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Q43315 Segurança da Informação
Acerca dos conceitos de gerência de riscos, julgue os itens que se
Vulnerabilidades representam portas de entrada, fragilidade em ativos de informação que podem permitir a concretização de ameaças, colocando em risco esses ativos.
Q43314 Segurança da Informação
Acerca dos conceitos de gerência de riscos, julgue os itens que se
Para que haja segurança da informação, as ameaças devem ser identificadas e devem ser tomadas medidas de segurança para se reduzir o risco ou a probabilidade de ocorrerem incidentes.
Q43313 Segurança da Informação
Com relação à segurança da informação, julgue os
seguintes itens.
O desenvolvimento de software seguro é uma funcionalidade presente em todas as ferramentas e padrões existentes no mercado. Assim, o programador precisa focar apenas na criatividade e no atendimento aos requisitos do cliente, pois segurança, hoje, é uma questão secundária.
Q43312 Segurança da Informação
Com relação à segurança da informação, julgue os
seguintes itens.
Um elemento fundamental a ser considerado no mundo eletrônico atual é a disponibilidade da informação, ou seja, informação para as pessoas autorizadas na hora que dela precisarem.
Q43311 Segurança da Informação
Com relação à segurança da informação, julgue os
seguintes itens.
Uma informação será considerada íntegra quando seu conteúdo não tiver sido lido por entidade não-autorizada, seja esta um sistema ou uma pessoa.
Q43310 Segurança da Informação
Com relação à segurança da informação, julgue os
seguintes itens.
Confiabilidade é tornar uma informação disponível no momento em que ela se torna necessária.
Q43309 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
At the beginning of the second paragraph, "should" can be correctly replaced by ought to.
Q43308 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The plan is supposed to include the likelihood of failure, its results and the actions to be taken to contain development risk.
Q43307 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
In a lot of projects, it is hoped that the plan should be able to spot specific risky areas.
Q43305 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Large projects demand patient learning to go through it.
Q43304 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The reviewers must read and rewrite the material while being present in the meetings.
Q315822 Sistemas Operacionais
Com referência à administração de sistemas operacionais, julgue os itens a seguir.

O MS-Windows, família popular e comercial de sistemas operacionais, criado pela Microsoft para computadores pessoais, sendo a versão mais recente o Windows 7.

Q315563 Direito do Trabalho
No que se refere ao direito individual do trabalho, julgue os itens a seguir. Nesse sentido, considere que as siglas CLT e TST se referem, respectivamente, a Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho e
Tribunal Superior do Trabalho.

O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro garante à gestante o direito à estabilidade provisória no emprego; entretanto, segundo entendimento do TST, tal direito não é assegurado na hipótese de contrato de emprego por prazo determinado, pois, nesse caso, já se sabe o termo final do pacto.

Q310544 Direito Administrativo
Em relação aos ilícitos e às penalidades relacionadas à aquisição e
contratação, julgue os itens que se seguem.
O indivíduo que proporciona que terceiro devasse sigilo de proposta apresentada em procedimento licitatório está sujeito às sanções previstas para crime em licitação.
Q43365 Engenharia de Software
Com referência às áreas da engenharia de software, julgue os
itens que seguem.
O Swebok é um documento de referência em engenharia de software, organizado pelo IEEE e pela ACM, contendo um conjunto de conhecimentos dividido em 5 áreas e suas respectivas 6 subáreas.
Q2226462 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.

Chou has witnessed other programmers considering out loud the innate impossibility of women being great coders.  
Q2226448 Português
Texto CB1A1-II

    Em 1898, Nikola Tesla impressionou quem assistiu à sua apresentação na Feira Electrical Exhibition, que aconteceu no (então recém-inaugurado) Madison Square Garden, em Nova York.
      Em uma piscina, o cientista colocou um barco em miniatura — que, de repente, começou a se mover sozinho. A plateia, boquiaberta, logo o indagou sobre o feito. Tesla disse que havia equipado o barco com um “sistema inteligente”, capaz de responder, inclusive, a comandos de direção.
         As pessoas, então, gritaram para que a miniatura navegasse para frente, para o lado, para trás… E o barquinho obedeceu, como se estivesse “ouvindo” as ordens. Mentira. Tesla estava comandando tudo à distância. Cortesia de sua invenção: o primeiro sistema de controle remoto via ondas de rádio.
       Hoje, claro, ninguém cairia no truque do barquinho. Mas, naquela época, quase ninguém conhecia as propriedades da radiotransmissão — a primeira transmissão transatlântica, feita pelo italiano Guglielmo Marconi, havia acontecido apenas um ano antes, em 1897. Tesla, assim como Marconi, foi um dos precursores desse campo de estudo, que revolucionou o modo como nos comunicamos.

Rafael Battaglia. Internet:<>  (com adaptações).

Com base nas ideias do texto CB1A1-II, julgue o item a seguir.

Segundo o texto, Tesla apresentou sua invenção, o primeiro sistema de controle remoto via ondas de rádio, na Feira Electrical Exhibition, em 1898.

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