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Q351466 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Sobre as operações de créditos realizadas por um governo estadual, considere:

I. Em 01/02/2012, o governo obteve uma operação de crédito por antecipação da receita orçamentária no valor de R$ 1.000.000,00. Em 30/06/2012, o governo liquidou esta operação de crédito, com o pagamento do principal mais juros, sendo estes últimos no valor de R$ 51.010,05.

II. Em 2012, o governo realizou despesa com o pagamento de parcela do principal, no valor de R$ 500.000,00, de uma operação de crédito de longo prazo obtida em 2010 e com juros e encargos referentes à mesma operação no valor de R$ 145.000,00.

As duas operações de crédito, em conjunto, geraram no exercício financeiro de 2012, em reais, uma despesa

Q351465 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Um governo estadual possui ações ordinárias da empresa que presta serviços de saneamento em diversos municípios do Estado. De acordo com o estatuto da empresa, em cada exercício financeiro, são distribuídos 30% do lucro líquido do exercício a título de dividendos obrigatórios e a expectativa é de que a empresa gere e distribua lucro em 2013. Neste caso, na Lei Orçamentária Anual do exercício de 2013, a receita prevista referente aos dividendos obrigatórios é uma receita

Q351464 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Considere as informações a seguir sobre o orçamento da despesa, referente ao exercício financeiro de 2012, de uma unidade orçamentária estadual:


As despesas são ordinárias e as cotas trimestrais foram definidas em conformidade com a Lei no 4.320/1964. Foi permitido ao gestor da unidade orçamentária

Q351463 Administração Geral
Na busca de construir uma Gestão do Conhecimento, uma empresa pratica Brainstorming aberto para resolver problemas de elevada complexidade. Segundo Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997, p. 69), essa prática é um exemplo de

Q351462 Gestão de Pessoas
Em uma organização que possui o Modelo de Gestão de Pessoas por Competências, o

Q351461 Gestão de Pessoas

Dentre as vantagens para a instituição, destaca-se o comprometimento dos funcionários, que é alcançado com uma gestão mais participativa. Sobre a Administração Participativa, considere:

I.É uma das ideias mais antigas da administração e tem suas raízes no Japão.

II. É considerada um dos novos paradigmas da administração, já que esse modelo de gestão integra as práticas mais avançadas nas relações de trabalho.

III.O diferencial desse modelo está em integrar os princípios de participação em um modelo estratégico de gestão articulado e considerado legítimo para toda a organização.

IV. Esse modelo exige flexibilidade da alta administração para permitir acesso às informações necessárias para que se possa tomar a decisão mais adequada possível.

Está correto o que se afirma APENAS em

Q351460 Gestão de Pessoas
Um gestor, insatisfeito com os resultados da equipe, decidiu implantar indicadores para melhorar a performance das pessoas, utilizando a fórmula abaixo:

Índici "Y" = Nº de pessoas/ dias de trabalaho perdido por mês x 100
Nº médio de empregados x Nº de dias trabalhados

O índice “Y” é oficialmente denominado

Q351459 Gestão de Pessoas
Sobre Gestão do Conhecimento nas organizações, considere:

I. As fórmulas de ensino-aprendizagem oriundas do treinamento tradicional vêm se esgotando face aos múltiplos desafios que se apresentam no mercado de trabalho competitivo e globalizado.
II. O processo de transformação do conhecimento tácito em explícito não vem apresentando resultados satisfatórios, principalmente pelas organizações.
III. Empresas que adotam a learning organization não envolvem no seu ciclo de aprendizagem a cadeia de valor empresarial (acionistas, clientes, fornecedores, empregados, família e comunidade).
IV. Um fato relevante para a alavancagem da gestão do conhecimento, no Brasil, foi a extinção, em 1990, da Lei de Incentivo ao Treinamento e Desenvolvimento (Lei no 6.297/1975).

