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Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more
climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing,
while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes
in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the
recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands
around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans
are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more
evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more
climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing,
while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes
in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the
recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands
around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans
are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more
evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more
climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing,
while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes
in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the
recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands
around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans
are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more
evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more
climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing,
while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes
in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the
recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands
around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans
are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more
evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more
climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing,
while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes
in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the
recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands
around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans
are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more
evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more
climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing,
while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes
in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the
recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands
around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans
are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more
evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
José Carlos Libâneo, em seu livro Didática, declara:
(...) A ação de planejar, portanto, não se reduz ao simples preenchimento de formulários para controle administrativo; é, antes, a atividade consciente de previsão das ações docentes (...) LIBÂNEO, José Carlos. Didática. São Paulo: Cortez, 1990. Pág.222
“Ascensão de Trump preocupa imigrantes brasileiros
Provável indicação do magnata como candidato republicano tem levado medo à comunidade brasileira e estimulado quem está apto a votar a ir às urnas. Ilegais temem promessa de deportação em massa.” Fonte: (acesso em 19/03/2016)
“Conheça as profissões “mais ameaçadas” pela tecnologia
Cargos nas áreas de educação, saúde, arte, mídia, gestão, negócios e finanças são os que têm maior probabilidade de sobreviver aos avanços da tecnologia, aponta estudo da Universidade de Oxford. A crescente informatização, porém, continuará a eliminar profissões, principalmente aquelas que não exigem habilidades criativas, sociais e percepção espacial mais sofisticada. São atividades em áreas como vendas, produção industrial, suporte administrativo, transporte e construção civil.” Fonte: 140130_profissoes_estudo_oxford_pai_ms (acesso em 19/03/2016)
“ EUA: visita de Obama a Cuba divide ‘pequena Havana’ de Miami”
“Os cubanos de Miami parecem ainda longe de festejar a reaproximação de Washington e Havana, selada com uma viagem de Barack Obama à ilha, este domingo.
Na chamada “pequena Havana”, em Miami, onde reside a maior comunidade cubana dos Estados Unidos, as opiniões divergem: “Eu penso que é algo positivo para Cuba e para os Estados Unidos”. “Aprecio a abertura a Cuba neste momento, mas detesto o facto de que beneficie apenas o regime”. “O acordo entre Obama e Cuba é positivo se Raul Castro der às pessoas aquilo que necessitam”.
A normalização das relações entre os dois inimigos da guerra fria é abalada pelas críticas à falta de concessões do regime em termos de direitos humanos. Para a analista Rachel DeLevie-Orey, apesar das limitações no Congresso, Obama ainda tem margem de manobra: “Eu penso que o presidente ainda não fez aquilo que poderia fazer, ou seja, permitir que Cuba aceda às instituições financeiras internacionais. Reforçar a economia cubana seria um gesto decisivo”.
Com a visita de três dias a Cuba, Obama espera poder terminar o mandato com um momento simbólico que, em plena pré- campanha para as presidenciais, sublinha a renitência dos Republicanos, no Congresso, em levantar o embargo comercial à ilha.”
Fonte: (acesso em 19/03/2016)
“ORIENTE (Gilberto Gil)
Se oriente, rapaz
Pela constelação do Cruzeiro do Sul
Se oriente, rapaz
Pela constatação de que a aranha
Vive do que tece
Vê se não se esquece
Pela simples razão de que tudo merece
Consideração (...)”
Fonte: (acesso em 19/03/2016)
“África Subsaariana tem as mais elevadas taxas de casamento infantil
A organização Human Rights Watch (HRW) pediu hoje aos governos africanos que coordenem ações, principalmente com líderes religiosos, a fim de melhorar leis e conscientizar a população para acabar com o casamento infantil, que só na África Subsaariana afeta 40% das menores. Apesar de os tratados de direitos humanos e da mulher e da criança, acordados pelos Estados africanos, estabelecerem que a idade mínima para contrair matrimônio deve ser aos 18 anos, o continente continua a apresentar as mais elevadas taxas de casamento infantil. Embora muitos fatores contribuam para o matrimônio infantil, a pobreza figura como um dos principais motivos. A família vê no casamento precoce uma forma de sobrevivência econômica, ao ficar com menos um filho para alimentar ou educar.” Adaptado de: (acesso em 19/03/2016)
“EUA e 11 países chegam a acordo histórico sobre comércio no Pacífico
Pacto irá cortar barreiras e pode criar o maior bloco econômico do mundo. Ministros do Comércio da região do Oceano Pacífico acertaram o mais profundo acordo de liberalização do comércio em uma geração, que pode resultar no maior bloco econômico da história. O pacto, que deve ser anunciado nesta segunda, irá cortar barreiras comerciais e definir padrões comuns a 12 países (Estados Unidos, Austrália, Brunei, Canadá, Chile, Japão, Malásia, México, Nova Zelândia, Peru, Cingapura e Vietnã).” Adaptado de: (acesso em 19/03/2016)
“COP-21 termina em acordo histórico contra aquecimento global
Após duas semanas de intensas negociações, a COP-21 (Conferência do Clima da ONU) terminou neste sábado em Paris com um acordo histórico, que pela primeira vez envolve quase todos os países do mundo em um esforço para reduzir as emissões de carbono e conter os efeitos do aquecimento global. O ponto central do chamado Acordo de Paris, que valerá a partir de 2020, é a obrigação de participação de todas as nações - e não apenas países ricos - no combate às mudanças climáticas (...). O objetivo de longo prazo do acordo é manter o aquecimento global ‘muito abaixo de 2ºC ’.” Fonte:,e02f8e0d6b45fdadb4829b608fa2657fpwau5sbz.html (acesso em 19/03/ 2016)
Observa-se, na contemporaneidade, profundas transformações nas inter-relações humanas, desencadeadas pela conectividade no meio informacional, e que afetam diretamente a construção identitária dos jovens. Em termos geográficos, fala-se em “desterritorialização” e, sociologicamente, como afirma Canclini, uma “deslocalização”. Deste modo é possível inferir que, nos jovens, essas transformações estão processando:
“Mudança demográfica: a partir de 2045, mais brasileiros morrerão do que nascerão, diz IBGE
Um estudo divulgado nesta quarta-feira pelo IBGE revelou um dado preocupante sobre a mudança demográfica brasileira. A partir de 2045 a taxa de mortalidade no País será maior que a taxa bruta de natalidade e a taxa de crescimento demográfico.
Segundo a publicação Mudança Demográfica no Brasil no Início do Século XXI: Subsídios para as projeções da população do Brasil e das Unidades da Federação, houve uma redução drástica de nascimentos nas últimas décadas, fenômeno observado em todo o mundo. A população jovem, de 15 a 29 anos, apresenta diminuição contínua de sua participação, enquanto a população de idosos será o segmento que mais cresce no Brasil.” Fonte: (acesso em 19/03/2016)