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Q2482233 Inglês

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In the sentence: "The teacher George asked the students to study harder for the next test", "teacher" is used as a common noun, while "George" is used as a proper noun and "students" is also a common noun.

Q2482232 Inglês

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According to the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education– Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments, it is only the teachers responsibility to zeal for the students attendency to classes.

Q2482231 Inglês

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The Communicative Teaching Method for foreign languages emphasizes on learning using interaction at the aiming language, using errors as something positive, a proof of the students effort to learn.

Q2482230 Inglês

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If subject of a sentence is a collective noun, the verb can either agree with the singular noun as a single unit or with the plural sense of the collective noun, depending on the context and intended meaning.

Q2482229 Inglês

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It is ensured by the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education – Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments that there must be a guarantee to the quality of education even in the gratuitous public established schools, as well of the appretiation of the public school servants.

Q2482228 Inglês

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The sentence "The students must pass the exam to ingress the college", the modal verb "must" is used to express a necessity.

Q2482227 Inglês

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The following sentence "Some people are willing to pay extra for better seating in the concert", the adjective "pay" is the head of the phrase.

Q2482226 Inglês

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In the sentence: "He suffers from terrible headaches in hot weather", the word "from" can be excluded without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Q2482225 Inglês

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In terms of the assessment process in English language learning, it is correct to assert that the learning of English should preferably be evaluated through qualitative tools, aiming to prepare students for exams.

Q2482224 Inglês

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The Brazilian Inclusion Law nº 13.146/2015 states that private educational institutions are obliged to secure every right of people with disabilities, but are also able to charge higher monetary values from the families.

Q2482223 Inglês

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According to the National Common Curricular Base there are three groups of general competencies that must be present in the educational enviroment: personal/social, cognitive and communicative.

Q2482222 Inglês

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The Comprehensive Education is a contemporary proposition of schooling focused on the formation of more independent and critical citizens, which makes it unable to include all.

Q2482221 Inglês

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The public school curriculum is not supposed to be school-centered, but prioritize the expectations of the Society and culture it is inserted in.

Q2482208 Noções de Informática

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O atalho "Ctrl + B" no Microsoft Word é usado para inserir uma quebra de página, separando o conteúdo do documento em duas páginas distintas.

Q2482205 Noções de Informática

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No Microsoft Word, o recurso de "Formatação Condicional" permite que os usuários apliquem estilos de formatação específicos com base em critérios predefinidos, facilitando a identificação e a organização de informações em um documento.

Q2482190 História

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Um historiador pode atuar como supervisor de acervos, gerenciando documentos, obras de arte e arquivos históricos em museus e centros dedicados à memória de pessoas ou eventos, entre outras atribuições.

Q2482189 História

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O movimento abolicionista brasileiro, ao contrário de outros movimentos globais pela abolição, não contou com o apoio de organizações internacionais ou de ativistas de outros países, sendo uma luta isolada.

Q2482188 História

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A Peste Negra, causada por uma bactéria presente em pulgas de ratos, dizimou mais de um terço da população europeia a partir de 1347, devido às péssimas condições de higiene nas cidades medievais.

Q2482187 História

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A abolição da escravatura no Brasil ocorreu em 13 de maio de 1888, através da Lei Áurea, que foi proposta por João Alfredo, político do Partido Liberal.

Q2482186 História

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As feiras medievais do século XII, como a de Champagne e Brie, ocorriam em territórios da atual Espanha e foram fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da burguesia.

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