Está correto o que se afirma APENAS em

Q351458 Gestão de Pessoas
Um gestor está tendo dificuldades na obtenção de resultados com seus funcionários e sabe que a variável volitiva é a mais visada na busca de alcançar e superar as metas preestabelecidas nas equipes de alta performance. Está disposto a mudar sua forma de gestão, pois sabe que um trabalho em equipe, segundo BOOG (1999), é

I. um conjunto de pessoas que trabalham na mesma unidade organizacional do organograma, fazendo cada uma sua parte para que o outro, ou outros, consolidem (por somatória) ou harmonizem o resultado final do trabalho.
II. um grupo de pessoas praticando atividades comuns, com objetivos idênticos, porém individualizados.
III. a obtenção de contribuições para otimizar os resultados comuns, sendo que todos são solidariamente responsáveis.
IV. um conjunto que gera sinergia positiva por meio de esforço coordenado e cujos esforços individuais resultam em um desempenho que é maior do que a soma dos seus insumos.

Está correto o que se afirma APENAS em

Q351457 Inglês
Why Is Spain Really Taking Lionel Messi to Tax Court?

By Jonathan Mahler Sep 27, 2013
So Spain has decided to haul Lionel Messi into court for tax evasion, which strikes me as completely insane on pretty much every level.
You may remember the story from a few months back: The greatest soccer player in the world and his father were accused of setting up
a bunch of shell companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on royalties and other licensing income.

Messi - who makes an estimated $41 million a year, about half from sponsors - reached a settlement with Spain’s tax authorities earlier
this summer, agreeing to pay the amount he apparently owed, plus interest. The matter was settled, or so it seemed. Messi could go
back to dazzling the world with his athleticism and creativity.
Only it turns out that Spain wasn’t quite done with Messi. His adopted country - Messi is Argentine but became a Spanish citizen in 2005
- is now considering pressing criminal charges against him.
Cracking down on tax-evading footballers has become something of a trend in Europe, where players and clubs have been known to
launder money through “image-rights companies” often set up in tax havens. When you need money - and Europe needs money - go to
the people who have it, or something like that. Over the summer, dozens of Italian soccer clubs were raided as part of an investigation
into a tax-fraud conspiracy. A number of English Premier League clubs were forced last year to pay millions of pounds in back taxes.
No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social safety net in Spain and
elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds. But Europe is not going to find the answers to its
financial problems in the pockets of some professional soccer players and clubs.
Messi’s defense, delivered by his father, seems credible enough to me. “He is a footballer and that’s it,” Messi’s father Jorge said of his
soccer-prodigy son. “If there was an error, it was by our financial adviser. He created the company. My mistake was to have trusted the
adviser.” Even if Messi is legally responsible for the intricate tax dodge he is accused of having participated in, it’s pretty hard to believe
that he knew much about it.
More to the point, Lionel Messi is probably Spain’s most valuable global asset. What could possibly motivate the Spanish government to
want to tarnish his reputation, especially after he’s paid off his alleged debt? After four years of Great-Depression level unemployment,
have anxiety and despair curdled into vindictiveness?
Here’s another explanation: Maybe this whole case has less to do with money than it does with history. Maybe it’s no coincidence that
the target of the Spanish government’s weird wrath happens to play for FC Barcelona, which is, after all, "mes que un club." It's a symbol
of Catalan nationalism - and a bitter, longtime rival of Spain’s establishment team, Real Madrid.
Too conspiratorial? Prove it, Spain. Release Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax return.

(Adapted form

O autor do texto

Q351456 Inglês
Why Is Spain Really Taking Lionel Messi to Tax Court?

By Jonathan Mahler Sep 27, 2013
So Spain has decided to haul Lionel Messi into court for tax evasion, which strikes me as completely insane on pretty much every level.
You may remember the story from a few months back: The greatest soccer player in the world and his father were accused of setting up
a bunch of shell companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on royalties and other licensing income.

Messi - who makes an estimated $41 million a year, about half from sponsors - reached a settlement with Spain’s tax authorities earlier
this summer, agreeing to pay the amount he apparently owed, plus interest. The matter was settled, or so it seemed. Messi could go
back to dazzling the world with his athleticism and creativity.
Only it turns out that Spain wasn’t quite done with Messi. His adopted country - Messi is Argentine but became a Spanish citizen in 2005
- is now considering pressing criminal charges against him.
Cracking down on tax-evading footballers has become something of a trend in Europe, where players and clubs have been known to
launder money through “image-rights companies” often set up in tax havens. When you need money - and Europe needs money - go to
the people who have it, or something like that. Over the summer, dozens of Italian soccer clubs were raided as part of an investigation
into a tax-fraud conspiracy. A number of English Premier League clubs were forced last year to pay millions of pounds in back taxes.
No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social safety net in Spain and
elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds. But Europe is not going to find the answers to its
financial problems in the pockets of some professional soccer players and clubs.
Messi’s defense, delivered by his father, seems credible enough to me. “He is a footballer and that’s it,” Messi’s father Jorge said of his
soccer-prodigy son. “If there was an error, it was by our financial adviser. He created the company. My mistake was to have trusted the
adviser.” Even if Messi is legally responsible for the intricate tax dodge he is accused of having participated in, it’s pretty hard to believe
that he knew much about it.
More to the point, Lionel Messi is probably Spain’s most valuable global asset. What could possibly motivate the Spanish government to
want to tarnish his reputation, especially after he’s paid off his alleged debt? After four years of Great-Depression level unemployment,
have anxiety and despair curdled into vindictiveness?
Here’s another explanation: Maybe this whole case has less to do with money than it does with history. Maybe it’s no coincidence that
the target of the Spanish government’s weird wrath happens to play for FC Barcelona, which is, after all, "mes que un club." It's a symbol
of Catalan nationalism - and a bitter, longtime rival of Spain’s establishment team, Real Madrid.
Too conspiratorial? Prove it, Spain. Release Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax return.

(Adapted form

Segundo o texto,

Q351455 Inglês
Why Is Spain Really Taking Lionel Messi to Tax Court?

By Jonathan Mahler Sep 27, 2013
So Spain has decided to haul Lionel Messi into court for tax evasion, which strikes me as completely insane on pretty much every level.
You may remember the story from a few months back: The greatest soccer player in the world and his father were accused of setting up
a bunch of shell companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on royalties and other licensing income.

Messi - who makes an estimated $41 million a year, about half from sponsors - reached a settlement with Spain’s tax authorities earlier
this summer, agreeing to pay the amount he apparently owed, plus interest. The matter was settled, or so it seemed. Messi could go
back to dazzling the world with his athleticism and creativity.
Only it turns out that Spain wasn’t quite done with Messi. His adopted country - Messi is Argentine but became a Spanish citizen in 2005
- is now considering pressing criminal charges against him.
Cracking down on tax-evading footballers has become something of a trend in Europe, where players and clubs have been known to
launder money through “image-rights companies” often set up in tax havens. When you need money - and Europe needs money - go to
the people who have it, or something like that. Over the summer, dozens of Italian soccer clubs were raided as part of an investigation
into a tax-fraud conspiracy. A number of English Premier League clubs were forced last year to pay millions of pounds in back taxes.
No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social safety net in Spain and
elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds. But Europe is not going to find the answers to its
financial problems in the pockets of some professional soccer players and clubs.
Messi’s defense, delivered by his father, seems credible enough to me. “He is a footballer and that’s it,” Messi’s father Jorge said of his
soccer-prodigy son. “If there was an error, it was by our financial adviser. He created the company. My mistake was to have trusted the
adviser.” Even if Messi is legally responsible for the intricate tax dodge he is accused of having participated in, it’s pretty hard to believe
that he knew much about it.
More to the point, Lionel Messi is probably Spain’s most valuable global asset. What could possibly motivate the Spanish government to
want to tarnish his reputation, especially after he’s paid off his alleged debt? After four years of Great-Depression level unemployment,
have anxiety and despair curdled into vindictiveness?
Here’s another explanation: Maybe this whole case has less to do with money than it does with history. Maybe it’s no coincidence that
the target of the Spanish government’s weird wrath happens to play for FC Barcelona, which is, after all, "mes que un club." It's a symbol
of Catalan nationalism - and a bitter, longtime rival of Spain’s establishment team, Real Madrid.
Too conspiratorial? Prove it, Spain. Release Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax return.

