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Q2210634 Ciências
Suponha que a cor das flores de uma planta seja determinada por um par de genes com dominância completa e que, em uma população dessa espécie, 91% dos indivíduos apresentam o fenótipo amarelo. O cruzamento entre plantas vermelhas produz descendentes de flores vermelhas e de flores amarelas, e, entre plantas amarelas, somente flores amarelas. Com base nessas informações, assinale a alternativa correta. 
Q2210631 Ciências
Relacione a Coluna 1 à Coluna 2.
Coluna 1 1. Seres vivos. 2. Vírus. 3. Ambos.
Coluna 2 ( ) Com material genético. ( ) Com metabolismo próprio. ( ) Capacidade de replicação. ( ) Capacidade de sofrer mutações.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é: 
Q2210630 Ciências

“A fixação biológica do nitrogênio é o processo por meio do qual o nitrogênio (N2) presente na atmosfera é convertido em formas que podem ser utilizadas pelas plantas. A reação é catalisada pela enzima nitrogenase [...]” (Fonte: Portal Embrapa).

A fixação biológica do nitrogênio é realizada por meio de: 

Q2210629 Ciências
Considerando os diferentes instrumentos meteorológicos, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a associação INCORRETA entre o instrumento e seu respectivo dado meteorológico. 
Q2210628 Ciências
A pressão em qualquer nível da atmosfera pode ser considerada como o peso do ar por unidade de área acima desta elevação. Com base nessa definição, assinale a alternativa correta. 
Q2210627 Ciências
“Força por unidade de massa que deriva apenas da rotação da Terra e que age como força de deflexão. Depende da latitude e da velocidade do objeto em movimento. No Hemisfério Norte, o ar se desvia para a direita de seu caminho, enquanto, no Hemisfério Sul, se desvia para a esquerda. A força é maior nos polos Norte e Sul e quase inexistente no equador” (Fonte: Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia). O trecho acima é a definição de: 
Q2210625 Ciências
O movimento da lua ao redor do Sol é denominado: 
Q2210442 Inglês

In the cartoon below we see an appendix, the body part, saying the following:

1. you don’t have to remove your appendix just because you don’t know what we do!


3. but I might help your immune system! 4. MAYBE. 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Analyze the following statements about the cartoon and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) The second sentence contains a conditional.

( ) Sentence number 3 is a promise.

( ) “Might” in sentence 3 and “maybe” in sentence 4 both express possibilities.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:

Q2210441 Inglês

Fill out the gaps below with one the following words: that / where / which / who.

1. That’s the store ___ they buy their shoes.

2. The book, ___ we’ve been reading at school, was written long ago.

3. These are the directors and movies ___ I like.

4. Marie Curie is the woman ___ discovered radium.

Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above. 

Q2210440 Inglês
In the cartoon below we see two people, and the one on the bed is explaining to the other: “It’s called ‘muscle confusion’. First, I put __ workout clothes, then I confuse my muscles __ not working __”.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above.
Q2210439 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
We can use auxiliary and modal verbs in structures to show interest, avoid repetition, state differences and similarities, etc. Mark the sentence in which the use of the verb in bold is INCORRECT. 
Q2210438 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
In which of the sentences below the position of the adverb in bold is INCORRECT? 
Q2210437 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Considering the order of the words, which of the following sentences is the correct one? 
Q2210435 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Considering the use of articles in bold, which of the sentences below is INCORRECT? 
Q2210434 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Accents aside, English has general pronunciation rules. The final “s” in plural nouns can be pronounced as /s/, /z/, or /ɪz/, like in the words books, keys, and pieces. Relate Column 1 to Column 2, associating the sound represented by the final “s” with the respective words.
Column 1 1. /s/ 2. /z/ 3. /ɪz/
Column 2
( ) Calendars ( ) Bosses. ( ) Tasks
The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
Q2210433 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Which of the following sentences is an example of a second conditional structure? 
Q2210432 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Fill out the gaps in the sentences below with one of the following words: much / many / few / little.
1. I shouldn’t have ___ sugar… Sweets are bad for my health. 2. There are too ___ cookies, they won’t all fit in the jar. 3. Only a ___ people came, it was a very small event. 4. It was just an hour! They did a lot in the ___ time they had.
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above. 
Q2210431 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
The underlined phrasal verb “figure out” (l. 27) could be replaced by the options below, with no significative changes in meaning, EXCEPT for: 
Q2210430 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Considering the comparative form of the adjectives indicated in the parentheses following each gap, which of the options below correctly and respectively fills out the blanks 1(L.32), 2 and 3 (L.33) throughout the text? 
Q2210429 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Mark the alternative that shows to what the highlighted pronouns are referring to, in the order they appear in the text: “it” (l. 15), “These” (l. 21), and “This” (l. 23). 
121: C
122: D
123: C
124: E
125: B
126: A
127: A
128: B
129: A
130: E
131: D
132: E
133: E
134: C
135: D
136: A
137: C
138: A
139: E
140: A