessoal significativas. As propostas de trabalho são diversificadas, de modo que a composição dos grupos pode envolver o trabalho com algum transtorno mental (transtorno do pânico, depressão), questões relativas à saúde física (diabetes, HIV/AIDS, obesidade), modalidades que envolvem grupos rápidos e de grande rotatividade para pacientes hospitalizados, grupos abertos, grupos psicoeducacionais etc. Sobre os 11 fatores de mudança em psicoterapia de grupo , assinale a alternativa correta: