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Q2112002 Inglês
What is Monkeypox?

      Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus is part of the same family of viruses as variola virus, the virus that causes smallpox.     Monkeypox symptoms are similar to smallpox symptoms, but milder, and monkeypox is rarely fatal. Monkeypox is not related to chickenpox. Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research. Despite being named “monkeypox,” the source of the disease remains unknown. However, African rodents and non-human primates (like monkeys) might harbor the virus and infect people.
     The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970. Prior to the 2022 outbreak, monkeypox had been reported in people in several central and western African countries. Previously, almost all monkeypox cases in people outside of Africa  to international travel to countries where the disease commonly occurs or through imported animals. These cases occurred on multiple continents.

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De acordo com o texto, a varíola do macaco
Q2112001 Inglês
What is Monkeypox?

      Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus is part of the same family of viruses as variola virus, the virus that causes smallpox.     Monkeypox symptoms are similar to smallpox symptoms, but milder, and monkeypox is rarely fatal. Monkeypox is not related to chickenpox. Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research. Despite being named “monkeypox,” the source of the disease remains unknown. However, African rodents and non-human primates (like monkeys) might harbor the virus and infect people.
     The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970. Prior to the 2022 outbreak, monkeypox had been reported in people in several central and western African countries. Previously, almost all monkeypox cases in people outside of Africa  to international travel to countries where the disease commonly occurs or through imported animals. These cases occurred on multiple continents.

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Preenche corretamente a lacuna I o que se encontra em:
Q2112000 Inglês
Living Conditions

      Living conditions are the circumstances affecting the way people live and this often affects their health. Often, choice of lifestyle in relation to nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and smoking are considered as the main determinants of  but living conditions are equally important.
      The main difference between living conditions and lifestyle is which of these factors are within a person’s area of control.
      In 2010, the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health published its final report highlighting the importance of improving living conditions in order to improve overall health. The factors described under living conditions included access to health care and education, quality housing, clean water, sanitation, social protection and universal health care.

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Segundo o texto,
Q2111999 Inglês
Living Conditions

      Living conditions are the circumstances affecting the way people live and this often affects their health. Often, choice of lifestyle in relation to nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and smoking are considered as the main determinants of  but living conditions are equally important.
      The main difference between living conditions and lifestyle is which of these factors are within a person’s area of control.
      In 2010, the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health published its final report highlighting the importance of improving living conditions in order to improve overall health. The factors described under living conditions included access to health care and education, quality housing, clean water, sanitation, social protection and universal health care.

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Preenche corretamente a lacuna I o que se encontra em:
Q2111998 Inglês
Preenche corretamente a lacuna I em: If I can do this, given how nervous and anxious I am, then for you it will be Imagem associada para resolução da questão, o que se encontra em:  
Q2111997 Inglês
Teaching Idioms Is Teaching Fluency
Colorful language and powerful imagery make idioms a lot of fun for ESL learners. When you throw cats and dogs in a scene where they are falling from the sky, it’s hard to know exactly what a phrase might mean. It’s almost like a code-breaking game, where students must learn that when certain words come together in a phrase, they can mean something very different.
It’s important to not only teach the meaning of idioms, but to also teach how to use them correctly and effectively. When a nonnative speaker uses an idiom correctly, he or she will sound very fluent. But, on the other hand, if they bumble the phrase, they will sound the exact opposite.
Learning idioms is appropriate for intermediate to advanced students. If you teach an idiom lesson to beginners or lowintermediate learners, you may well be putting them in the bumbling category mentioned above. Teach idioms wisely and sparingly to ensure your students’ success.
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O autor do texto acima
Q2111996 Inglês
    Although women nowadays outnumber men in higher education, they remain strongly underrepresented in math-intensive fields. This underrepresentation is a source of concern for two main reasons: It contributes substantially to gender inequality in the labor market, and it represents a loss of potential talent that could in particular help meeting the growing demand of skills related to the development of information technology and artificial intelligence.
        Despite these concerns, the underrepresentation of women in math-intensive fields has remained constant or even increased in most developed countries during the past two decades. This underrepresentation is also more pronounced in more developed countries and in countries that are more gender equal in terms of economic and political opportunities and rights, a pattern that has been named the “gender-equality paradox”.

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De acordo com o texto,
Q2111995 Inglês
    Although women nowadays outnumber men in higher education, they remain strongly underrepresented in math-intensive fields. This underrepresentation is a source of concern for two main reasons: It contributes substantially to gender inequality in the labor market, and it represents a loss of potential talent that could in particular help meeting the growing demand of skills related to the development of information technology and artificial intelligence.
        Despite these concerns, the underrepresentation of women in math-intensive fields has remained constant or even increased in most developed countries during the past two decades. This underrepresentation is also more pronounced in more developed countries and in countries that are more gender equal in terms of economic and political opportunities and rights, a pattern that has been named the “gender-equality paradox”.

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A tradução apropriada para meeting, conforme empregada no texto, é
Q2111994 Inglês
    Although women nowadays outnumber men in higher education, they remain strongly underrepresented in math-intensive fields. This underrepresentation is a source of concern for two main reasons: It contributes substantially to gender inequality in the labor market, and it represents a loss of potential talent that could in particular help meeting the growing demand of skills related to the development of information technology and artificial intelligence.
        Despite these concerns, the underrepresentation of women in math-intensive fields has remained constant or even increased in most developed countries during the past two decades. This underrepresentation is also more pronounced in more developed countries and in countries that are more gender equal in terms of economic and political opportunities and rights, a pattern that has been named the “gender-equality paradox”.

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Um sinônimo de Although, conforme usado no texto, é
Q2111953 Educação Física
Com o intuito de superar o modelo de ensino tradicional centrado no docente, uma das estratégias recomendadas é
Q2111952 Educação Física
Abaixo estão relacionados alguns dos benefícios da prática regular de exercícios físicos para a saúde.     I. Diminuem os riscos de doenças cardíacas.   II. Aumentam a força muscular. III. Aceleram o metabolismo.
Está correto o que consta de  
Q2111951 Educação Física
São técnicas APENAS da capoeira:
Q2111950 Educação Física
Corresponde às fases do desenvolvimento motor o que consta em:
Q2111949 Educação Física
O atual debate curricular na Educação Física escolar, em muitos casos, tem proporcionado a hibridização epistemológica e didático-metodológica entre as suas perspectivas, principalmente no tocante aos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, minimizando o potencial de cada uma. A fim de superar esse problema é importante realçar suas diferenças. Desse modo, é correto afirmar que, na perspectiva 
Q2111948 Educação Física
Atualmente, a presença da capoeira nos currículos da Educação Física é reforçada por documentos oficiais que demonstram sua importância na educação para as relações étnico-raciais. Em relação a essa importância, a capoeira pode
Q2111947 Educação Física
O fim da Ditadura cívico-militar e a consequente redemocratização do Brasil contribuíram para grandes mudanças no cenário da Educação Física nacional. Por efeito desse acontecimento podemos afirmar que: 
Q2111946 Educação Física
O vínculo da Educação Física com a atividade física e a saúde remonta aos seus primórdios na Europa do final do século XVIII, impactada pela revolução industrial, processos massivos de urbanização, entre outros fatores. Atualmente, esse vínculo ganha outros contornos face à aproximação da Educação Física com as Ciências Humanas e sua inserção na área de Códigos e Linguagens. Diante disso, é correto afirmar: 
Q2111945 Educação Física
Durante o período da pandemia, foi possível notar nas redes sociais o amplo acesso de jovens e crianças ao aplicativo Tik Tok, do qual extraíam danças urbanas diversas para prática. A respeito das danças urbanas pode-se dizer que 
Q2111944 Educação Física
Na literatura da Educação Física brasileira, encontramos os termos cultura corporal, cultura de movimento ou cultura corporal de movimento, que, apesar de similares, apresentam vários significados a depender dos autores e sua vinculação teórica. Desse modo, podemos afirmar que:  
Q2111443 Português
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Na fala do adulto, verifica-se
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