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Q1023875 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

The word formed by the suffix " -ing" in:
Q1023874 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

The main stress of the word "communicative" in “communicative language teaching” (L.2) is on the:
Q1023873 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

The sentence that is in line with what the author states in the third paragraph is:
Q1023872 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

In agreement with the main topic discussed in this text, the most adequate title is:
Q1023826 Sociologia
Marx, ao discutir sobre a natureza do conceito de trabalho, utiliza o conhecido exemplo comparativo entre o trabalho da abelha e do arquiteto para estabelecer, no caso da primeira, a diferença entre o instinto e a teleologia. Nesse contexto, é correto afirmar que:
Q1023825 Ciência Política
Assistimos desde os anos 1970 mudanças significativas no mundo do trabalho, com contra-reformas que têm induzido, em nome da retomada do crescimento e da competitividade, reestruturações da esfera produtiva cujos reflexos mais nítidos ocorrem nas relações laborais. Nos anos 1990 ocorre um processo amplo de contra-reformas estruturais no Estado brasileiro, cujo maior exemplo foi o PDRAE (Plano Diretor de Reforma do Aparelho do Estado), em 1995, que definia o que seriam as atividades exclusivas do Estado e aquelas que seriam não-exclusivas, com avanço da informalidade, desemprego, flexibilização e precarização do trabalho. Assiste-se hoje um debate sobre terceirizações e subcontratações para atividades fins e atividades meio, como é o caso do Projeto de Lei Federal nº 4.330/2004 e Projeto de Lei Federal nº 30/2015. Acerca das transformações recentes no chamado mundo do trabalho, pode-se afirmar que:
Q1023824 Sociologia
Florestan Fernandes introduz um problema na sua reflexão sociológica e na sua interpretação do Brasil: a questão do capitalismo dependente. Em sua interpretação, as frações burguesas locais dominantes não poderiam empolgar projetos capazes de estruturar uma revolução burguesa clássica. Acerca das discussões trazidas por Florestan sobre a revolução burguesa no Brasil, pode-se destacar que:
Q1023822 Sociologia
Podemos entender que a estratificação social reflete níveis diferentes de poder e privilégios na sociedade, resultante de diversos arranjos e configurações conforme os distintos momentos históricos. No Brasil, assiste-se a um debate que foge ao circuito acadêmico e alcança a sociedade em geral sobre a configuração da classe média atualmente, que estaria passando por um franco momento de expansão, resultado de políticas que focaram o alívio da pobreza. Não se trata de um tema novo no campo clássico da sociologia, afinal Marx, ao discorrer sobre a pequena burguesia proprietária ou empregados supervisores e técnicos, e Weber, sobre a formação das burocracias que deram origem em grande parte às classes médias, já deram pistas sobre esse processo. Nesse contexto, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1023821 Sociologia
Considerando as discussões de Emile Durkheim, presentes no livro “Da Divisão do Trabalho Social”, pode-se considerar que:
Q1023820 Sociologia

A ciência para Weber seria também um aspecto do processo de racionalização das sociedades modernas.

Nesse contexto é possível deduzir que:

Q1023819 Sociologia
Weber tentou indagar em que medida as convicções religiosas influenciam o comportamento econômico nas diferentes sociedades. Assim, a conduta dos homens nas diversas sociedades só pode ser compreendida dentro de um contexto mais geral da própria existência. Considerando as proposições do autor sobre a religião, é correto afirmar que:
Q1023818 Sociologia
O fato novo que orientava a reflexão de um conjunto de intelectuais, entre eles Comte, no início do século XIX, é a indústria. Os observadores da época percebiam que algo de original estava acontecendo em relação ao passado. Podemos afirmar que, para Comte:
Q1023817 Sociologia
Dois temas são fundamentais na teoria elaborada por Augusto Comte: a lei dos três estados e a classificação das ciências. Sobre ambos, é possível afirmar que representam, respectivamente:
Q1023816 Ciência Política
Tendo como referência as reflexões de Manuel Castells, NÃO constitui uma característica dos movimentos contestatórios contemporâneos a:
Q1023815 Ciência Política
A análise sobre a questão agrária no Brasil mostra que o fortalecimento do agronegócio nas últimas décadas tem como um de seus efeitos:
Q1023814 Sociologia
O modelo de regulação fordista-keynesiano que vigorou nos países capitalistas avançados, notadamente na Europa ocidental entre o pós-segunda guerra e meados da década de 1970, tinha como um de seus pilares:
Q1023813 Ciência Política
Programas de ajuste econômico de cunho neoliberal têm sido implementados em diferentes países para fazer face à crise e tornar suas economias mais aptas à competição no mercado globalizado. Tais programas têm como um de seus fundamentos:
Q1023812 Ciência Política
O debate sobre a reforma política vem ocupando lugar relevante na agenda politica nacional. Uma das questões centrais que está na base desse debate é:
Q1023811 Sociologia
Com a globalização, os movimentos sociais em muitos países, inclusive no Brasil e em outros países da América Latina, tendem a se diversificar e a se complexificar. É uma característica desse novo formato de ativismo a:
Q1023810 Ciência Política
A cultura política brasileira está fortemente assentada sob uma forma de relação Estado / Sociedade baseada na troca de favores, serviços e bens por voto e/ou apoio político, denominada:
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