(Adapted form

A synonym for badly, as it is used in the text, is

Q351454 Inglês
Why Is Spain Really Taking Lionel Messi to Tax Court?

By Jonathan Mahler Sep 27, 2013
So Spain has decided to haul Lionel Messi into court for tax evasion, which strikes me as completely insane on pretty much every level.
You may remember the story from a few months back: The greatest soccer player in the world and his father were accused of setting up
a bunch of shell companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on royalties and other licensing income.

Messi - who makes an estimated $41 million a year, about half from sponsors - reached a settlement with Spain’s tax authorities earlier
this summer, agreeing to pay the amount he apparently owed, plus interest. The matter was settled, or so it seemed. Messi could go
back to dazzling the world with his athleticism and creativity.
Only it turns out that Spain wasn’t quite done with Messi. His adopted country - Messi is Argentine but became a Spanish citizen in 2005
- is now considering pressing criminal charges against him.
Cracking down on tax-evading footballers has become something of a trend in Europe, where players and clubs have been known to
launder money through “image-rights companies” often set up in tax havens. When you need money - and Europe needs money - go to
the people who have it, or something like that. Over the summer, dozens of Italian soccer clubs were raided as part of an investigation
into a tax-fraud conspiracy. A number of English Premier League clubs were forced last year to pay millions of pounds in back taxes.
No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social safety net in Spain and
elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds. But Europe is not going to find the answers to its
financial problems in the pockets of some professional soccer players and clubs.
Messi’s defense, delivered by his father, seems credible enough to me. “He is a footballer and that’s it,” Messi’s father Jorge said of his
soccer-prodigy son. “If there was an error, it was by our financial adviser. He created the company. My mistake was to have trusted the
adviser.” Even if Messi is legally responsible for the intricate tax dodge he is accused of having participated in, it’s pretty hard to believe
that he knew much about it.
More to the point, Lionel Messi is probably Spain’s most valuable global asset. What could possibly motivate the Spanish government to
want to tarnish his reputation, especially after he’s paid off his alleged debt? After four years of Great-Depression level unemployment,
have anxiety and despair curdled into vindictiveness?
Here’s another explanation: Maybe this whole case has less to do with money than it does with history. Maybe it’s no coincidence that
the target of the Spanish government’s weird wrath happens to play for FC Barcelona, which is, after all, "mes que un club." It's a symbol
of Catalan nationalism - and a bitter, longtime rival of Spain’s establishment team, Real Madrid.
Too conspiratorial? Prove it, Spain. Release Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax return.

(Adapted form

Which of the following alternatives is the “odd man out”?

Q351451 Inglês
Segundo o texto,

Q351450 Inglês
A synonym for earn, as the verb is used in the text, is

Q351449 Inglês
According to the context, the ADJECTIVE that adequately fills the blank is

Q351448 Inglês
According to the context, the MODAL that adequately fills the blank is

Q351437 Português
                                                                          [Dois fragmentos sobre História]

          A História não é uma ciência. É uma ficção. Vou mais longe: assim como ocorre na ficção, há na História uma tentativa de reconstruir a realidade por meio de um processo de seleção de materiais. Os historiadores apresentam uma realidade cronológica, linear, lógica. Mas a verdade é que se trata de uma montagem, fundada sobre um ponto de vista. A História é escrita sob um prisma masculino. A História é escrita na perspectiva dos vencedores. Se fosse feita pelas mulheres ou pelos vencidos, seria outra. Enfim, há uma História dos que têm voz e uma outra, não contada, dos que não a têm. (...)
         Que diabo é a verdade histórica? Só algo que foi desenhado, e depois esse desenho estabelecido foi cercado de escuro para que a única imagem que pudesse ser vista fosse a que se quer mostrar como verdade. Nossa tarefa é tirar todo o escuro, saber o que é que ficou sem ser mostrado.
(Adaptado de: SARAMAGO, José. As palavras de Saramago. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010. p. 254)

