Questões de Concurso Comentadas para senado federal

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Ano: 2022 Banca: FGV Órgão: Senado Federal Prova: FGV - 2022 - Senado Federal - Advogado |
Q1984324 Direito Constitucional
José, advogado, recebeu a incumbência, no escritório em que atua, de identificar alguns aspectos afetos à repercussão geral das questões constitucionais, considerando as relações processuais nas quais o escritório atua. Ao final de suas reflexões, concluiu que
I. em matéria criminal, há presunção iuris et iure de que a repercussão geral está presente.
II. a repercussão geral não é exigida nas causas em que a Fazenda Pública figure como parte.
III. a repercussão geral deve ser demonstrada in abstracto, não sendo necessário que a questão constitucional seja discutida no caso concreto.
Em relação às conclusões de José, à luz da sistemática vigente, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2022 Banca: FGV Órgão: Senado Federal Prova: FGV - 2022 - Senado Federal - Advogado |
Q1984323 Direito Constitucional
Maria, prefeita do Município Alfa, informou à sua assessoria que almejava encaminhar projeto de lei à Câmara Municipal, estabelecendo balizamentos direcionados à regulamentação e à fiscalização do transporte individual de passageiros, realizado no âmbito do Município por motorista cadastrado em aplicativo.
Ato contínuo, Maria apresentou questionamento a respeito da competência municipal na matéria, sendo-lhe corretamente informado que
Ano: 2022 Banca: FGV Órgão: Senado Federal Prova: FGV - 2022 - Senado Federal - Advogado |
Q1984321 Inglês

Read Text II and answer the question that follow it.

Text II

The gist of this cartoon depends on the reader
Ano: 2022 Banca: FGV Órgão: Senado Federal Prova: FGV - 2022 - Senado Federal - Advogado |
Q1984317 Inglês
Read text I and answer the question that follow it.

Text I

The New Rules of Data Privacy

  The data harvested from our personal devices, along with our trail of electronic transactions and data from other sources, now provides the foundation for some of the world’s largest companies. […] For the past two decades, the commercial use of personal data has grown in wild-west fashion. But now, because of consumer mistrust, government actions, and competition for customers, those days are quickly coming to an end.
   For most of its existence, the data economy was structured around a “digital curtain” designed to obscure the industry’s practices from lawmakers and the public. Data was considered company property and a proprietary secret, even though the data originated from customers’ private behavior. That curtain has since been lifted and a convergence of consumer, government, and market forces are now giving users more control over the data they generate. Instead of serving as a resource that can be freely harvested, countries in every region of the world have begun to treat personal data as an asset owned by individuals and held in trust by firms.
   This will be a far better organizing principle for the data economy. Giving individuals more control has the potential to curtail the sector’s worst excesses while generating a new wave of customer-driven innovation, as customers begin to express what sort of personalization and opportunity they want their data to enable. And while Adtech firms in particular will be hardest hit, any firm with substantial troves of customer data will have to make sweeping changes to its practices, particularly large firms such as financial institutions, healthcare firms, utilities, and major manufacturers and retailers.
  Leading firms are already adapting to the new reality as it unfolds. The key to this transition — based upon our research on data and trust, and our experience working on this issue with a wide variety of firms— is for companies to reorganize their data operations around the new fundamental rules of consent, insight, and flow.
   Federal lawmakers are moving to curtail the power of big tech. Meanwhile, in 2021 state legislatures proposed or passed at least 27 online privacy bills regulating data markets and protecting personal digital rights. Lawmakers from California to China are implementing legislation that mirrors Europe’s GDPR, while the EU itself has turned its attention to regulating the use of AI. Where once companies were always ahead of regulators, now they struggle to keep up with compliance requirements across multiple jurisdictions.

Adapted from: February 25, 2022 – Retrieved September 6, 2022
According to the 2nd paragraph, in relation to the industry’s practices, the function of the “digital curtain” was to 
Ano: 2022 Banca: FGV Órgão: Senado Federal Prova: FGV - 2022 - Senado Federal - Advogado |
Q1984311 Raciocínio Lógico
A negativa da frase
“Se fizer sol amanhã, eu vou à praia.”
421: B
422: D
423: C
424: D
425: C