Questões de Concurso Comentadas para banco do brasil

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Q28310 Noções de Informática
Julgue os itens de 80 a 85, relativos a conceitos de aplicativos de
informática utilizados em ambiente de escritório.
Entre os programas para correio eletrônico atualmente em uso, destacam-se aqueles embasados em software clientes, como o Microsoft Outlook e o Mozilla Thunderbird, além dos serviços de webmail. O usuário de um software cliente precisa conhecer um maior número de detalhes técnicos acerca da configuração de software, em comparação aos usuários de webmail. Esses detalhes são especialmente relativos aos servidores de entrada e saída de e-mails. POP3 é o tipo de servidor de entrada de e-mails mais comum e possui como característica o uso frequente da porta 25 para o provimento de serviços sem segurança criptográfica. SMTP é o tipo de servidor de saída de e-mails de uso mais comum e possui como característica o uso frequente da porta 110 para provimento de serviços com segurança criptográfica.
Q28309 Noções de Informática
Julgue os itens de 80 a 85, relativos a conceitos de aplicativos de
informática utilizados em ambiente de escritório.
Ao estabelecer conexão com servidores web, os navegadores, tais como o Microsoft Internet Explorer e o Mozilla Firefox, empregam com grande frequência o protocolo HTTP. Nesse protocolo, um pedido é enviado do navegador para o servidor e, em seguida, uma resposta é enviada do servidor para o cliente. Essa resposta, usualmente, contém no seu corpo um documento digital.
Q28307 Noções de Informática
Julgue os itens de 80 a 85, relativos a conceitos de aplicativos de
informática utilizados em ambiente de escritório.
Microsoft Word e OpenOffice Writer são processadores de texto do tipo WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), e ambos são capazes de associar metadados aos documentos editados por meio deles, tais como título, assunto, palavras-chave e comentários acerca do documento, entre outros.
Q28306 Noções de Informática
Imagem 018.jpg

A figura acima apresenta a configuração de um sistema
computacional em determinado instante de tempo.
Imagem 019.jpg
Considere que o usuário tenha utilizado o console para digitar um comando, conforme apresentado na figura a seguir. Nessa situação, se o comando apresentado nessa figura for efetuado no momento em que o arquivo a8.xls estiver aberto, essa ação resultará em uma mensagem de erro e nenhum dos arquivos contidos no diretório de origem será movido para o diretório de destino.
Imagem 020.jpg
Q28302 Noções de Informática
Imagem 012.jpg

Considerando a figura acima, que apresenta a janela da Central de
Segurança sendo executada em um computador com o sistema
operacional Windows XP, julgue os itens seguintes, a respeito de
conceitos de proteção e segurança.
O firewall do Windows é um tipo de aplicativo funcionalmente similar ao iptables do Linux, no que concerne ao monitoramento da execução de aplicativos no computador e à filtragem de pacotes na saída dos adaptadores de rede do computador.
Q28285 Matemática Financeira
Imagem 011.jpg
Tendo como referência a figura acima, que mostra os valores das
taxas de juros anuais, em dois anos consecutivos, denominados
anterior e atual, em 10 países, julgue os itens seguintes.
Considere que, em uma carteira de investimentos de um banco em Taiwan, um investidor aplique quatro parcelas anuais, consecutivas e iguais a 30.000 dólares, à taxa de juros compostos de 2% ao ano. Nessa situação, tomando-se 1,082 como valor aproximado de 1,024, é correto afirmar que, imediatamente após ser feita a última aplicação, o montante desse investidor será superior a 125.000 dólares.
Q28283 Matemática Financeira
Imagem 011.jpg
Tendo como referência a figura acima, que mostra os valores das
taxas de juros anuais, em dois anos consecutivos, denominados
anterior e atual, em 10 países, julgue os itens seguintes.
A taxa de juros compostos praticada anteriormente pela Hungria era de 10% ao ano. Essa taxa é equivalente a uma taxa de juros semestral superior a 5%.
Q28273 Atualidades
A Estratégia Nacional de Defesa (END) foi apresentada
em dezembro de 2008 pelos ministros da Defesa, Nelson Jobim, e
da Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos, Roberto Mangabeira
Unger. A END, documento de alto nível estabelecido como política
de Estado, afasta a possibilidade de transformação das Forças
Armadas em milícias de segurança interna. Estabelece o vínculo
entre o conceito e a política de independência nacional, de um
lado, e as Forças Armadas como seu elemento de resguardo,
de outro.

A estratégia nacional de defesa. In: Revista Tecnologia
e Defesa. São Paulo, ano 25, n.º 116, 2008-9, p. 13 (com adaptações).

Tendo o texto acima como referência inicial, julgue os itens que se
A elaboração da política de defesa nacional é de responsabilidade do Ministério da Defesa, enquanto os Ministérios do Exército, da Marinha e da Aeronáutica são os responsáveis por sua execução.
Q28260 Conhecimentos Gerais
O primeiro-ministro britânico Gordon Brown afirmou
que o Reino Unido apoia a candidatura brasileira a uma vaga
permanente no Conselho de Segurança da Organização das
Nações Unidas (ONU). "O Brasil tem o respaldo total do
governo britânico para ser membro permanente do Conselho de
Segurança da ONU", disse Brown, durante um seminário sobre
a próxima cúpula do G-20.

Brown ressaltou que, além da vaga no conselho, o
Brasil também deve participar mais da agenda global, sendo
mais efetivo na administração do Fundo Monetário
Internacional (FMI) e do Banco Mundial. Segundo ele, o Brasil
terá um papel importante na solução dos quatro grandes
desafios que o mundo tem para enfrentar: a estabilidade
financeira, as mudanças climáticas, o extremismo social e
religioso e o crescimento da pobreza.

Inglaterra quer Brasil na ONU. In: Diário do
Nordeste. Fortaleza, 27/3/2009 (com adaptações).

Tendo o texto acima como referência inicial, julgue os itens
Os membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança da ONU possuem o direito de veto das decisões, ainda que aprovadas por todos os outros membros.
Q28259 Conhecimentos Gerais
O primeiro-ministro britânico Gordon Brown afirmou
que o Reino Unido apoia a candidatura brasileira a uma vaga
permanente no Conselho de Segurança da Organização das
Nações Unidas (ONU). "O Brasil tem o respaldo total do
governo britânico para ser membro permanente do Conselho de
Segurança da ONU", disse Brown, durante um seminário sobre
a próxima cúpula do G-20.

Brown ressaltou que, além da vaga no conselho, o
Brasil também deve participar mais da agenda global, sendo
mais efetivo na administração do Fundo Monetário
Internacional (FMI) e do Banco Mundial. Segundo ele, o Brasil
terá um papel importante na solução dos quatro grandes
desafios que o mundo tem para enfrentar: a estabilidade
financeira, as mudanças climáticas, o extremismo social e
religioso e o crescimento da pobreza.

Inglaterra quer Brasil na ONU. In: Diário do
Nordeste. Fortaleza, 27/3/2009 (com adaptações).

Tendo o texto acima como referência inicial, julgue os itens
O regime político inglês é parlamentarista.
Q28257 Redação Oficial
Com referência à redação de correspondências oficiais, julgue os
próximos itens.
Considerando-se que Fulano de Tal represente uma assinatura, respeitam-se as normas de elaboração de documentos oficiais ao se redigir o final de um ofício entre chefes de mesma hierarquia como se segue.
Imagem 004.jpg
Q7733 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (R.5-7) means the same as
Rapid growth in the urban population has improved economy in major cities, but on the other hand it caused them serious problems.
Q7732 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (R.5-7) means the same as
The bigger and faster urban population grows, the less serious problems are caused.
Q7731 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (R.5-7) means the same as
Rapid increase in the population of bigger cities brought about economical development together with minor problems.
Q7730 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (R.5-7) means the same as
Serious problems have been caused by rapid growth of the urban population in major cities, which on the other hand also brought about economic improvement.
Q7729 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (R.5-7) means the same as
Fast increase in the city populations not only has helped economic progress, but also brought about serious problems for bigger urban areas.
Q7728 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

 With the help of text VII, judge the following items.
In 1994, there was a month in which the inflation daily rate averaged more than 1%.
Q7727 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

 With the help of text VII, judge the following items.
The 1988 Constitution helped Brazilian economic flexibility as regard public expenditure.
Q7726 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

 With the help of text VII, judge the following items.
After the latest Afghanistan war, the world has been facing the greatest oil shock which has never been experienced before.
Q7725 Inglês
Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

 With the help of text VII, judge the following items.
Last century, Brazilian economy was affected by international factors.
1181: E
1182: C
1183: C
1184: E
1185: E
1186: E
1187: E
1188: E
1189: C
1190: E
1191: E
1192: C
1193: E
1194: E
1195: C
1196: C
1197: C
1198: E
1199: E
1200: C