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Q623495 Economia
A respeito dos benefícios que possam advir do processo de regulação, analise as afirmativas abaixo, classificando-as em verdadeiras (V) e falsas (F) e, em seguida, assinale a opção que contenha a sequência correta.

I. O estabelecimento de regras de segurança ao bem-estar do cidadão.

II. Orientação dos gestores públicos por metas ambíguas e inconsistentes.

III. Adoção de medidas para dificultar a entrada de produtos substitutos e complementares.

IV. Objetivos difusos referidos ao interesse público.
Q623493 Economia
São características marcantes das agências reguladoras brasileiras a independência administrativa, a autonomia financeira, a ausência de vinculação hierárquica – subordinação ─ ao ministério supervisor e a estabilidade e mandato fixo dos seus dirigentes. Considerando esta afirmativa, analise os itens abaixo e, em seguida, assinale a opção correta.

I. Essas características são encontradas também em outras autarquias da Administração Pública brasileira.

II. A característica que pode configurar-se como distintiva das agências reguladoras é a nomeação dos seus dirigentes pelo Presidente da República, após prévia aprovação pelo Senado Federal, vedada a exoneração ad nutum – imotivada.

III. A independência decisória das agências é fruto da independência financeira, estrutural e funcional. Tais características são importantes para a adoção de soluções técnicas, e não políticas, como frequentemente ocorre com os ministérios e os órgãos a eles subordinados.
Q623482 Inglês
                                                       Text 2

                  Busy air traffic control facilities lack enough controllers

      WASHINGTON — Thirteen of America's busiest air traffic control facilities are suffering from a shortage of air traffic controllers, a problem that demands “urgent attention," a government watchdog told lawmakers on Tuesday. The facilities also are under stress because a large share of their controllers are still being trained and are not yet competent to work on their own, he said. Many of their experienced controllers also are eligible to retire, Hampton said.

      Officials with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, the union representing controllers, also complained about the difficulty in moving an experienced controller from a less-busy workplace to a busy one. Managers are reluctant to let workers go for fear they won't be readily replaceable, he said. And employees may oppose moving to an area where the cost of living is higher — New York, for example.

                                                                              Washington Post 6/12/15 [adapted]
Objections to changing place of work may come from
Q623481 Inglês
                                                       Text 2

                  Busy air traffic control facilities lack enough controllers

      WASHINGTON — Thirteen of America's busiest air traffic control facilities are suffering from a shortage of air traffic controllers, a problem that demands “urgent attention," a government watchdog told lawmakers on Tuesday. The facilities also are under stress because a large share of their controllers are still being trained and are not yet competent to work on their own, he said. Many of their experienced controllers also are eligible to retire, Hampton said.

      Officials with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, the union representing controllers, also complained about the difficulty in moving an experienced controller from a less-busy workplace to a busy one. Managers are reluctant to let workers go for fear they won't be readily replaceable, he said. And employees may oppose moving to an area where the cost of living is higher — New York, for example.

                                                                              Washington Post 6/12/15 [adapted]
According to Paragraph 1, many air traffic controllers
Q623480 Inglês
                                                       Text 2

                  Busy air traffic control facilities lack enough controllers

      WASHINGTON — Thirteen of America's busiest air traffic control facilities are suffering from a shortage of air traffic controllers, a problem that demands “urgent attention," a government watchdog told lawmakers on Tuesday. The facilities also are under stress because a large share of their controllers are still being trained and are not yet competent to work on their own, he said. Many of their experienced controllers also are eligible to retire, Hampton said.

      Officials with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, the union representing controllers, also complained about the difficulty in moving an experienced controller from a less-busy workplace to a busy one. Managers are reluctant to let workers go for fear they won't be readily replaceable, he said. And employees may oppose moving to an area where the cost of living is higher — New York, for example.

                                                                              Washington Post 6/12/15 [adapted]
The expression “a government watchdog" in Paragraph 1 line 3 and 4 refers to
101: D
102: C
103: E
104: D
105: B