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Q2315658 Inglês

Read the text to answer question

We real cool

(Gwendolyn Brooks.)

The Pool Players.

Seven at the Golden Shovel.

We real cool. We

Left school. We

Lurk late. We

Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We

Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We

Die soon.

(Available on:

“We real cool” was issued in 1960, but it reveals very contemporary aspects though, EXCEPT:

Q2315657 Inglês
In order to make students aware of some specific linguistic and grammar aspects, and increase lexical knowledge, a teacher presented them two groups of words to be examined and discussed.

Group 1: coal – festival – meal – litoral – petal – seal – vial – goal
Group 2: arrival – denial – refusal – burial – betrayal – approval – survival – referral

The teacher’s word choice had a didactic intention as he/she planned to ask questions aiming at guiding students’ observations and insights. Choose the item displaying the criterion that justifiesthe teacher’s word choice in both groups.
Q2315656 Inglês

Read the text carefully to answer question.

It is the chosen shared language spoken between individuals with different first languages, sometimes referred to as “common languages” or “link languages”, usually pre-existing languages with a colonial history, which are learned by non-native speakers as a foreign language and then used as a way to communicate with other non-native speakers. It is typically considered a functional language used as a tool for communication, meaning it is usually independent of linguistic history and culture. For the past 20 or so years, linguists have been examining the norms and features of this language, and although there is much variety in communication, some shared characteristics, particularly in terms of word choice, grammar, and pronunciation, often appear.

(Avalaible on: https://www.studysmarter)

The above explanation matches:

Q2315655 Inglês

Read the text to answer question.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

There are three classes of e-bikes:

Class I – assistance when you pedal which stops when you reach 20 mph.

Class II – equipped with a throttle for a boost without pedaling, which stops assisting at 20 mph. Class I and Class II e-bikes can go anywhere you’d take a traditional bike, specifically, a flat surface like a bike path.

Class III – equipped with a speedometer and assists up to 28 mph. They are a popular choice for commuters.

There are also a few common e-bike styles, any of which may be within those three classes. Common styles include:

• Cruiser.

• Commuter.

• Mountain.

• Road.

Cruisers are great for a casual cruise around town. Commuter e-bikes are made with narrow tires and an upright design so you can comfortably get to work fast. Mountain e-bikes are for off-road adventurers. Road bikes are similar to cruisers and intended for pleasure riding on paved surfaces, but they have narrow tires and drop handlebars for fast riding. An e-bike can be used for anything you would use a regular bike for, whether you’re riding to work or having a good time. Most of the time, we see riders purchase e-bikes for one of three reasons: commuting, exercise, or recreation. From regular exercise to sensory stimulation to that feel-good factor you get from a great bike ride, there’s a lot to love about commuting to work on your bike. Studies have shown that cyclists are the happiest commuters. Small wonder, given that riding your bike to work each day lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers while giving you a significant cognitive function boost. E-bikes add that little extra oomph, allowing you to manage even the worst hills without batting an eye.

(Available on:

Texts types, also known as genres or text forms, refer to categories of texts with different purposes, each having a different convention of style and structure. Being so, the purpose of the featured text is to:

Q2315654 Inglês

Analyse the image to answer question.

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(Available on:

Humor is the ability or situation seen, heard, or thought about causing amusement or even intended to criticize. The humor in the highlighted comic strip is built on the basis of:
171: D
172: A
173: B
174: B
175: A