É preciso corrigir, por apresentar irregularidades gramaticais e/ou defeito estrutural, a redação da seguinte frase:

Q351436 Português
                                                                          [Dois fragmentos sobre História]

          A História não é uma ciência. É uma ficção. Vou mais longe: assim como ocorre na ficção, há na História uma tentativa de reconstruir a realidade por meio de um processo de seleção de materiais. Os historiadores apresentam uma realidade cronológica, linear, lógica. Mas a verdade é que se trata de uma montagem, fundada sobre um ponto de vista. A História é escrita sob um prisma masculino. A História é escrita na perspectiva dos vencedores. Se fosse feita pelas mulheres ou pelos vencidos, seria outra. Enfim, há uma História dos que têm voz e uma outra, não contada, dos que não a têm. (...)
         Que diabo é a verdade histórica? Só algo que foi desenhado, e depois esse desenho estabelecido foi cercado de escuro para que a única imagem que pudesse ser vista fosse a que se quer mostrar como verdade. Nossa tarefa é tirar todo o escuro, saber o que é que ficou sem ser mostrado.
(Adaptado de: SARAMAGO, José. As palavras de Saramago. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010. p. 254)

Ao se defrontar com a História, Saramago submete a História a uma rigorosa análise, considerando a História como um discurso, atribuindo à História certo caráter ficcional, que compromete a transparência da História.

Evitam-se as viciosas repetições do texto acima substituindo-se os elementos sublinhados, na ordem dada, por:
Q351433 Português
                                                   [Ponderando o julgamento]

       As leis não podem deixar de ressentir-se da fraqueza dos homens. Elas são variáveis como eles.
       Algumas, nas grandes nações, foram ditadas pelos poderosos com o fim de esmagar os fracos. Eram tão equívocas que mil intérpretes se apressaram a comentá-las; e, como a maioria só fez sua glosa como quem executa um ofício para ganhar algum dinheiro, acabou o comentário sendo mais obscuro que o texto. A lei transformou-se numa faca de dois gumes que degola tanto o inocente quanto o culpado. Assim, o que devia ser a salvaguarda das nações transformou-se tão amiúde em seu flagelo que alguns chegaram a perguntar se a melhor das legislações não consistiria em não se ter nenhuma.
       Examinemos a questão. Se vos moverem um processo de que dependa vossa vida, e se de um lado estiverem as compilações de juristas sabidos e prepotentes, e de outro vos apresentarem vinte juízes pouco eruditos mas que, sendo anciãos isentos das paixões que corrompem o coração, estejam acima das necessidades que o aviltam, dizei-me: por quem escolheríeis ser julgados, por aquela turba de palradores orgulhosos, tão interesseiros quanto ininteligíveis, ou pelos vinte ignorantes respeitáveis?
(VOLTAIRE. O preço da justiça. Trad. Ivone Castilho Benedetti. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2011. p. 7-8)
Para Voltaire, quem se ...... (dispor) a zelar pela justa aplicação das leis, não importando a época em que isso ...... (vir) a ocorrer, ...... (dever), antes de mais nada, considerar a fragilidade daqueles sobre os quais o seu peso ...... (recair).

Para preencherem adequadamente as lacunas da frase acima, os verbos indicados entre parênteses deverão flexionar-se na seguinte sequência:

101: C
102: E
103: E
104: D
105: E
106: A
107: C
108: B
109: A
110: B
111: E
112: C
113: B
114: E
115: A
116: A
117: B
118: D
119: B
120: C