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Q1727876 Geografia
É a unidade da federação mais populosa dentre as abaixo:
Q1727875 Geografia
Atua no âmbito das relações de exportação e importação tanto entre países quanto entre blocos econômicos. Além de julgar recursos e apelações frente a atitudes que possam ser consideradas ilegais ou incorretas por parte dos países – como cartéis e outros:
Q1727874 Geografia
Qual dos Estados abaixo é maior em área por quilômetro quadrado?
Q1727873 Geografia

O clima frio propriamente dito:

I - É aquele em que há queda de neve de 3 a 4 meses no ano;

II - Ocorre em extensa faixa que atravessa a América do Norte, de leste a oeste.

Sobre os itens acima:

Q1727872 Geografia
Qual dos países abaixo é o mais povoado, por densidade demográfica?
Q1727871 Geografia
A Floresta Amazônica apresenta três camadas. Aquela denominada de Caaetê também pode ser chamada de:
Q1727870 Conhecimentos Gerais
Bruxelas e Budapeste são respectivamente capitais de:
Q1727869 Geografia
Qual dos países abaixo tem o maior IDH?
Q1727868 Noções de Informática
Em informática, o processador tem 3 funções básicas. Não é um deles:
Q1727867 Geografia

Analise o trecho e assinale a alternativa que completa respectivamente as lacunas:

“A Europa localiza-se totalmente no hemisfério __________________ do globo sendo atravessada na sua porção _______________ pelo ___________________.”

Q1727858 Inglês

Analyze the fragment below.

A fire destroyed three metal buildings.

As the context should be rewritten into a passive voice, choose the correct verb form.

Q1727857 Inglês

Observe the following fragment.

I sound a note of caution here because experts don't seem to agree ______ which drawings are in fact.

Choose the correct preposition that completes the context:

Q1727856 Inglês

Read the sentence below.

Even though I'm not on the ballot, in a certain way I am on the ballot.

Choose the best option that can replace the underlined connective without changing the meaning of the context.
Q1727855 Inglês

Observe the following fragment.

Of those Californians who __________ be traveling for the holiday, 5.9 million are estimated to be on the road, a 5 percent increase over last year.

Choose the best auxiliary verb that completes the context.

Q1727854 Inglês

Analyze the paragraph below.

It was especially unusual to Helen, that remembered fondly the care and support they provided her mother after she was widowed.

The relative pronoun “that” can be replaced by.

Q1727853 Inglês

Observe the fragment below.

One of the ladies ___________ very pretty and wearing silk stockings and I just sat down and _____________ a poem about her and her silk stockings.

Choose the best option that completes the context, observing the correct verb tenses.

Q1727852 Inglês

Read the following sentence.

He also asked _______________ sheep his father was caring for and if his father needed his help.

Choose the best option that completes the context above.

Q1727851 Inglês
Choose the wrong sentence observing the reported speech.
Q1727850 Inglês

Analyze the sentence below.

When I was in school, you must get a type of ready-made pastry.

Choose the best option that corrects the underlined item.

Q1727849 Inglês

Examine the following fragment from PCNs.

As part of a major field of knowledge – Languages, Codes and Related Technologies – Foreign Languages can now perform their inherent role, which, for a long time, was kept short of evident: that of being essential means of communication among people. _______, like any other language, foreign languages work as means of access to knowledge and, thus, to different forms of thinking, creating, feeling, acting and understanding reality, which affords students a more comprehensive and more solid training.


Choose the best option that completes the context.

421: D
422: C
423: A
424: C
425: A
426: B
427: A
428: B
429: D
430: C
431: D
432: A
433: C
434: C
435: D
436: A
437: C
438: C
439: A
440: D