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Qual destes músculos é o responsável pela inspiração?
Qual o músculo mais longo do corpo humano?
São exemplos de lesões que podem ocorrer a partir de uma queda com a mão estendida, EXCETO
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta contraindicações à Terapia de Manipulação.
Preencha as lacunas e assinale a alternativa correta.
O movimento associado que o quadril faz quando a pelve se inclina anteriormente denomina- se:____________, e posteriormente denomina- se:__________________.
São critérios para o diagnóstico da Artrite Reumatoide, EXCETO
Tick the incorrect alternative to translate the phrasal verbs:
Which of the explanations at the end of the sentence is incorrect:
Complete the sentences with one of the parenthesis options:
a)Some teenagers suffer from drugs _____. (addiction/ addition) b)That is a ________beach. (particular/private) c)The people had stopped _________ that the Earth was the center of the universe. (assuming/acquiring)d)Women and children are ________their rights around the world. (reclaiming/ complaining)
The correct order is:
The doctor ordered: You ___ stop drinking beer. The modal verb that better completes the previous sentence is:
Which alternative is wrong as the use of the Present Perfect:
For the question use the poem below:
Eating Poetry
(Mark Strand)
Available at: Accessed on December 30th, 2019.
“The poems are gone.” Gone is the Past Participle of the verb Go and of the verb Tear is:
For the question use the poem below:
Eating Poetry
(Mark Strand)
Available at: Accessed on December 30th, 2019.
“The light is dim.” The opposite of the underlined word is:
For the question use the poem below:
Eating Poetry
(Mark Strand)
Available at: Accessed on December 30th, 2019.
“I snarl at her and bark.” The best translation for the highlighted verb is:
For the question use the poem below:
Eating Poetry
(Mark Strand)
Available at: Accessed on December 30th, 2019.
“ happiness like mine.” Mine is a possessive pronoun. As the use of possessive pronouns, which sentence is incorrect?
For the question use the poem below:
Eating Poetry
(Mark Strand)
Available at: Accessed on December 30th, 2019.
About the poem use TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):
( ) Describes a speaker who is literally eating poetry.
( )The most important aspect to consider in understanding this poem is the metaphor behind the act of eating a poem.
( ) The action of eating poetry is for the poet something that makes him happy.
( ) Strand uses short sentences and highlights one of the most common types of simple English sentences: subject, verb, object.
Respectively, the order is:
Mark the option whose tag question is wrong:
The stranger said: How long is the film? In the Reported Speech the previous sentence is:
Em relação aos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF), marque a afirmativa INCORRETA.
No Brasil, o guia alimentar é uma estratégia para promoção da alimentação saudável. A atual versão categoriza os alimentos, exceto em: