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Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498518 Veterinária
Considere a Resolução Normativa Nº 17, de 13 de Julho de 2014, que dispõe sobre o reconhecimento de métodos alternativos ao uso de animais em atividade de pesquisa no Brasil.
Segundo o Art. 5º, parágrafo único, após o reconhecimento do método alternativo pelo CONCEA, fica estabelecido como limite para a substituição obrigatória do método original pelo método alternativo, o prazo, em anos, de:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498517 Veterinária
Os roedores são os hospedeiros mais utilizados em laboratório por conta de algumas características específicas.

Observe as características a seguir:

I - Custo e facilidade de manutenção
II - Fisiologia já bem conhecida
III - Facilidade de manipulação
IV - Pouca sociabilidade

Assinale a opção que contém a(s) característica(s) correta(s).
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498514 Veterinária
Nos animais de laboratório, o tempo de gestação varia conforme as espécies e, por isso, o conhecimento da fisiologia reprodutiva dos animais de laboratório é fundamental.

Dentre as espécies de roedores relacionadas abaixo, a que apresenta o menor período de gestação é:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498513 Veterinária
As carcaças de animais mortos por causas naturais ou sacrificados são consideradas resíduos sólidos do Grupo A, que apresentam risco potencial à Saúde Pública e ao meio ambiente, devido à presença de agentes biológicos.

Observe as afirmativas a seguir.

I - IAs carcaças devem ficar em sacos plásticos com etiqueta para descarte.
II - Qualquer aterro sanitário é o destino mais adequado para as carcaças.
III - A contaminação ambiental pode ser pelos fluidos e secreções das carcaças.
IV - Após a autoclavação, a carcaça pode ser descartada em lixo comum.

Assinale a opção que contém a(s) afirmativa(s) correta(s).
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498511 Veterinária
Durante o procedimento anestésico, alguns parâmetros são utilizados para avaliar o grau de profundidade da anestesia. Dentre os parâmetros relacionados abaixo, aquele que indica anestesia cirúrgica é o:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498510 Veterinária
Os ratos possuem uma glândula de grande importância clínica, pois, durante a manifestação de algumas doenças e estresse, a mesma pode aumentar de tamanho e intensidade de secreção, de cor avermelhada, na região periocular.

O nome dessa glândula é:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498509 Veterinária
Assinale a opção que corresponde ao microrganismo Tritrichomonas muris.
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498508 Veterinária
Os períodos gestacionais, em dias, do rato, camundongo e coelho são, respectivamente:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498506 Veterinária
O ciclo reprodutivo dos animais de laboratório varia conforme a espécie, sendo assim, o conhecimento do mesmo é importante para o planejamento do manejo reprodutivo do biotério.

As fêmeas de camundongos são poliéstricas contínuas, cujo ciclo tem a duração, em dias, igual a:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498505 Veterinária
A qualificação de um laboratório de experimentação animal depende de avaliações periódicas de qualidade representadas por Programa de Monitorização da Saúde.

Para as colônias de camundongos, ratos e hamsters, microbiologicamente controladas, a periodicidade de realização dessas avaliações é, em meses, de:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498502 Veterinária
Instalações especiais e equipamentos de segurança são necessários para proteger os funcionários, o público, os animais e o ambiente da exposição a agentes biológicos, químicos e físicos perigosos usados nos experimentos.

Observe os dados abaixo e estabeleça a relação entre eles:

Níveis de segurança

A) Nível I
B) Nível II
C) Nível III
D) Nível IV

Descrições dos níveis de segurança

1) Têm potencial para causar doenças em seres humanos, se manipulados incorretamente, como, por exemplo, Toxoplasma.
2) Não causam doenças em seres humanos, sendo espécie- específicas, como o vírus da hepatite infecciosa canina.
3) Apresentam alto risco de causar doenças não tratáveis, como, por exemplo, vírus Ebola.
4) Podem causar doenças sérias e potencialmente letais, como, por exemplo, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

A opção que apresenta a correlação correta entre as informações é:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498500 Veterinária
O cloridrato de cetamina e a xilazina são dois dos agentes anestésicos mais empregados em ratos e camundongos. Nesses animais, a dose de cada um dos agentes a ser empregada, respectivamente, em mg/Kg, é de:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498499 Veterinária
Quando uma fêmea de camundongo apresenta prenhez e é exposta a um novo macho ou ao odor do mesmo, dentro de quatro dias após a cópula, a gestação existente pode ser reabsorvida e a fêmea retorna ao estro.

Esse fenômeno é conhecido como:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498498 Veterinária
A doença de Tizzer, descrita em quase todas as espécies de animais de laboratório, é encontrada em todo o mundo. Os sinais clínicos são bem variáveis entre as espécies, mas, usualmente, incluem diarreia e anorexia.

A bactéria causadora da doença de Tizzer é:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498497 Veterinária
Constitui procedimento plenamente aceitável como método humanitário para causar a morte intencional de um animal em biotério o seguinte:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Médico veterinário |
Q498496 Veterinária
Os hamsters são roedores de corpo robusto, cauda curta e perna curta. Dentre as características dos hamsters, uma apresenta grande destaque devido à sua importância na pesquisa científica.

Essa característica é:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Analista de Sistemas |
Q483304 Inglês
                        Virtual network appliances: Benefits and drawbacks

There's lots of talk about network virtualization benefits, but are virtual network appliances all they're cracked up to be? Only in some scenarios.
Network virtualization benefits can be plentiful, but only in certain scenarios. Learn where virtual network appliances can work -- and where they can't.
If virtualization enables servers to be spun up and down on demand for cost efficiency and agility, wouldn't it make sense to implement virtual network components too? After all, virtual servers need to communicate inbound and outbound and still be firewall-protected and load balanced. That would seem to be best addressed by virtual network appliances that can be spun-up on demand, right? Only in some scenarios.
Many networking vendors have already begun to minimize development cost by using Intel-based platforms and commodity hardware. Examples of this range from the Cisco ASA firewall to F5 load balancers and Vyatta routers. The obvious next step for some of these vendors has been to offer their products in virtual appliance packaging. F5 took a small step forward with the Local Traffic Manager - Virtual Edition (LTM VE), while Vyatta claims to offer a full range of virtual appliance solutions. VMware was somewhat late to the game, but it also offers virtualized firewalls (vShield Zones and vShield App) and routers/load balancers (vShield Edge).

                        Virtual network appliances: What's the catch?

The problem is that unlike servers, networking appliances commonly perform I/O-intensive tasks, moving large amounts of data between network interfaces with minimal additional processing, relying heavily on dedicated hardware. All high-speed routing and packet forwarding, as well as encryption (both IPsec and SSL) and load balancing, rely on dedicated silicon. When a networking appliance is repackaged into a virtual machine format, the dedicated hardware is gone, and all these tasks must now be performed by the general- purpose CPU, sometimes resulting in extreme reduction in performance.

Implementing routers, switches or firewalls in a virtual appliance would just burn the CPU cycles that could be better used elsewhere -- unless, of course, you’ve over-provisioned your servers and have plenty of idle CPU cycles, in which case something has gone seriously wrong with your planning.

To make matters worse, the hypervisor software used in server virtualization solutions also virtualizes the network interfaces. That means that every I/O access path to virtualized hardware from the networking appliance results in a context switch to higher privilege software (the hypervisor), which uses numerous CPU cycles to decode what needs to be done and emulate the desired action. Also, data passed between virtual machines must be copied between their address spaces, adding further latency to the process.

There is some help in that the VMware hypervisor has the DVFilter API, which allows a loadable kernel module to inspect and modify network traffic either within the hypervisor (vNetwork Data Path Agent) or in combination with a virtual machine (vNetwork Control Path Agent). The loadable kernel module significantly reduces the VM context switching overhead.

                        Where virtual network appliances can work?

There are some use cases in which virtual network appliances make perfect sense. For instance, you could virtualize an appliance that performs lots of CPU-intensive processing with no reliance on dedicated hardware. Web application firewalls (WAFs) and complex load balancers are perfect examples (no wonder they’re commonly implemented as loadable modules in Apache Web servers or as Squid reverse proxy servers).
Also, if you’re planning to roll out multi-tenant cloud, the flexibility gained by treating networking appliances as click-to-deploy Lego bricks might more than justify the subpar performance. This is especially so if you charge your users by their actual VM/CPU usage, in which case you don’t really care how much CPU they’re using.
Virtualized networking also makes sense when firewall and routing functions are implemented as part of the virtual switch in each hypervisor. This could result in optimal traffic flow between virtual machines (regardless of whether they belong to the same IP subnet or not) and solve the problem of traffic trombones. Unfortunately, it seems that Cisco is still the only vendor that extends the VMware hypervisor switch using the Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) functionality. While numerous security solutions already deploy the VMsafe APIs, the networking appliances I’ve seen so far (including the vShield Edge from VMware) rely on virtual machines to forward traffic between virtual (or physical) LANs.
Obviously the networking vendors have a very long way to go before reaching the true potential of virtualized networking.

