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Q503716 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
When teaching vocabulary, teachers should be aware of the purpose of the activities they propose. Harmer (2007) presents some examples of vocabulary activities associated with a specific purpose. One example of correct association between the activity and its purpose is:
Q503715 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
According to Harmer (2007) in “How to teach English”, the discovery approach is a possible way of teaching grammar. In this approach, teachers lead learners to build the target knowledge. One example of a discovery activity is:
Q503714 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
According to the “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais”, communicative competence is composed of the following three types of knowledge:
Q503713 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In language teaching studies, some attempts of modeling the reading process have been made. The approach to reading that is generally accepted today is:
Q503712 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In “Oficina de Linguística Aplicada”, Moita Lopes (1996) discusses the concept of “self-ful?lling prophecy”, presented by Rosenthal and Jacobson in 1973. The author particularly uses this concept to tackle the belief of failure, which:
81: A
82: A
83: D
84: A
85: C