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Q2410913 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

TAKING THE CRISP Fury as Walkers cuts two bags from multipacks but keeps price the SAME

(1º§) Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50.

(2º§) The older version contained six salt and vinegar packs, six cheese and onion, six ready salted and six prawn cocktail.

(3º§) Missing from the 22-size bags are one salt and vinegar and one prawn cocktail.

(4º§) However, other snack makers are also being skimpy, a Sun investigation has found.

(5º§) Multipacks of Smiths' Frazzles and Chipsticks have shrunk from eight to six but remain about £1. And packs of KP's Space Raiders have also gone from eight to six while keeping their £1 price.

(6º§) KP has made each bag 1.2g heavier, but the total multipack is more than 16g down. And £1 Roysters T-bone steak-flavoured bubble chips now come in packs of five rather than six.

(7º§) Experts warned families to watch out for the sneaky and widespread shrinkflation.

(8º§) MoneySavingExpert's Oli Townsend said: "When products get smaller but prices stay the same, shoppers rightly feel short-changed.

(9º§) "If your favourite brand has got smaller but the price hasn't, consider 'downshifting' by dropping one brand level from your usual choice - if you can't tell the difference, stick with the cheaper one."

(10º§) Walkers, Smiths and KP Snacks did not comment.

Acesso em: 16317541/walkers-cuts-two-bags-price-same/

Consider the following assertives:

I The word "prawn" (2º§) could be translated as "camarão".

II The word "if" (9º§) can be an adverb.

III. The word "multipack" (6º§) could be replaced by "wrinkle".

Which one(s) is(are) CORRECT?

Q2410912 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

TAKING THE CRISP Fury as Walkers cuts two bags from multipacks but keeps price the SAME

(1º§) Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50.

(2º§) The older version contained six salt and vinegar packs, six cheese and onion, six ready salted and six prawn cocktail.

(3º§) Missing from the 22-size bags are one salt and vinegar and one prawn cocktail.

(4º§) However, other snack makers are also being skimpy, a Sun investigation has found.

(5º§) Multipacks of Smiths' Frazzles and Chipsticks have shrunk from eight to six but remain about £1. And packs of KP's Space Raiders have also gone from eight to six while keeping their £1 price.

(6º§) KP has made each bag 1.2g heavier, but the total multipack is more than 16g down. And £1 Roysters T-bone steak-flavoured bubble chips now come in packs of five rather than six.

(7º§) Experts warned families to watch out for the sneaky and widespread shrinkflation.

(8º§) MoneySavingExpert's Oli Townsend said: "When products get smaller but prices stay the same, shoppers rightly feel short-changed.

(9º§) "If your favourite brand has got smaller but the price hasn't, consider 'downshifting' by dropping one brand level from your usual choice - if you can't tell the difference, stick with the cheaper one."

(10º§) Walkers, Smiths and KP Snacks did not comment.

Acesso em: 16317541/walkers-cuts-two-bags-price-same/

According to the text, who launched the investigation?

Q2410871 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios

O território do estado de Santa Catarina foi colonizado por europeus que chegaram logo após a descoberta do Brasil, com destaque para alemães e italianos. Porém, estas terras já eram habitadas por indígenas, entre os quais estavam os:

Q2410866 Pedagogia

No que se relaciona a avaliação na pré-escola, as instituições de Educação Infantil devem criar procedimentos para o acompanhamento do trabalho pedagógico e para avaliação do desenvolvimento das crianças. No entanto, essa avaliação deve ser sem objetivo de seleção, promoção ou classificação.

Existem múltiplos registros que podem ser utilizados como forma de avaliação na educação infantil. Sobre essas formas de avaliação, marque a alternativa INCORRETA:

Q2410865 Pedagogia

As práticas pedagógicas que compõem a proposta curricular da Educação Infantil devem ter como eixos norteadores: ______________ e _______________.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA:

41: C
42: A
43: A
44: C
45: C