                          Disponível em: drawbacks
                                                                              Search Networking - Tech Target - Texto de Ivan Pepelnjak (Março de 2011)

O texto II faz um comentário sobre o uso de appliances de rede virtuais em “multi-tenant cloud”. Com base nesse comentário, é possível concluir que:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Analista de Sistemas |
Q483303 Inglês
                        Virtual network appliances: Benefits and drawbacks

There's lots of talk about network virtualization benefits, but are virtual network appliances all they're cracked up to be? Only in some scenarios.
Network virtualization benefits can be plentiful, but only in certain scenarios. Learn where virtual network appliances can work -- and where they can't.
If virtualization enables servers to be spun up and down on demand for cost efficiency and agility, wouldn't it make sense to implement virtual network components too? After all, virtual servers need to communicate inbound and outbound and still be firewall-protected and load balanced. That would seem to be best addressed by virtual network appliances that can be spun-up on demand, right? Only in some scenarios.
Many networking vendors have already begun to minimize development cost by using Intel-based platforms and commodity hardware. Examples of this range from the Cisco ASA firewall to F5 load balancers and Vyatta routers. The obvious next step for some of these vendors has been to offer their products in virtual appliance packaging. F5 took a small step forward with the Local Traffic Manager - Virtual Edition (LTM VE), while Vyatta claims to offer a full range of virtual appliance solutions. VMware was somewhat late to the game, but it also offers virtualized firewalls (vShield Zones and vShield App) and routers/load balancers (vShield Edge).

                        Virtual network appliances: What's the catch?

The problem is that unlike servers, networking appliances commonly perform I/O-intensive tasks, moving large amounts of data between network interfaces with minimal additional processing, relying heavily on dedicated hardware. All high-speed routing and packet forwarding, as well as encryption (both IPsec and SSL) and load balancing, rely on dedicated silicon. When a networking appliance is repackaged into a virtual machine format, the dedicated hardware is gone, and all these tasks must now be performed by the general- purpose CPU, sometimes resulting in extreme reduction in performance.

Implementing routers, switches or firewalls in a virtual appliance would just burn the CPU cycles that could be better used elsewhere -- unless, of course, you’ve over-provisioned your servers and have plenty of idle CPU cycles, in which case something has gone seriously wrong with your planning.

To make matters worse, the hypervisor software used in server virtualization solutions also virtualizes the network interfaces. That means that every I/O access path to virtualized hardware from the networking appliance results in a context switch to higher privilege software (the hypervisor), which uses numerous CPU cycles to decode what needs to be done and emulate the desired action. Also, data passed between virtual machines must be copied between their address spaces, adding further latency to the process.

There is some help in that the VMware hypervisor has the DVFilter API, which allows a loadable kernel module to inspect and modify network traffic either within the hypervisor (vNetwork Data Path Agent) or in combination with a virtual machine (vNetwork Control Path Agent). The loadable kernel module significantly reduces the VM context switching overhead.

                        Where virtual network appliances can work?

There are some use cases in which virtual network appliances make perfect sense. For instance, you could virtualize an appliance that performs lots of CPU-intensive processing with no reliance on dedicated hardware. Web application firewalls (WAFs) and complex load balancers are perfect examples (no wonder they’re commonly implemented as loadable modules in Apache Web servers or as Squid reverse proxy servers).
Also, if you’re planning to roll out multi-tenant cloud, the flexibility gained by treating networking appliances as click-to-deploy Lego bricks might more than justify the subpar performance. This is especially so if you charge your users by their actual VM/CPU usage, in which case you don’t really care how much CPU they’re using.
Virtualized networking also makes sense when firewall and routing functions are implemented as part of the virtual switch in each hypervisor. This could result in optimal traffic flow between virtual machines (regardless of whether they belong to the same IP subnet or not) and solve the problem of traffic trombones. Unfortunately, it seems that Cisco is still the only vendor that extends the VMware hypervisor switch using the Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) functionality. While numerous security solutions already deploy the VMsafe APIs, the networking appliances I’ve seen so far (including the vShield Edge from VMware) rely on virtual machines to forward traffic between virtual (or physical) LANs.
Obviously the networking vendors have a very long way to go before reaching the true potential of virtualized networking.

