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“O humanismo _________________________ é a negação de todos os humanismos e de suas formulações fantasiosas e utópicas. É uma redefinição da relação do homem consigo mesmo e do homem com o mundo. Essa nova relação está presente no conceito do ato de existir em Heidegger, na busca da pura consciência em Sartre, ou no reconhecimento da inextrincável relação com o mundo, em Merleau-Ponty.”
Completa corretamente a lacuna do texto a alternativa:
Considere os itens a seguir sobre os movimentos do Humanismo:
I - Foi um movimento ou uma corrente de pensamento associada ao início da idade moderna e ao fim do dogmatismo medieval. Caracterizou-se pela defesa da individualidade, da singularidade, e da expressividade irrestrita. Estimulou a busca por liberdade e independência, despertou a curiosidade por novos conhecimentos, e sistematizou métodos de pesquisa para a confirmação da verdade. Ele esteve na gênese das transformações políticas e econômicas que mudaram a face do mundo europeu. Seu correlato político e social foi o liberalismo.
II - Foi um movimento filosófico, jurídico, político, econômico e artístico que se caracterizou pela defesa da expressão plena dos sentimentos, pela afirmação irrestrita da liberdade, e pela defesa da individualidade. Neste humanismo, o pensamento humano não era entendido nem como produto da natureza nem da razão. Era entendido como elaboração livre e poética da imaginação, movido por determinações irracionais.
Sobre os itens acima é correto afirmar que:
A questão da necessidade nos fenômenos naturais carrega também junto de si a ideia de conexão necessária entre causa e efeito. Ao adotar o determinismo psíquico, Freud o fez para que pudesse:
Mesmo em sua metapsicologia a psicanálise freudiana utiliza o valor positivista do determinismo dos fenômenos naturais. Na obra A Interpretação dos Sonhos Freud nos dá um exemplo de um dos pilares da psicanálise, a consideração dos fenômenos psíquicos como sendo incontornavelmente:
Segundo a psicopatologia geral, aquilo que em um determinado comportamento se desvia da “norma” do correspondente grupo a que o indivíduo pertence é denominado:
O questionamento de Lacan sobre o “fazer analítico” prosseguiu em todo seu ensino, sofrendo as transformações que seu percurso, muitas vezes tortuoso, reservava às suas elaborações teóricas. É perguntando-se sobre a causa do desejo que Lacan delimita seu objeto – o objeto a, objeto causa do desejo, alvo impossível para o qual o desejo se dirige: aquém da linguagem, por ser causa desta, e além da linguagem, por ser:
O que Lacan propõe, ao tomar o sujeito a partir do inconsciente, é um outro tipo de prática: fazer do desejo inconsciente o objeto norteador da análise, o que conduz necessariamente a um posicionamento particular do analista frente ao:
Para articular as duas vertentes do objeto a, é necessário entender a noção lacaniana de fantasma. Uma das funções do fantasma é:
“When he sets prices for upcoming trips, he is guessing _______________what things will cost him.”
Complete with the right preposition.
“Is there any way that the authorities can control the area and discourage sharks _________________ coming in?”
Fill in the blank with the right preposition.
“I recall closing the gates behind_________________”
Complete with the right pronoun.
Choose the right sentence related to the quantity.
Read the news and answer the following three questions.
Even for a country numbed by injustice and inequality, Brazil has been shocked by revelations that a poor mother who stole an Easter egg for her children was condemned to a harsher jail sentence than corporate executives and politicians who cheated the public of millions of dollars.
The woman – who is referred to only by her first name, Maria – was sentenced to three years, two months and three days in prison for shoplifting a chocolate egg and a chicken breast from a supermarket in Matão, São Paulo in 2015, according to local media.
She was kept in detention for five months before her trial, then found guilty of a first-degree crime. Although she was briefly remanded during her appeal, a second judge sent her to prison pregnant in November 2016. She has since given birth – to her fourth child – behind bars, and is now nursing her baby son in an overcrowded cell. Once the child is six months, it will be taken from her care.
The case is far from unusual, but it has drawn public attention because of an appeal by a legal ombudsman and a newspaper article that drew damning comparisons with the laxer punishments handed down to those convicted of far greater crimes in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) case, a sprawling corruption investigation which has implicated a string of major figures in Brazilian politics and business. (Jonathan Watts published in:
According to the news, the woman gave birth to her fourth child:
Read the news and answer the following three questions.
Even for a country numbed by injustice and inequality, Brazil has been shocked by revelations that a poor mother who stole an Easter egg for her children was condemned to a harsher jail sentence than corporate executives and politicians who cheated the public of millions of dollars.
The woman – who is referred to only by her first name, Maria – was sentenced to three years, two months and three days in prison for shoplifting a chocolate egg and a chicken breast from a supermarket in Matão, São Paulo in 2015, according to local media.
She was kept in detention for five months before her trial, then found guilty of a first-degree crime. Although she was briefly remanded during her appeal, a second judge sent her to prison pregnant in November 2016. She has since given birth – to her fourth child – behind bars, and is now nursing her baby son in an overcrowded cell. Once the child is six months, it will be taken from her care.
The case is far from unusual, but it has drawn public attention because of an appeal by a legal ombudsman and a newspaper article that drew damning comparisons with the laxer punishments handed down to those convicted of far greater crimes in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) case, a sprawling corruption investigation which has implicated a string of major figures in Brazilian politics and business. (Jonathan Watts published in:
According to the new it is correct which is written in the alternative:
Read the news and answer the following three questions.
Even for a country numbed by injustice and inequality, Brazil has been shocked by revelations that a poor mother who stole an Easter egg for her children was condemned to a harsher jail sentence than corporate executives and politicians who cheated the public of millions of dollars.
The woman – who is referred to only by her first name, Maria – was sentenced to three years, two months and three days in prison for shoplifting a chocolate egg and a chicken breast from a supermarket in Matão, São Paulo in 2015, according to local media.
She was kept in detention for five months before her trial, then found guilty of a first-degree crime. Although she was briefly remanded during her appeal, a second judge sent her to prison pregnant in November 2016. She has since given birth – to her fourth child – behind bars, and is now nursing her baby son in an overcrowded cell. Once the child is six months, it will be taken from her care.
The case is far from unusual, but it has drawn public attention because of an appeal by a legal ombudsman and a newspaper article that drew damning comparisons with the laxer punishments handed down to those convicted of far greater crimes in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) case, a sprawling corruption investigation which has implicated a string of major figures in Brazilian politics and business. (Jonathan Watts published in:
Which statement does not reflect what is written in the article.
“Besides, while a number of neighbors ___________________ in the spinning-top adventure, the rest are brought _____________________ to their balconies prompted by bloodcurdling cries.”
Complete the sentence with the right verb form.
“We had ___________________ able to ask them about the knowledge they ______________________to produce what they were producing, whether we ________________________ have got a satisfying answer”
Fill in the blanks with the right verb tenses.
Mark the sentence in which there is a wrong use of the modal according to the correct grammar use.
“Waste of money, which they could ________________________ lent to her parents for living expenses.”
Complete the sentence with the right modal or auxiliary.
“After showing a short scene, students might ________________ to imagine they are one of the characters.”
Complete the sentence with the right verb tense.