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As receitas industriais são provenientes das atividades industriais. São exemplos de receita industrial, exceto:
De acordo com a Lei n. 4.320/64 e alterações posteriores, os créditos adicionais são autorizações de despesa não computadas ou insuficientemente dotadas na Lei de Orçamento. Analise as afirmações a seguir em relação aos créditos adicionais.
I- Os créditos adicionais são classificados em suplementares, especiais e extraordinários.
ll- O crédito extraordinário incorpora-se ao orçamento, adicionando-se à dotação orçamentária que deva reforçar.
III- Os créditos especiais e suplementares conservam sua especificidade, demonstrando-se as despesas realizadas à conta dos mesmos, separadamente.
Assinale a alterativa correta.
Em relação aos princípios orçamentários, assinale a alternativa que apresenta aquele que estabelece que a LOA não conterá dispositivo estranho à previsão da receita e à fixação da despesa, ressalvando-se dessa proibição a autorização para abertura de crédito suplementar e a contratação de operações de crédito, nos termos da lei.
Compete às Secretárias e Secretários, salvo:
Leia as assertivas IV. a seguir e marque a alternativa correta:
I- A Secretária e o Secretário, no exercício de sua profissão, devem guardar absoluto sigilo sobre os assuntos e documentos que lhe são confiados.
II- É vedado ao profissional assinar documentos que possam resultar no comprometimento da dignidade profissional da categoria.
Analise os itens seguintes e marque a alternativa correta:
|- lutar pelo progresso da profissão;
Il- combater o exercício ilegal da profissão;
III- considerar a profissão como um meio para sua realização profissional;
IV- direcionar seu comportamento profissional, sempre a bem da verdade, da moral e da ética.
São deveres fundamentais das Secretárias e Secretários o que está previsto nos itens:
Constituem-se direitos dos Secretários e Secretárias, exceto:
Pesquisas realizadas por grandes consultorias indicam algumas tendências que já fazem parte do mundo global que ora vivemos. São elas:
|- a indústria 4.0 mudou a forma como consumimos produtos e serviços, basta olhar a sua volta e perceberá como vivemos uma nova realidade com a chegada dos serviços de economia compartilhada;
Il- a manutenção das barreiras e limites organizacionais abriu espaço para outras possibilidades de se fazer negócios;
III- a oportunidade para o eco-empreendedorismo cresce todos os dias. Isto ocorre quando a criatividade do brasileiro se encontra com as necessidades da sociedade.
Estão corretos apenas o(s) item(ns):
Lidar com situações complexas e ambíguas requer maturidade e experiência. A capacidade de entender a organização como um todo, a interdependência entre as funções e o impacto de mudanças no cenário externo é uma habilidade:
A maior parte da bibliografia que discute a importância do controle para as organizações defende a existência de tipos de controle. Qual deles têm como foco o resultado, comparam o desempenho real (realizado) com o ideal (planejado) e nos ajudam a pensar sobre os gaps de desempenho, quando eles ocorrem, identificando uma disfunção/problema na nossa organização que precisamos corrigir?
Leia as asserções seguintes sobre o estudo da motivação humana:
Um dos principais teóricos da motivação é o psicólogo Frederick Herzberg, que oferece a primeira explicação a respeito das necessidades internas e seu papel na motivação por meio do estudo da Hierarquia das Necessidades.
Organizadas em forma de pirâmide, as cinco necessidades são dispostas em escala hierárquica de acordo com sua urgência, sendo as mais urgentes aquelas que estão no topo desta pirâmide.
A respeito dessas duas asserções, marque a opção correta:
Analise o caso seguinte e assinale a alternativa que apresenta o sistema administrativo e perfil organizacional de acordo com o modelo estudado por Likert: “Na organização em que Maria Paula trabalha, o processo decisório é descentralizado, o sistema de controle é baseado na entrega de resultados. A comunicação é fluente e fundamental para o sucesso. Nas relações interpessoais, privilegia-se o trabalho em equipe e a confiança mútua. Os empregados são reconhecidos e este reconhecimento se dá tanto por meio de recompensas materiais, como sociais.”
Uma estrutura organizacional apresenta a forma como são divididas, agrupadas e coordenadas as diversas áreas organizacionais e os cargos que as compõem. Um dos elementos do processo de organização é a:
Em qual nível organizacional são tomadas as decisões que podem mudar os rumos da organização, estabelece-se sua missão e visão, bem como os valores, que serão direcionadores do comportamento de todos aqueles que a compõem?
Para as organizações, que atuam em ambientes em constante transformação, o processo de planejamento é fundamental. É ele que ajudará no desenvolvimento de processos para atender os usuários, lidar com os fornecedores, atender às expectativas do governo, contribuir com a comunidade que estamos inseridos, acompanhar as tendências na área de tecnologia, as mudanças culturais da sociedade, além de garantir a atração de talentos capazes de entregar os resultados desejáveis. Sem dúvida, precisamos concordar, ele nos traz inúmeras vantagens, como, por exemplo:
I- proporciona senso de direção, uma vez que ele nos indica quais caminhos devemos seguir, direcionando os esforços para um objetivo comum;
Il- maximiza os resultados, uma vez que se otimiza o uso os recursos, estabelecendo prioridades;
lIl- define os parâmetros de controle, porque ao estabelecer objetivos, conhecemos os padrões de desempenho desejáveis;
IV- potencializa o autoconhecimento organizacional, vez que ao analisar o seu ambiente interno, a organização passa a entender o macro-ambiente em que atua.
Estão corretos:
A comunicação que os gestores usam para informar e orientar as pessoas sobre suas responsabilidades, funções, objetivos e metas, formas de realizar atividades e procedimentos internos pode ser considerada:
Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe
into Jeffrey Epstein links
By Lee Brown
New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm
Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”
extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his
late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.
The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US
authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with
the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking
He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is
now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,
according to the Daily Telegraph.
The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare
Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who
has represented world leaders, including former dictator
Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.
Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been
described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the
Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal
Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal
defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a
crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as
sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance
told the paper.
Assembling the team shows just how “hugely
seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make
him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time
the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of
criminal lawyers.
Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last
November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing
friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex
The royal has however always vehemently denied
knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies
knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to
have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just
Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan
lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking
Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent
Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.
De acordo com o texto:
Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe
into Jeffrey Epstein links
By Lee Brown
New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm
Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”
extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his
late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.
The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US
authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with
the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking
He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is
now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,
according to the Daily Telegraph.
The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare
Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who
has represented world leaders, including former dictator
Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.
Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been
described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the
Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal
Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal
defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a
crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as
sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance
told the paper.
Assembling the team shows just how “hugely
seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make
him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time
the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of
criminal lawyers.
Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last
November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing
friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex
The royal has however always vehemently denied
knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies
knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to
have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just
Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan
lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking
Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent
Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.
Após a teitura do texto, é correto afirmar que:
Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe
into Jeffrey Epstein links
By Lee Brown
New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm
Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”
extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his
late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.
The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US
authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with
the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking
He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is
now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,
according to the Daily Telegraph.
The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare
Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who
has represented world leaders, including former dictator
Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.
Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been
described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the
Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal
Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal
defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a
crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as
sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance
told the paper.
Assembling the team shows just how “hugely
seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make
him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time
the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of
criminal lawyers.
Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last
November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing
friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex
The royal has however always vehemently denied
knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies
knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to
have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just
Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan
lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking
Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent
Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.
Baseado no texto, pode-se afirmar que:
Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe
into Jeffrey Epstein links
By Lee Brown
New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm
Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”
extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his
late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.
The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US
authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with
the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking
He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is
now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,
according to the Daily Telegraph.
The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare
Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who
has represented world leaders, including former dictator
Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.
Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been
described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the
Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal
Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal
defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a
crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as
sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance
told the paper.
Assembling the team shows just how “hugely
seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make
him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time
the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of
criminal lawyers.
Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last
November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing
friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex
The royal has however always vehemently denied
knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies
knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to
have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just
Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan
lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking
Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent
Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.
Após a leitura do texto, pode-se afirmar que: