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Q2437355 Português

A maioria das palavras mostra vários significados (polissemia), o que também ocorre com as preposições.

Assinale a frase em que a preposição POR tem o significado de causa.

Q2437335 Português

Assinale a frase em que o artigo sublinhado mostra valor diferente do de posse.

Q2437333 Português

A frase “O consenso, na maior parte das atividades públicas, é fundamental à base de estrutura política!”. (Millôr Fernandes)

Assinale a opção que apresenta o modo de reescrever essa frase que modifica o seu sentido original.

Q2437329 Pedagogia

Carolina, professora do Fundamental, ao chegar em sua sala de aula se depara com uma briga entre os alunos. Após o incidente, com o ambiente mais calmo, ela decide que não irá punir os alunos envolvidos com advertência nem irá encaminhá-los para a coordenação. Opta por fazer uma assembleia de classe. Tudo é registrado por Carolina e pelos alunos: o motivo da assembleia, as propostas de mediação dos conflitos, os relatos e questionamentos que surgem. Carolina, a partir da assembleia de classe, descobre que o conflito foi gerado por posicionamentos racistas, que não tinham emergido em um primeiro momento. A partir desse diagnostico, a professora propõe um projeto de trabalho sobre o tema Racismo e Direitos Humanos.

A metodologia adotada pela docente pode ser qualificada como

Q2437320 Pedagogia

No que se refere às funções da avaliação de aprendizagem, ela permite o julgamento e a consequente classificação, mas essa não é a sua função constitutiva. É importante estar atento à sua função ontológica (constitutiva), que é de diagnóstico, e por isso mesmo a avaliação cria a base para a tomada de decisão que é o meio de encaminhar os atos subsequentes na perspectiva da busca de maior satisfatoriedade nos resultados. Por isso, é importante estar atento aos instrumentos de coleta de dados, sejam eles quais forem.

Adaptado de LUCKESI, Cipriano. Avaliação da Aprendizagem escolar: estudos e proposições. São Paulo: Cortez, 1999. p. 75 – 78

Com base na concepção de avaliação do autor citado, pode-se afirmar que, na construção do instrumento de coleta de dados, é importante

Q2437300 Pedagogia

Há diversos modos de justificar a ideia de que a formação de professores deve ser um processo permanente. Entre eles, a concepção adotada pelo RCMJG, a qual tem lastro no pensamento de Paulo Freire.

Segundo essa concepção, a formação permanente se fundamenta

Q2205029 Pedagogia
Com base na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) do Ensino Fundamental para a disciplina de Arte, relacione cada uma das dimensões do conhecimento que caracterizam a singularidade da experiência artística com a sua respectiva descrição.
1. Estesia 2. Reflexão 3. Criação
( ) Atitude intencional e investigativa que confere materialidade estética a sentimentos, ideias, desejos e representações em processos, acontecimentos e produções artísticas individuais ou coletivas.
( ) Experiência que articula a sensibilidade e a percepção, tomadas como forma de conhecer a si mesmo, o outro e o mundo protagonizadas pelo corpo em sua totalidade (emoção, percepção, intuição, sensibilidade e intelecto).
( ) Atitude de perceber, analisar e interpretar as manifestações artísticas e culturais, seja como criador, seja como leitor, mediante a construção de argumentos e ponderações sobre as fruições.
Assinale que indica a relação correta, na ordem apresentada.
Q2204979 Inglês


The verb “to return” is similar in meaning to
Q2204978 Inglês


The cartoon illustrates the
Q2204977 Inglês


The first sentence of the speech is a(n)
Q2204976 Inglês


In her speech, the girl implies that her teacher is
Q2204975 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
The opposite of the preposition in “we learn before the wishing well/Has dried” is 
Q2204974 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
The conjunction in “as it leaps” has the same function as in the sentence
Q2204973 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
The simple past and past participle of the verb “falls” in “we are the rain that falls” are, respectively,
Q2204972 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
When the poet says that “words become a hill to climb”, he means that the process may become
Q2204971 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
In the 2nd stanza, “the animal that creeps” is one that
Q2204970 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
The first stanza points out that teaching reading should begin by
Q2204969 Inglês
Text III

Teaching a child to read

Imagery first: the colors primary
Familiar as the sun; the purpose sure –
To hear, to smell, to feel, to taste, to see.
The mind will enter by another door.

The verb is next: we are the rain that falls,
The frog that sees a cricket as it leaps,
The robin that flaps its wings and calls,
The fish that swims, the animal that creeps.

The third is narrative, the moving spell
Of syntax that ad-libs the myths of time.
Alas, we learn before the wishing well
Has dried how words become a hill to climb.

The fourth is symbol: goodness, beauty, love.
This is the time of quarrel, tears and pain.
Sowing the dragons’ teeth, we bob and weave
Until we bring the simple back again.

By Allen Kanfer. Source: poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=28478 Glossary: to ad-lib: If you ad-lib something in a play or a speech, you say something which has not been planned or written beforehand. (
This poem suggests that learning how to read should be carried out
Q2204968 Inglês
The phrasal verb that can replace “discover” without change of meaning is 
Q2204967 Inglês
Discover” is to “Discovery” as
1: D
2: E
3: E
4: C
5: B
6: B
7: C
8: C
9: A
10: E
11: E
12: A
13: D
14: B
15: C
16: E
17: D
18: B
19: C
20: A