                          Disponível em: drawbacks
                                                                              Search Networking - Tech Target - Texto de Ivan Pepelnjak (Março de 2011)

O texto apresenta vantagem do uso de plataforma baseada em intel para dispositivos de rede. A vantagem e o próximo passo adotado pelas empresas são, respectivamente:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Analista de Sistemas |
Q483302 Inglês
                        Virtual network appliances: Benefits and drawbacks

There's lots of talk about network virtualization benefits, but are virtual network appliances all they're cracked up to be? Only in some scenarios.
Network virtualization benefits can be plentiful, but only in certain scenarios. Learn where virtual network appliances can work -- and where they can't.
If virtualization enables servers to be spun up and down on demand for cost efficiency and agility, wouldn't it make sense to implement virtual network components too? After all, virtual servers need to communicate inbound and outbound and still be firewall-protected and load balanced. That would seem to be best addressed by virtual network appliances that can be spun-up on demand, right? Only in some scenarios.
Many networking vendors have already begun to minimize development cost by using Intel-based platforms and commodity hardware. Examples of this range from the Cisco ASA firewall to F5 load balancers and Vyatta routers. The obvious next step for some of these vendors has been to offer their products in virtual appliance packaging. F5 took a small step forward with the Local Traffic Manager - Virtual Edition (LTM VE), while Vyatta claims to offer a full range of virtual appliance solutions. VMware was somewhat late to the game, but it also offers virtualized firewalls (vShield Zones and vShield App) and routers/load balancers (vShield Edge).

                        Virtual network appliances: What's the catch?

The problem is that unlike servers, networking appliances commonly perform I/O-intensive tasks, moving large amounts of data between network interfaces with minimal additional processing, relying heavily on dedicated hardware. All high-speed routing and packet forwarding, as well as encryption (both IPsec and SSL) and load balancing, rely on dedicated silicon. When a networking appliance is repackaged into a virtual machine format, the dedicated hardware is gone, and all these tasks must now be performed by the general- purpose CPU, sometimes resulting in extreme reduction in performance.

Implementing routers, switches or firewalls in a virtual appliance would just burn the CPU cycles that could be better used elsewhere -- unless, of course, you’ve over-provisioned your servers and have plenty of idle CPU cycles, in which case something has gone seriously wrong with your planning.

To make matters worse, the hypervisor software used in server virtualization solutions also virtualizes the network interfaces. That means that every I/O access path to virtualized hardware from the networking appliance results in a context switch to higher privilege software (the hypervisor), which uses numerous CPU cycles to decode what needs to be done and emulate the desired action. Also, data passed between virtual machines must be copied between their address spaces, adding further latency to the process.

There is some help in that the VMware hypervisor has the DVFilter API, which allows a loadable kernel module to inspect and modify network traffic either within the hypervisor (vNetwork Data Path Agent) or in combination with a virtual machine (vNetwork Control Path Agent). The loadable kernel module significantly reduces the VM context switching overhead.

                        Where virtual network appliances can work?

There are some use cases in which virtual network appliances make perfect sense. For instance, you could virtualize an appliance that performs lots of CPU-intensive processing with no reliance on dedicated hardware. Web application firewalls (WAFs) and complex load balancers are perfect examples (no wonder they’re commonly implemented as loadable modules in Apache Web servers or as Squid reverse proxy servers).
Also, if you’re planning to roll out multi-tenant cloud, the flexibility gained by treating networking appliances as click-to-deploy Lego bricks might more than justify the subpar performance. This is especially so if you charge your users by their actual VM/CPU usage, in which case you don’t really care how much CPU they’re using.
Virtualized networking also makes sense when firewall and routing functions are implemented as part of the virtual switch in each hypervisor. This could result in optimal traffic flow between virtual machines (regardless of whether they belong to the same IP subnet or not) and solve the problem of traffic trombones. Unfortunately, it seems that Cisco is still the only vendor that extends the VMware hypervisor switch using the Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) functionality. While numerous security solutions already deploy the VMsafe APIs, the networking appliances I’ve seen so far (including the vShield Edge from VMware) rely on virtual machines to forward traffic between virtual (or physical) LANs.
Obviously the networking vendors have a very long way to go before reaching the true potential of virtualized networking.

                          Disponível em: drawbacks
                                                                              Search Networking - Tech Target - Texto de Ivan Pepelnjak (Março de 2011)

Existem requisitos de hardware ao virtualizar aplicações de aplicações de roteamento e encaminhamento de pacotes e encriptação.

