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Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Taquígrafo |
Q912988 Redação Oficial


No Acre, amor pela taquigrafia une três gerações de uma família

MELLO, Bruna, 2016.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 abr.2018.
Quando a professora Mariusa Carvalho decidiu se aposentar, redigiu, como de praxe, um requerimento ao governador do estado do Acre para pedir sua aposentadoria.
Assinale o pronome de tratamento que a professora teve de utilizar na invocação desse texto oficial.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Taquígrafo |
Q912980 Português


Anotações sobre uma pichação

    Faz provavelmente uns dois anos que topei com a frase pela primeira vez, num muro qualquer da cidade. Em pouco tempo, era impossível deixar de vêla. Da noite para o dia, como uma infecção, onde houvesse um tapume, muro, parede, empena ou porta de ferro, ela aparecia: Não fui eu.

    É certo que, pichada num muro de Estocolmo, os sentidos que ganharia seriam outros, e não há dificuldade em imaginar que conteúdos ela traria à tona em Berlim. História e geografia aqui são determinantes. O passado é tudo.

    Minha hipótese é de que, no Brasil, a frase é imediatamente lida como um protesto de inocência. A um brasileiro não ocorrerá interpretá-la como manifestação de modéstia, como recusa de um crédito indevido – Não, essa honra não me cabe, ou Não, o mérito não é meu. Como violência, desigualdade e desordem formam a teia de nossa existência cívica, o que se insinua nas entrelinhas de Não fui eu não é a virtude, mas o delito.

    Delito dos outros, no caso. A transferência de ônus é o que parece dar força ao enunciado, na medida em que fundamenta uma verdade incômoda sobre nossa condição de cidadãos brasileiros. Como tantos de nós, o autor está tirando o corpo fora.

Ignora-se a identidade do autor dessa frase com a qual o carioca convive há anos e que continua a se disseminar pelas superfícies da cidade. Numa reportagem de 2017 da Veja Rio, ele afirma que se manterá no anonimato: “Se a pichação funciona como uma assinatura que reivindica a autoria, meu trabalho é uma assinatura que nega a própria autoria. Comecei a me interessar pela potência poética que surgia disso e pelas diferentes leituras que a frase poderia ter na rua.”

    Fez bem. Não sendo enunciada por ninguém em particular, a frase pertence a qualquer um. A sensação difusa de que ela exprime um éthos*, de que essas três palavras falam de nós, é uma confirmação de que, dado o alheamento geral, o melhor mesmo é jogar a toalha e ir cuidar da vida.

(*Éthos: palavra com origem grega, que significa "caráter moral")

SALLES, João Moreira. Revista PIAUÍ, 2018. (Adaptado)

Sobre a redação do trecho Ignora-se a identidade do autor dessa frase com a qual o carioca convive há anos, é CORRETO afirmar que a(s)
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Taquígrafo |
Q912977 Português


Anotações sobre uma pichação

    Faz provavelmente uns dois anos que topei com a frase pela primeira vez, num muro qualquer da cidade. Em pouco tempo, era impossível deixar de vêla. Da noite para o dia, como uma infecção, onde houvesse um tapume, muro, parede, empena ou porta de ferro, ela aparecia: Não fui eu.

    É certo que, pichada num muro de Estocolmo, os sentidos que ganharia seriam outros, e não há dificuldade em imaginar que conteúdos ela traria à tona em Berlim. História e geografia aqui são determinantes. O passado é tudo.

    Minha hipótese é de que, no Brasil, a frase é imediatamente lida como um protesto de inocência. A um brasileiro não ocorrerá interpretá-la como manifestação de modéstia, como recusa de um crédito indevido – Não, essa honra não me cabe, ou Não, o mérito não é meu. Como violência, desigualdade e desordem formam a teia de nossa existência cívica, o que se insinua nas entrelinhas de Não fui eu não é a virtude, mas o delito.

    Delito dos outros, no caso. A transferência de ônus é o que parece dar força ao enunciado, na medida em que fundamenta uma verdade incômoda sobre nossa condição de cidadãos brasileiros. Como tantos de nós, o autor está tirando o corpo fora.

Ignora-se a identidade do autor dessa frase com a qual o carioca convive há anos e que continua a se disseminar pelas superfícies da cidade. Numa reportagem de 2017 da Veja Rio, ele afirma que se manterá no anonimato: “Se a pichação funciona como uma assinatura que reivindica a autoria, meu trabalho é uma assinatura que nega a própria autoria. Comecei a me interessar pela potência poética que surgia disso e pelas diferentes leituras que a frase poderia ter na rua.”

    Fez bem. Não sendo enunciada por ninguém em particular, a frase pertence a qualquer um. A sensação difusa de que ela exprime um éthos*, de que essas três palavras falam de nós, é uma confirmação de que, dado o alheamento geral, o melhor mesmo é jogar a toalha e ir cuidar da vida.

(*Éthos: palavra com origem grega, que significa "caráter moral")

SALLES, João Moreira. Revista PIAUÍ, 2018. (Adaptado)

O emprego das aspas no Texto I justifica-se pelo fato de se terem usado fragmentos que representam um(a)
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Taquígrafo |
Q912967 Raciocínio Lógico
Os valores lógicos das proposições A, B e são respectivamente falso, falso. A proposição C apresenta valor lógico desconhecido, ou seja, pode ser uma proposição falsa ou verdadeira. Considere que os conectivos lógicos NÃO, E, OU e CONDICIONAL sejam representados por ¬, ^, ? e ? respectivamente.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Portanto, pode-se afirmar que os valores lógicos X ,Y e Z nessa tabela são respectivamente
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912943 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question.

Woman Becomes First South African Imprisoned for Racist Speech

LONDON – If Vicki Momberg had only unleashed a high-volume tirade at the South African police officers, video of it would have been of mere passing interest. But her repeated use of a racial slur unfamiliar to most Americans, but explosive in South Africa – made her notorious, and led to demands to make her an example.
On Wednesday, Ms. Momberg, a white woman, became the first person in South Africa to be sent to prison for using racist language against someone, according to prosecutors and legal experts. Specifically, she hurled the term kaffir, considered the most offensive racial slur in South Africa so radioactive socially that it is often referred to as the k-word.
The 2016 viral video of her outburst at police officers who responded to her report of thieves breaking into her car set off a national furor, and made Ms. Momberg a symbol of the racism that persists a generation after the collapse of apartheid.
Partly because of that video, viewed repeatedly on social media and news sites, the parliament may take up a bill that would make prosecution for hate speech more common.
In a Johannesburg courtroom on Wednesday, Magistrate Pravina Raghoonandan sentenced Ms. Momberg to three years in prison, with one year suspended. Local media reported that Ms. Momberg, once a well-off real estate agent, cried as the sentence was read. The judge refused to allow Ms. Momberg to remain free on bail pending an appeal, and officers led her away from the courtroom.
Her lawyer, Kevin Lawlor, declined to comment. The decision was met mostly with celebration on social media, in a majority-black country where profound inequality coexists with memories of an apartheid system that institutionalized racial separation and oppression. [...]

Richard Pérez-Peña, Mar. 28, 2018

Disponível em: < 03/28/world/europe/south-africa-racist-speech>. Acesso em: 31 mar. 2018.
Choose the option in which the word notorious presents a different meaning from the one used in the text.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912942 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question.

Woman Becomes First South African Imprisoned for Racist Speech

LONDON – If Vicki Momberg had only unleashed a high-volume tirade at the South African police officers, video of it would have been of mere passing interest. But her repeated use of a racial slur unfamiliar to most Americans, but explosive in South Africa – made her notorious, and led to demands to make her an example.
On Wednesday, Ms. Momberg, a white woman, became the first person in South Africa to be sent to prison for using racist language against someone, according to prosecutors and legal experts. Specifically, she hurled the term kaffir, considered the most offensive racial slur in South Africa so radioactive socially that it is often referred to as the k-word.
The 2016 viral video of her outburst at police officers who responded to her report of thieves breaking into her car set off a national furor, and made Ms. Momberg a symbol of the racism that persists a generation after the collapse of apartheid.
Partly because of that video, viewed repeatedly on social media and news sites, the parliament may take up a bill that would make prosecution for hate speech more common.
In a Johannesburg courtroom on Wednesday, Magistrate Pravina Raghoonandan sentenced Ms. Momberg to three years in prison, with one year suspended. Local media reported that Ms. Momberg, once a well-off real estate agent, cried as the sentence was read. The judge refused to allow Ms. Momberg to remain free on bail pending an appeal, and officers led her away from the courtroom.
Her lawyer, Kevin Lawlor, declined to comment. The decision was met mostly with celebration on social media, in a majority-black country where profound inequality coexists with memories of an apartheid system that institutionalized racial separation and oppression. [...]

Richard Pérez-Peña, Mar. 28, 2018

Disponível em: < 03/28/world/europe/south-africa-racist-speech>. Acesso em: 31 mar. 2018.
According to text it is right to affirm that Ms. Momberg
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912941 Inglês

Read and mark the correct translation for this text.

Conheça o nosso atendimento e saiba quando é a melhor hora para viajar: Gestantes e lactantes têm direito a atendimento preferencial. Por isso, se você estiver nestas condições, solicite o serviço especial no balcão da GOL no aeroporto.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.

Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912940 Inglês

Read and mark the correct translation for this text.

Foreign Policy on Human Rights

Brazil’s foreign policy on human rights presents a country open to the world, willing to cooperate and discuss its own strengths and weaknesses.

Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912939 Inglês

Mark the correct translation for this text.

Wanted: Cemetery Superintendent

Now hiring, read the classified ad. Cemetery superintendent. The ideal candidate must be able to supervise in a fast-paced environment.

Disponível em: < wanted-cemetery-superintendent/>. Acesso em: 26 mar. 2018.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912938 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question

Inside the world's quietest room

If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat. A ringing in your ears becomes deafening. When you move, your bones make a grinding noise. Eventually you lose your balance, because the absolute lack of reverberation sabotages your spatial awareness.
In this room at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, all sound from the outside world is locked out and any sound produced inside is stopped cold. It's called an anechoic chamber, because it creates no echo at all — which makes the sound of clapping hands downright eerie.
The background noise in the room is so low that it approaches the lowest threshold theorized by mathematicians, the absolute zero of sound — the next step down is a vacuum, or the absence of sound.
This is the world's quietest place.

Deafening silence

The room offers a very rare sensorial experience.
As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe, wrote Hundraj Gopal, a speech and hearing scientist and the principal designer of the anechoic chamber at Microsoft, in an email. Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. Very ____ sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud, he said.
In the real world, Gopal explained, our ears are constantly subject to some level of sound, so there is always some air pressure on the ear drums. But upon entering the anechoic room this constant air pressure is gone, since there are no sound reflections from the surrounding walls.
This is a novel experience, he wrote. [...]

Jacopo Prisco, CNN

Disponível em: < anechoic-chamber-worlds-quietest-room/index.html>. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018.
Choose the option in which the pair of words from the text, formed with the suffix ing, represents a verbal form.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912936 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question

Inside the world's quietest room

If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat. A ringing in your ears becomes deafening. When you move, your bones make a grinding noise. Eventually you lose your balance, because the absolute lack of reverberation sabotages your spatial awareness.
In this room at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, all sound from the outside world is locked out and any sound produced inside is stopped cold. It's called an anechoic chamber, because it creates no echo at all — which makes the sound of clapping hands downright eerie.
The background noise in the room is so low that it approaches the lowest threshold theorized by mathematicians, the absolute zero of sound — the next step down is a vacuum, or the absence of sound.
This is the world's quietest place.

Deafening silence

The room offers a very rare sensorial experience.
As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe, wrote Hundraj Gopal, a speech and hearing scientist and the principal designer of the anechoic chamber at Microsoft, in an email. Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. Very ____ sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud, he said.
In the real world, Gopal explained, our ears are constantly subject to some level of sound, so there is always some air pressure on the ear drums. But upon entering the anechoic room this constant air pressure is gone, since there are no sound reflections from the surrounding walls.
This is a novel experience, he wrote. [...]

Jacopo Prisco, CNN

Disponível em: < anechoic-chamber-worlds-quietest-room/index.html>. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018.
The word that best fits the gap in the second part of the text – Deafening silence – is
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912935 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question

Inside the world's quietest room

If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat. A ringing in your ears becomes deafening. When you move, your bones make a grinding noise. Eventually you lose your balance, because the absolute lack of reverberation sabotages your spatial awareness.
In this room at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, all sound from the outside world is locked out and any sound produced inside is stopped cold. It's called an anechoic chamber, because it creates no echo at all — which makes the sound of clapping hands downright eerie.
The background noise in the room is so low that it approaches the lowest threshold theorized by mathematicians, the absolute zero of sound — the next step down is a vacuum, or the absence of sound.
This is the world's quietest place.

Deafening silence

The room offers a very rare sensorial experience.
As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe, wrote Hundraj Gopal, a speech and hearing scientist and the principal designer of the anechoic chamber at Microsoft, in an email. Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. Very ____ sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud, he said.
In the real world, Gopal explained, our ears are constantly subject to some level of sound, so there is always some air pressure on the ear drums. But upon entering the anechoic room this constant air pressure is gone, since there are no sound reflections from the surrounding walls.
This is a novel experience, he wrote. [...]

Jacopo Prisco, CNN

Disponível em: < anechoic-chamber-worlds-quietest-room/index.html>. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018.
The words downright eerie (2nd paragraph) have the same meaning in the context as
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912934 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question

Inside the world's quietest room

If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat. A ringing in your ears becomes deafening. When you move, your bones make a grinding noise. Eventually you lose your balance, because the absolute lack of reverberation sabotages your spatial awareness.
In this room at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, all sound from the outside world is locked out and any sound produced inside is stopped cold. It's called an anechoic chamber, because it creates no echo at all — which makes the sound of clapping hands downright eerie.
The background noise in the room is so low that it approaches the lowest threshold theorized by mathematicians, the absolute zero of sound — the next step down is a vacuum, or the absence of sound.
This is the world's quietest place.

Deafening silence

The room offers a very rare sensorial experience.
As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe, wrote Hundraj Gopal, a speech and hearing scientist and the principal designer of the anechoic chamber at Microsoft, in an email. Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. Very ____ sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud, he said.
In the real world, Gopal explained, our ears are constantly subject to some level of sound, so there is always some air pressure on the ear drums. But upon entering the anechoic room this constant air pressure is gone, since there are no sound reflections from the surrounding walls.
This is a novel experience, he wrote. [...]

Jacopo Prisco, CNN

Disponível em: < anechoic-chamber-worlds-quietest-room/index.html>. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018.
According to text, inside the world's quietest room,
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912933 Inglês

Mark the correct translation for this text.

Comissão da ONU sobre a Situação das Mulheres entrega plano para garantir os direitos e o desenvolvimento de mulheres e meninas rurais.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.

Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912932 Inglês

Read and mark the correct translation for this text.

U.N.: Asia Could Run Out of Fish by 2048

Devastation of the natural world is so severe it is endangering economies, livelihoods, food security, access to drinking water and the general quality of life around the world.
Disponível em: < tech-science>. Acesso em: 24 mar. 2018.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912931 Inglês

Mark the correct translation for this headline.

        The teenage gamers earning six figures.


        Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 28 mar. 2018.

Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912930 Inglês

Read, translate and mark the correct translation for this sentence.

    So much for my promising career in espionage…

                                                  Skyfall movie, 2012.

Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912929 Inglês

Choose and mark the correct translation for this text.

Além de impulsionar o corte de árvores, a fabricação do papel está associada à poluição do meio ambiente, uma vez que o processo utiliza produtos químicos para branqueamento das folhas.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 mar.2018.

Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912928 Inglês
In many countries, however, lack of government support, or a shortage of foreign aid, has hindered the achievement of language-teaching goals.
The connective underlined in the excerpt is replaced correctly with no alteration of meaning in
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912927 Inglês
Choose the option in which the sentence is grammatically correct.
101: D
102: A
103: C
104: B
105: B
106: D
107: B
108: C
109: B
110: C
111: C
112: D
113: B
114: D
115: D
116: A
117: D
118: A
119: C
120: A