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Choose the correct alternative:
1. For English speakers, Spanish is easier than Russian.
2. In the U.S. the average height for 17-year-old girls is 166,5 cm; for boys it’s 179,7 cm. At that age, girls are usually shorter than boys.
3. Mars is farther from the sun than the earth is, so its temperature is much lower. Mars is hotter than the earth.
4. Diamonds are beautiful, but they are also very hard. In fact, they are the hardest things found in nature.
5. John F. Kennedy was only 43 years old when he was elected president. He was the younger man ever elected president of the U.S.
True or False?
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
1. If Romeo had met the messenger, he killed himself.
2. If Juliet hadn’t killed herself, Romeo wouldn’t have killed himself either.
3. If Romeo’s and Juliet’s families hadn’t been enemies, they would have gotten married.
4. If Romeo had met the messenger, he wouldn’t have killed himself.
5. If Shakespeare hadn’t been born, he would never have written Romeo and Juliet.
True or False?
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences:
“I don’t think that red blouse really goes…………..your orange skirt, dear.”
“What a fascinating story. Do go ……….!”
“There’s an awful influenza virus going……………. . I hope you don’t catch it.”
“Did you know that a camel can go…………….water for thirty days?”
“One by one, the street lights went……………., leaving us in total darkness.”
No período abaixo, os advérbios destacados referem-se, respectivamente:
I- Eu sinceramente não confio nesse motorista, pois ele dirige perigosamente.
Sobre o fragmento acima NÃO se pode afirmar que:
(FUNARI, Pedro Paulo “A renovação da História Antiga”, in: KARNAL, Leandro (Org.) História na sala de aula: conceitos, práticas e propostas. Contexto, 2015, p. 97)
Nesse trecho, o autor se refere à renovação da História Antiga nos livros didáticos brasileiros, ocorrida nas últimas três décadas. Assinale qual das afirmativas abaixo NÃO se refere às inovações que permitiram essa renovação no ensino de História Antiga no Brasil:
A reação das forças de oposição ao governo João Goulart foi de imediato, começando pela “marcha da família com Deus pela liberdade” e atinge o ápice com o golpe militar de 31 de março de 1964. A derrubada desse governo pode ser explicada pela: