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Q1711453 Espanhol

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Río de Janeiro, de meca del carnaval a Capital Mundial de la Arquitectura 

Río de Janeiro estrena este 2020 el título de capital mundial de la arquitectura, un reconocimiento que la Unesco, junto con la Unión Internacional de Arquitectos, concederá a partir de ahora cada tres años, para “demostrar el papel crucial de la arquitectura y la cultura en el desarrollo urbano sostenible”, en palabras de sus promotores. Se trata de un título “más que merecido”, según el experto brasileño Rafael Bokor. De esa forma, la ciudad brasileña ya no sólo luce el título de meca mundial del carnaval, que tendrá lugar este año del 21 al 26 de febrero con todo el boato, energía y diversión que le caracteriza, sino también de la arquitectura.

“Río de Janeiro, además de ser una de las ciudades con más atractivos naturales, también es guardiana de innumerables ejemplos de casas y edificios de estilos que van desde el colonial hasta el art déco y el moderno. Esa unión de la naturaleza con los diferentes estilos arquitectónicos es lo que da su singularidad a la Ciudad Maravillosa”, prosigue el fundador y autor de Rio Casas & Prédios Antigos, quien los fines de semana organiza tours por las construcciones antiguas de la ciudad.

Museo a cielo abierto

Más allá de su orografía fantástica, sus playas de postal, sus bosques frondosos que esconden cascadas y su energía sin límite, la arquitectura siempre ha sido protagonista en esta ciudad que los portugueses confundieron, un enero de 1502, con la desembocadura de un río -de ahí su nombre-, a pesar de que se trataba de una caprichosa bahía, la de Guanabara.

Desde entonces, Río ha ido adaptando estilos dispares hasta convertirse en ese museo a cielo abierto que hace que sus habitantes -los cariocas- sólo puedan llamarla Cidade Maravilhosa. “Una visión panorámica de la cuidad nos hace viajar desde las inmensas rocas magmáticas y su exuberante vegetación hasta los edificios coloniales que resisten el paso del tiempo; desde las arenas blancas de Ipanema hasta la igualmente blanca y prístina arquitectura moderna de Oscar Niemeyer; desde la belleza del neomanuelino portugués hasta los crudos y coloridos ladrillos de las favelas” explica la historiadora de arte Sandra Perrone, entusiasta guía oficial tanto de Río como de Florencia (Italia).

“Así, Río se traduce en una sinfonía de formas. Paseando durante menos de 10 minutos se pueden admirar tanto espacios coloniales concebidos por el Brigadeiro José Fernández Pinto Alpoim, como el primer rascacielos art déco de America Latina ideado por Joseph Gire; así como el postmodernismo orgánico de Santiago Calatrava o las influencias de Le Corbusier en el maravilloso Palacio Capanema”, concluye Perrone.

Fuente: /11/5e342389fc6c83ab268b4671.html

En la frase “más allá de su orografía fantástica, sus playas de postal, sus bosques frondosos que esconden cascadas y su energía sin límite, la arquitectura siempre ha sido protagonista en esta ciudad”, el conector “más allá de” cumple la función de:
Q1709980 Inglês



The Literary Influences of Superstar Musician David Bowie


David Bowie was a pop star for most of his career from the 1960s until his death in 2016. He was known for his flamboyant style, songwriting and the ability to artistically turn on a dime. But Bowie, who died of cancer at 69, was more than a multi-platinum rock and roller. He was also one of the more literate composers in the business.

So much so, in fact, that in conjunction with a career retrospective in 2013 at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Bowie issued a list of the one hundred books he considered the most important and influential. British music columnist John O'Connell linked this list to Bowie's prolific music. The result? A book called Bowie's Bookshelf out this month from Gallery Books.

William S. Burroughs first made the link between Bowie's lyrics and T. S. Eliot's poetry. In a Rolling Stone interview, Burroughs asked if Hunky Dory's "Eight Line Poem" had been influenced by Eliot's "The Hollow Men." Bowie's reply: "Never read him." But Bowie was definitely exposed to Eliot's influence. "Goodnight Ladies" on Transformer, the album Bowie produced for Lou Reed in 1972, is a riff on the end of the second section, "A Game of Chess," from Eliot's poem "The Waste Land." Eliot, for his part, is deliberately quoting Ophelia's "Good night, sweet ladies" speech from Hamlet. Eliot's method established a new protocol for artistic theft—the modern poet in dialogue with his or her predecessors. Bowie, too, was candid about how much he took from other artists. "You can't steal from a thief," he said when LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy admitted to stealing from Bowie's songs.

Avaiable in :, accessed on February 20th, 2020. Adapted. 

Choose a sentence which has an adjective in the superlative form.
Q1709979 Inglês



The Literary Influences of Superstar Musician David Bowie


David Bowie was a pop star for most of his career from the 1960s until his death in 2016. He was known for his flamboyant style, songwriting and the ability to artistically turn on a dime. But Bowie, who died of cancer at 69, was more than a multi-platinum rock and roller. He was also one of the more literate composers in the business.

