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Q1073335 Programação
O código que define corretamente uma constante em PHP é:
Q1073334 Programação

Analise o código PHP a seguir.


$x = 3;

$y = $x * 3;

$z = 4 * $x / $y;

echo $x + $y * $z;


Ao ser executado, esse código imprimirá o número

Q1073332 Programação
A propriedade CSS que ajusta a cor do texto contido em um elemento é
Q1073331 Programação
Na linguagem HTML5, o atributo e seu valor, que devem ser utilizados para submeter um elemento ao corretor ortográfico, é
Q1073329 Programação
A linguagem HTML 5 possui um elemento que é um espaço, no qual se pode desenhar elementos, formas geométricas e imagens, por meio de scripts. Esse elemento é
Q1073328 Programação
Elaborou-se um formulário na linguagem HTML5, e um dos campos que deve ser preenchido é o Código de Endereçamento Postal (CEP). Foram introduzidas linhas no código com o intuito de validar o CEP, que deve corresponder a números com o formato nnnnn-nnn, em que n são números de 0 a 9. A seguir são apresentadas algumas dessas linhas
<label for="CEP">CEP: <input name="CEP" id="CEP" required __________ =”\d{5}-?\d{3}"/> </label>
O atributo que deve ser colocado na lacuna, após required, para que a validação possa ocorrer é
Q1073327 Programação
Na linguagem HTML5, a tag <aside>
Q1073326 Engenharia de Software
O Git, ao tratar os arquivos que devem sofrer o processo de controle de versões, classifica o estado desses arquivos em 3 categorias, definidas como
Q1073325 Redes de Computadores
Uma rede local de computadores pode ser construída utilizando diferentes tecnologias e, consequentemente, assumir diferentes topologias. Ao utilizar a tecnologia de cabos CAT5e para conectar os computadores e uma Switch para interligar os cabos, a topologia física assumida por esta rede é
Q1073324 Sistemas Operacionais
A técnica de spooling utilizada pelos sistemas operacionais permite
Q1073323 Sistemas Operacionais
Considere a seguinte situação ocorrendo no ambiente de um sistema operacional no qual um conjunto de processos está sendo executado: “em determinado momento, cada processo está esperando um evento que somente outro processo poderá fazer acontecer”. Essa descrição refere-se a
Q1073322 Programação
Na programação orientada a objetos, há os conceitos de classes concretas e classes abstratas, sobre as quais é correto afirmar que
Q1073321 Programação
Alguns dos motores disponíveis no mercado para a “renderização” de páginas web pelos navegadores são:
Q1073320 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

The Future of Digital Video

    Digital Enrichment for the Home Intelligent set-top boxes will bring new levels of functionality to the home entertainment experience. Set-top boxes will stream programming from anywhere in the world to enable true video on demand, whether the programming is stored on a home computer or occurring live. Set-top boxes will also integrate home surveillance security systems into the heart of the home entertainment center to enable viewers to identify visitors at the front door visually on their TV screens without having to leave the couch. Through object/facial recognition technology, the security system will be able to automatically identify family members and let them in without a key. We will have our entertainment anywhere and at any time we want it. Set-top boxes will automatically set their own clocks, making recording programs as simple as a single button push. And with voice recognition technology, users will be able to adjust the volume or change channels by voice command without having to hunt for an elusive remote-control.
(Extraído de:
No texto, o termo “surveillance” pode ser melhor traduzido por
Q1073319 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

The Future of Digital Video

    Digital Enrichment for the Home Intelligent set-top boxes will bring new levels of functionality to the home entertainment experience. Set-top boxes will stream programming from anywhere in the world to enable true video on demand, whether the programming is stored on a home computer or occurring live. Set-top boxes will also integrate home surveillance security systems into the heart of the home entertainment center to enable viewers to identify visitors at the front door visually on their TV screens without having to leave the couch. Through object/facial recognition technology, the security system will be able to automatically identify family members and let them in without a key. We will have our entertainment anywhere and at any time we want it. Set-top boxes will automatically set their own clocks, making recording programs as simple as a single button push. And with voice recognition technology, users will be able to adjust the volume or change channels by voice command without having to hunt for an elusive remote-control.
(Extraído de:
De acordo com o texto, os set-top boxes poderão identificar membros da família na entrada da casa mediante reconhecimento
Q1073318 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

What is a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)?

    In general, an operating system (OS) is responsible for managing the hardware resources of a computer and hosting applications that run on the computer. An RTOS performs these tasks, but is also specially designed to run applications with very precise timing and a high degree of reliability. This can be especially important in measurement and automation systems where downtime is costly or a program delay could cause a safety hazard.
    To be considered “real-time”, an operating system must have a known maximum time for each of the critical operations that it performs (or at least be able to guarantee that maximum most of the time). Some of these operations include OS calls and interrupt handling. Operating systems that can absolutely guarantee a maximum time for these operations are commonly referred to as “hard real-time”, while operating systems that can only guarantee a maximum most of the time are referred to as “soft real-time”.
(Extraído e adaptado de:
Conforme o texto, alguns dos sistemas operacionais de tempo real
Q1073317 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

What is a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)?

    In general, an operating system (OS) is responsible for managing the hardware resources of a computer and hosting applications that run on the computer. An RTOS performs these tasks, but is also specially designed to run applications with very precise timing and a high degree of reliability. This can be especially important in measurement and automation systems where downtime is costly or a program delay could cause a safety hazard.
    To be considered “real-time”, an operating system must have a known maximum time for each of the critical operations that it performs (or at least be able to guarantee that maximum most of the time). Some of these operations include OS calls and interrupt handling. Operating systems that can absolutely guarantee a maximum time for these operations are commonly referred to as “hard real-time”, while operating systems that can only guarantee a maximum most of the time are referred to as “soft real-time”.
(Extraído e adaptado de:
De acordo com o texto, um sistema operacional de tempo real desempenha as tarefas realizadas por um sistema operacional normal, porém deve
Q1073316 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

    The term “safe language” is, unfortunately, even more contentious than “type system”. Although people generally feel they know one when they see it, their notions of exactly what constitutes language safety are strongly influenced by the language community to which they belong. Informally, though, safe languages can be defined as ones that make it impossible to shoot yourself in the foot while programming.
(Types and Programming Languages, Benjamin C. Pierce, MIT Press, 2002)
O significado de “to shoot yourself in the foot” é
Q1073315 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

    The term “safe language” is, unfortunately, even more contentious than “type system”. Although people generally feel they know one when they see it, their notions of exactly what constitutes language safety are strongly influenced by the language community to which they belong. Informally, though, safe languages can be defined as ones that make it impossible to shoot yourself in the foot while programming.
(Types and Programming Languages, Benjamin C. Pierce, MIT Press, 2002)
Segundo o texto,
Q1073314 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.
If you are making a booking we may also use cookies to keep track of the transaction from one page to the next. (Extraído de:
According to the text, cookies can be used to:
61: E
62: B
63: A
64: C
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66: B
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68: B
69: D
70: A
71: A
72: C
73: E
74: B
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76: E
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78: C
79: A
80: D