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Q1740318 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Read the following paragraph: “..............................., the person is looking for a specific piece of information........................ , on the other hand, is more of a quick reading to get the general idea or summary of a text.” Choose the alternative that completes the sentence correctly
Q1740317 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Analyze the sentences below according to structure and grammar use. 1. The words ‘they’ and ‘them’ in bold in the text, are respectively: subject and object pronouns. 2. The underlined word in: ‘…although many people are not certain what it actually is.’ Means ‘nowadays’. 3. In: ‘One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada’, the underlined words are examples of the superlative degree of adjectives. The alternative which presents the correct sequence is:
Q1740316 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
The main intention of the author of this article is:
Q1740315 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Look at the underlined words in the extract below. ‘There are usually some beans or rice with this dish.’ If the extract were written in the negative, which of the following options would be correct?
Q1740313 História
Em decorrência da escassez de moeda e de outras formas de riqueza, desde o início da Idade Média, instalou-se a prática de retribuir serviços prestados com a concessão de terras, os feudos. Os nobres que os cediam eram os suseranos, e aqueles que as recebiam se tornavam seus vassalos. Em cerimonial chamado _______________, que acompanhava a concessão do feudo, o vassalo jurava fidelidade ao suserano, comprometendo-se a acompanhá-lo nas guerras. Por sua vez, o suserano jurava proteção ao vassalo. Essas obrigações recíprocas nas relações horizontais da sociedade fez da ______________ a característica mais marcante do feudalismo. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.
6: A
7: D
8: B
9: C
10: C