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Leia estes versos do poema de João Cabral de Melo Neto e responda a seguir.
Tua sedução é menos de mulher do que de
casa: pois vem de como é por dentro ou
por detrás da fachada.
Mesmo quando ela possui tua plácida
elegância, esse teu reboco claro, riso
franco de varandas, uma casa não é nunca
só para ser contemplada; melhor: somente
por dentro é possível contemplá-la.
Seduz pelo que é dentro, ou será, quando
se abra: pelo que pode ser dentro de suas
paredes fechadas.
A leitura dessa poesia revela, EXCETO
“[...] chega à escola levando uma cultura [...].” 6º§
A expressão sublinhada exerce a função de
Há correspondência modo-temporal entre a forma simples do verbo sublinhado e a composta conforme indica na opção
É CORRETO afirmar que a conjunção “embora” pode ser substituída, sem que haja prejuízo do sentido de concessão, por
Regarding the sentence
“It’s no wonder that you don’t support their ideas; after all, their lack of knowledge is utterly conspicuous”
it is CORRECT to affirm that:
A. People who owned ______ (a / an) MP3 player ______ (was / were) considered popular back in the day.
B. Henrique no longer works ______ (on / in) Saturdays.
C. I ______ (do / don’t) know this song.
D. We’ve ______ (come /came) across as ______ (a / an) united group.
In the order presented, the gaps are correctly and respectively filled by:
As regards the words in bold type, put number 01 if their use is CORRECT or number 02 if INCORRECT.
( ) I do everything while listening to music.
( ) Julia has been married with Gregory since 2009.
( ) She’s usually busy at 11 o’clock.
( ) Knife is the usefulest tool.
( ) Do you think today is colder than yesterday?
In the order presented, the CORRECT sequence is:
Choose the CORRECT affirmation about the sentence below:
Pedro is selling home insurance and he wants our help to spread the word.
I. What a blue beautiful skirt. II. He has short brown hair. III. José wants to buy a round wooden table.
The sentence(s) in which the adjectives are NOT placed in the correct order is(are):
As regards the sentence
“After analyzing the my profile, they told me I was not suitable ___ the management position”
choose the CORRECT answer.
Read the following dialogue.
Caio: Have you seen Joana lately?
Ramon: I hadn’t, but I heard she borrowed some money from the bank.
Caio: But what about her inheritance?
Ramon: Word has it she frittered all away.
Caio: That’s crazy!
Ramon: Yeah, I know.
Based on this dialogue, analyze the assertions below.
I. In “she frittered all away”, Ramon intends to say that Joana squandered all her inheritance.
II. Ramon correctly uses auxiliary verbs in his first and last lines.
III. “Lately” is a time adverb in Caio’s fist line.
The CORRECT assertion(s) is(are):
I. Carla always pretends to care.
II. I can’t stand his comments, they’re full of all types of prejudice.
III. It’s an important topic to discuss.
IV. How much times do we have to go over this project?
Mark these statements as True (T) or False (F).
( ) “Care” and “stand” are regular verbs in sentences I and II, respectively.
( ) “Go over” is a phrasal verb in sentence IV.
( ) Even though “pretend”, “important” and “prejudice” are similar in spelling to words in Portuguese, they are all false cognates.
( ) In sentences II and IV, the use of quantifiers is correct.
The statements are, in the order presented, respectively:
I. “… or to take care of oneself” [Reflexive pronoun].
II. “In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic …” [Preposition].
III. “… with a glaring loophole that allows…” [Superlative adverb].
IV. “…and professional lives differently to manage burnout” [Phrasal verb].
The information in brackets correctly describes the underlined word/expression in the excerpt(s):
Read the excerpts from Text I and analyze the assertions.
A. “… that the third quarter of 2021…”
B. “…it doesn't work as well as it should...”
C. “Clocking out at 5 p.m. on the dot…”
D. “… evoking images of a slacker…”
I. Used as a discourse marker, “should” is also an auxiliary modal verb that refers to a past situation in sentence B.
II. In sentence A, “third” is a cardinal number.
III. “Slacker” is a countable noun in sentence D.
IV. “On the dot”, in sentence C, means “exactly at the stated or expected time”.
The CORRECT assertion(s) is(are):