O requisito de hardware necessário e o desempenho esperado das aplicações são, respectivamente:
Ano: 2015 Banca: SRH Órgão: UERJ Prova: SRH - 2015 - UERJ - Analista de Sistemas |
Q483301 Redes de Computadores
                        Virtual network appliances: Benefits and drawbacks

There's lots of talk about network virtualization benefits, but are virtual network appliances all they're cracked up to be? Only in some scenarios.
Network virtualization benefits can be plentiful, but only in certain scenarios. Learn where virtual network appliances can work -- and where they can't.
If virtualization enables servers to be spun up and down on demand for cost efficiency and agility, wouldn't it make sense to implement virtual network components too? After all, virtual servers need to communicate inbound and outbound and still be firewall-protected and load balanced. That would seem to be best addressed by virtual network appliances that can be spun-up on demand, right? Only in some scenarios.
Many networking vendors have already begun to minimize development cost by using Intel-based platforms and commodity hardware. Examples of this range from the Cisco ASA firewall to F5 load balancers and Vyatta routers. The obvious next step for some of these vendors has been to offer their products in virtual appliance packaging. F5 took a small step forward with the Local Traffic Manager - Virtual Edition (LTM VE), while Vyatta claims to offer a full range of virtual appliance solutions. VMware was somewhat late to the game, but it also offers virtualized firewalls (vShield Zones and vShield App) and routers/load balancers (vShield Edge).

                        Virtual network appliances: What's the catch?

The problem is that unlike servers, networking appliances commonly perform I/O-intensive tasks, moving large amounts of data between network interfaces with minimal additional processing, relying heavily on dedicated hardware. All high-speed routing and packet forwarding, as well as encryption (both IPsec and SSL) and load balancing, rely on dedicated silicon. When a networking appliance is repackaged into a virtual machine format, the dedicated hardware is gone, and all these tasks must now be performed by the general- purpose CPU, sometimes resulting in extreme reduction in performance.

Implementing routers, switches or firewalls in a virtual appliance would just burn the CPU cycles that could be better used elsewhere -- unless, of course, you’ve over-provisioned your servers and have plenty of idle CPU cycles, in which case something has gone seriously wrong with your planning.

To make matters worse, the hypervisor software used in server virtualization solutions also virtualizes the network interfaces. That means that every I/O access path to virtualized hardware from the networking appliance results in a context switch to higher privilege software (the hypervisor), which uses numerous CPU cycles to decode what needs to be done and emulate the desired action. Also, data passed between virtual machines must be copied between their address spaces, adding further latency to the process.

There is some help in that the VMware hypervisor has the DVFilter API, which allows a loadable kernel module to inspect and modify network traffic either within the hypervisor (vNetwork Data Path Agent) or in combination with a virtual machine (vNetwork Control Path Agent). The loadable kernel module significantly reduces the VM context switching overhead.

                        Where virtual network appliances can work?

There are some use cases in which virtual network appliances make perfect sense. For instance, you could virtualize an appliance that performs lots of CPU-intensive processing with no reliance on dedicated hardware. Web application firewalls (WAFs) and complex load balancers are perfect examples (no wonder they’re commonly implemented as loadable modules in Apache Web servers or as Squid reverse proxy servers).
Also, if you’re planning to roll out multi-tenant cloud, the flexibility gained by treating networking appliances as click-to-deploy Lego bricks might more than justify the subpar performance. This is especially so if you charge your users by their actual VM/CPU usage, in which case you don’t really care how much CPU they’re using.
Virtualized networking also makes sense when firewall and routing functions are implemented as part of the virtual switch in each hypervisor. This could result in optimal traffic flow between virtual machines (regardless of whether they belong to the same IP subnet or not) and solve the problem of traffic trombones. Unfortunately, it seems that Cisco is still the only vendor that extends the VMware hypervisor switch using the Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) functionality. While numerous security solutions already deploy the VMsafe APIs, the networking appliances I’ve seen so far (including the vShield Edge from VMware) rely on virtual machines to forward traffic between virtual (or physical) LANs.
Obviously the networking vendors have a very long way to go before reaching the true potential of virtualized networking.

                          Disponível em: drawbacks
                                                                              Search Networking - Tech Target - Texto de Ivan Pepelnjak (Março de 2011)

Os exemplos de aplicações que fazem sentido com appliances de rede virtuais são:
941: B
942: D
943: C
944: D
945: B
946: C
947: C
948: A
949: B
950: D
951: B
952: D
953: D
954: A
955: C
956: C
957: A
958: D
959: C
960: C