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Q1009772 Inglês

Texto 01

Going Mobile, Going Further!

By Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia – October 28, 2016

So what happens to “learning” if we add the word “mobile” to it? The increasing and rapidly developing use of mobile technology by English language learners is an unquestionable aspect of today’s classroom. However, the attitude EFL teachers develop towards the use of mobile devices as an aid for language teaching varies greatly.

The unique benefits of mobile learning for EFL teachers include the ability to bridge formal and informal learning, which for language learners may be realized through supplementary out-of-classroom practice, translation support when communicating with target language speakers and the capture of difficulties and discoveries which can be instantly shared as well as being brought back into the classroom. Mobile learning can deliver, supplement and extend formal language learning; or it can be the primary way for learners to explore a target language informally and direct their own development through immediacy of encounter and challenge within a social setting. We still miss sufficient explicit connection between these two modes of learning, one of which is mainly formal and the other informal. Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.

One example of how mobile devices can bridge formal and informal learning is through instantmessaging applications. Both synchronous and asynchronous activities can be developed for language practice outside the classroom. For example, in a discussion group on Whatsapp, students can discuss short videos, practice vocabulary with picture collages, share recent news, create captions and punch lines for memes, and take turns to create a multimodal story. Teachers can also create applications specifically to practice new vocabulary and grammar to support classroom learning.

Digital and mobile media are changing and extending language use to new environments as well as creating opportunities to learn in different ways. Mobile technology enables us to get physically closer to social contexts of language use which will ultimately influence the ways that language is used and learned. Therefore, let us incorporate mobile learning into our EFL lessons and literally “have the world in our hands”.

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In the nominal group “The increasing and rapidly developing use of mobile technology by English language learners”, the head noun is:
Q1009771 Inglês

Texto 01

Going Mobile, Going Further!

By Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia – October 28, 2016

So what happens to “learning” if we add the word “mobile” to it? The increasing and rapidly developing use of mobile technology by English language learners is an unquestionable aspect of today’s classroom. However, the attitude EFL teachers develop towards the use of mobile devices as an aid for language teaching varies greatly.

The unique benefits of mobile learning for EFL teachers include the ability to bridge formal and informal learning, which for language learners may be realized through supplementary out-of-classroom practice, translation support when communicating with target language speakers and the capture of difficulties and discoveries which can be instantly shared as well as being brought back into the classroom. Mobile learning can deliver, supplement and extend formal language learning; or it can be the primary way for learners to explore a target language informally and direct their own development through immediacy of encounter and challenge within a social setting. We still miss sufficient explicit connection between these two modes of learning, one of which is mainly formal and the other informal. Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.

One example of how mobile devices can bridge formal and informal learning is through instantmessaging applications. Both synchronous and asynchronous activities can be developed for language practice outside the classroom. For example, in a discussion group on Whatsapp, students can discuss short videos, practice vocabulary with picture collages, share recent news, create captions and punch lines for memes, and take turns to create a multimodal story. Teachers can also create applications specifically to practice new vocabulary and grammar to support classroom learning.

Digital and mobile media are changing and extending language use to new environments as well as creating opportunities to learn in different ways. Mobile technology enables us to get physically closer to social contexts of language use which will ultimately influence the ways that language is used and learned. Therefore, let us incorporate mobile learning into our EFL lessons and literally “have the world in our hands”.

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The main idea of the text is:
Q1009690 Pedagogia
O letramento pode ser definido como
Q1009688 Pedagogia
A abordagem descritiva da língua portuguesa em sala de aula implica
Q1009686 Pedagogia

Na proposta da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), que trata do Ensino Médio, o item que trata do componente Língua Portuguesa dentro da área de Linguagens traz a seguinte afirmação:

“Do ponto de vista das práticas contemporâneas de linguagem, ganham mais destaque, no Ensino Médio, a cultura digital, as culturas juvenis, os novos letramentos e os multiletramentos, os processos colaborativos, as interações e atividades que têm lugar nas mídias e redes sociais, os processos de circulação de informações e a hibridização dos papéis nesse contexto (de leitor/autor e produtor/consumidor), já explorada no Ensino Fundamental”.

BNCC, 2018, p. 490.

De acordo com a orientação da BNCC,

I. na perspectiva dos novos letramentos, o professor deve conduzir o aluno a produzir, a descrever e a analisar linguagens que fazem parte do cotidiano e da cultural dos jovens sem desconsiderar a formação leitora em gêneros discursivos concebidos como clássicos;

II. na perspectiva dos multiletramentos, a concepção de leitura valoriza os textos da cultura digital dos jovens e os processos colaborativos em rede, uma vez que os gêneros discursivos produzidos outrora tornaram-se obsoletos;

III. na perspectiva dos multiletramentos, a leitura envolve articulação de diferentes modalidades de linguagem, o que compreende imagens estáticas e em movimento, textos orais e escritos e outras linguagens híbridas;

IV. nas práticas contemporâneas de leitura, os professores devem valorizar as linguagens concebidas como de prestígio, a exemplo da leitura dos romances de Machado de Assis, porém em formato digital em detrimento do formato impresso, acompanhando as transformações sociais e tecnológicas.

Está correto o que se afirma em

536: A
537: C
538: B
539: C
540: D