So much so, in fact, that in conjunction with a career retrospective in 2013 at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Bowie issued a list of the one hundred books he considered the most important and influential. British music columnist John O'Connell linked this list to Bowie's prolific music. The result? A book called Bowie's Bookshelf out this month from Gallery Books.

William S. Burroughs first made the link between Bowie's lyrics and T. S. Eliot's poetry. In a Rolling Stone interview, Burroughs asked if Hunky Dory's "Eight Line Poem" had been influenced by Eliot's "The Hollow Men." Bowie's reply: "Never read him." But Bowie was definitely exposed to Eliot's influence. "Goodnight Ladies" on Transformer, the album Bowie produced for Lou Reed in 1972, is a riff on the end of the second section, "A Game of Chess," from Eliot's poem "The Waste Land." Eliot, for his part, is deliberately quoting Ophelia's "Good night, sweet ladies" speech from Hamlet. Eliot's method established a new protocol for artistic theft—the modern poet in dialogue with his or her predecessors. Bowie, too, was candid about how much he took from other artists. "You can't steal from a thief," he said when LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy admitted to stealing from Bowie's songs.

Avaiable in :, accessed on February 20th, 2020. Adapted. 

The word closest in meaning to ABILITY as in

“the ability to artistically turn on a dime”

Q1709977 Inglês



The Literary Influences of Superstar Musician David Bowie


David Bowie was a pop star for most of his career from the 1960s until his death in 2016. He was known for his flamboyant style, songwriting and the ability to artistically turn on a dime. But Bowie, who died of cancer at 69, was more than a multi-platinum rock and roller. He was also one of the more literate composers in the business.

So much so, in fact, that in conjunction with a career retrospective in 2013 at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Bowie issued a list of the one hundred books he considered the most important and influential. British music columnist John O'Connell linked this list to Bowie's prolific music. The result? A book called Bowie's Bookshelf out this month from Gallery Books.

William S. Burroughs first made the link between Bowie's lyrics and T. S. Eliot's poetry. In a Rolling Stone interview, Burroughs asked if Hunky Dory's "Eight Line Poem" had been influenced by Eliot's "The Hollow Men." Bowie's reply: "Never read him." But Bowie was definitely exposed to Eliot's influence. "Goodnight Ladies" on Transformer, the album Bowie produced for Lou Reed in 1972, is a riff on the end of the second section, "A Game of Chess," from Eliot's poem "The Waste Land." Eliot, for his part, is deliberately quoting Ophelia's "Good night, sweet ladies" speech from Hamlet. Eliot's method established a new protocol for artistic theft—the modern poet in dialogue with his or her predecessors. Bowie, too, was candid about how much he took from other artists. "You can't steal from a thief," he said when LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy admitted to stealing from Bowie's songs.

Avaiable in :, accessed on February 20th, 2020. Adapted. 

According to the following passage, choose the correct option:

“In a Rolling Stone interview, Burroughs asked if Hunky Dory's "Eight Line Poem" had been influenced by Eliot's ‘The Hollow Men’."

Q1709976 Inglês



The Literary Influences of Superstar Musician David Bowie


David Bowie was a pop star for most of his career from the 1960s until his death in 2016. He was known for his flamboyant style, songwriting and the ability to artistically turn on a dime. But Bowie, who died of cancer at 69, was more than a multi-platinum rock and roller. He was also one of the more literate composers in the business.

So much so, in fact, that in conjunction with a career retrospective in 2013 at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Bowie issued a list of the one hundred books he considered the most important and influential. British music columnist John O'Connell linked this list to Bowie's prolific music. The result? A book called Bowie's Bookshelf out this month from Gallery Books.

William S. Burroughs first made the link between Bowie's lyrics and T. S. Eliot's poetry. In a Rolling Stone interview, Burroughs asked if Hunky Dory's "Eight Line Poem" had been influenced by Eliot's "The Hollow Men." Bowie's reply: "Never read him." But Bowie was definitely exposed to Eliot's influence. "Goodnight Ladies" on Transformer, the album Bowie produced for Lou Reed in 1972, is a riff on the end of the second section, "A Game of Chess," from Eliot's poem "The Waste Land." Eliot, for his part, is deliberately quoting Ophelia's "Good night, sweet ladies" speech from Hamlet. Eliot's method established a new protocol for artistic theft—the modern poet in dialogue with his or her predecessors. Bowie, too, was candid about how much he took from other artists. "You can't steal from a thief," he said when LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy admitted to stealing from Bowie's songs.

Avaiable in :, accessed on February 20th, 2020. Adapted. 

Which option has a tag question that completes the following sentence correctly?

“David Bowie was a pop star,________________”

701: B
702: A
703: C
704: B
705: B