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Q3028596 Inglês
Text I: 'Quiet quitting' isn't really quitting

    Clocking out at 5 p.m. on the dot, only doing your assigned daily tasks, limiting chats with colleagues and not working overtime. These are the distinctive features of "quiet quitting," a term coined to describe how people are approaching their jobs and professional lives differently to manage burnout.

    The phrase, which isn't actually intended to lead to a resignation, exploded into the popular lexicon in 2022 when a TikTok video went viral. The creator, Zaid Khan, said in the video "I recently learned about this term 'quiet quitting,' where you're not outright quitting your job, but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond." Nonetheless, “quiet quitting” is a misnomer, at least according to Karen K. Ho, a freelance business and culture reporter. She said that the term doesn't account for the fact that people are watching their grocery bills, fuel costs and housing prices go up, often without so much as a salary increase. "You're literally stagnating as a result of not earning more, not being promoted – and that's why a lot of people are leaving jobs," she completed.

   While the words "quiet quitting" are loaded, evoking images of a slacker or ne'er-do-well for some, others say that the approach frees up time to spend with family and friends or to take care of oneself. In short, it's a renewed commitment to life beyond the workplace. On the other hand, the term “quiet quitting” has also received criticism, even from those who generally favor the idea behind it.

   However, while the term "quiet quitting" may be a new invention, the mentality behind it is not. The phrase "work to rule," for example, describes a labor action in which employees strictly perform the work laid out in their contract, without taking on additional work. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a major economic movement, The Great Resignation, which saw people leaving their jobs or switching professions in droves, as they re-evaluated their relationship with work during a lifechanging health crisis.

  A May 2022 survey by RBC Insurance suggested that more than one-third of recently retired Canadians aged 55-75 had retired sooner than they planned. Another third decided to retire sooner because of the pandemic. Moreover, Statistics Canada reported that the third quarter of 2021 saw a 60% increase in job vacancies compared to pre-pandemic levels in the country.

    Both Quiet Quitting and The Great Resignation indicate a marked cultural shift from the early and mid-2010s when "hustle culture" paved the way to "grinding" and "girl-bossing" – two ideas that prioritized work over everything else, with the belief that such effort made employees more desirable to managers, therefore helping them climb up the corporate ladder faster and generating more income.

    In addition, it is important to highlight that employees have been re-evaluating how much time they spend commuting, working overtime and generally investing in low-pay, low-reward jobs. It seems they have realized that they work in systems where they are constantly immersed in a hustle culture – which has been repeatedly shown to be only beneficial for corporations and their managers, through bonuses, through increased productivity, through increased revenue and profits and the like.

    Furthermore, some employees are advocating for policies, benefits and working conditions that strengthen work-life balance. But critics say it doesn't work as well as it should, with a glaring loophole that allows employers to take advantage by vaguely wording their policies.

Adapted from: Last Updated: August 25, 2022
According to the text, what ideas prioritized work over everything else?
Q3028595 Inglês
Text I: 'Quiet quitting' isn't really quitting

    Clocking out at 5 p.m. on the dot, only doing your assigned daily tasks, limiting chats with colleagues and not working overtime. These are the distinctive features of "quiet quitting," a term coined to describe how people are approaching their jobs and professional lives differently to manage burnout.

    The phrase, which isn't actually intended to lead to a resignation, exploded into the popular lexicon in 2022 when a TikTok video went viral. The creator, Zaid Khan, said in the video "I recently learned about this term 'quiet quitting,' where you're not outright quitting your job, but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond." Nonetheless, “quiet quitting” is a misnomer, at least according to Karen K. Ho, a freelance business and culture reporter. She said that the term doesn't account for the fact that people are watching their grocery bills, fuel costs and housing prices go up, often without so much as a salary increase. "You're literally stagnating as a result of not earning more, not being promoted – and that's why a lot of people are leaving jobs," she completed.

   While the words "quiet quitting" are loaded, evoking images of a slacker or ne'er-do-well for some, others say that the approach frees up time to spend with family and friends or to take care of oneself. In short, it's a renewed commitment to life beyond the workplace. On the other hand, the term “quiet quitting” has also received criticism, even from those who generally favor the idea behind it.

   However, while the term "quiet quitting" may be a new invention, the mentality behind it is not. The phrase "work to rule," for example, describes a labor action in which employees strictly perform the work laid out in their contract, without taking on additional work. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a major economic movement, The Great Resignation, which saw people leaving their jobs or switching professions in droves, as they re-evaluated their relationship with work during a lifechanging health crisis.

  A May 2022 survey by RBC Insurance suggested that more than one-third of recently retired Canadians aged 55-75 had retired sooner than they planned. Another third decided to retire sooner because of the pandemic. Moreover, Statistics Canada reported that the third quarter of 2021 saw a 60% increase in job vacancies compared to pre-pandemic levels in the country.

    Both Quiet Quitting and The Great Resignation indicate a marked cultural shift from the early and mid-2010s when "hustle culture" paved the way to "grinding" and "girl-bossing" – two ideas that prioritized work over everything else, with the belief that such effort made employees more desirable to managers, therefore helping them climb up the corporate ladder faster and generating more income.

    In addition, it is important to highlight that employees have been re-evaluating how much time they spend commuting, working overtime and generally investing in low-pay, low-reward jobs. It seems they have realized that they work in systems where they are constantly immersed in a hustle culture – which has been repeatedly shown to be only beneficial for corporations and their managers, through bonuses, through increased productivity, through increased revenue and profits and the like.

    Furthermore, some employees are advocating for policies, benefits and working conditions that strengthen work-life balance. But critics say it doesn't work as well as it should, with a glaring loophole that allows employers to take advantage by vaguely wording their policies.

Adapted from: Last Updated: August 25, 2022
Right after bringing up that “quiet quitting” got criticism, the text:
Q3028594 Inglês
Text I: 'Quiet quitting' isn't really quitting

    Clocking out at 5 p.m. on the dot, only doing your assigned daily tasks, limiting chats with colleagues and not working overtime. These are the distinctive features of "quiet quitting," a term coined to describe how people are approaching their jobs and professional lives differently to manage burnout.

    The phrase, which isn't actually intended to lead to a resignation, exploded into the popular lexicon in 2022 when a TikTok video went viral. The creator, Zaid Khan, said in the video "I recently learned about this term 'quiet quitting,' where you're not outright quitting your job, but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond." Nonetheless, “quiet quitting” is a misnomer, at least according to Karen K. Ho, a freelance business and culture reporter. She said that the term doesn't account for the fact that people are watching their grocery bills, fuel costs and housing prices go up, often without so much as a salary increase. "You're literally stagnating as a result of not earning more, not being promoted – and that's why a lot of people are leaving jobs," she completed.

   While the words "quiet quitting" are loaded, evoking images of a slacker or ne'er-do-well for some, others say that the approach frees up time to spend with family and friends or to take care of oneself. In short, it's a renewed commitment to life beyond the workplace. On the other hand, the term “quiet quitting” has also received criticism, even from those who generally favor the idea behind it.

   However, while the term "quiet quitting" may be a new invention, the mentality behind it is not. The phrase "work to rule," for example, describes a labor action in which employees strictly perform the work laid out in their contract, without taking on additional work. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a major economic movement, The Great Resignation, which saw people leaving their jobs or switching professions in droves, as they re-evaluated their relationship with work during a lifechanging health crisis.

  A May 2022 survey by RBC Insurance suggested that more than one-third of recently retired Canadians aged 55-75 had retired sooner than they planned. Another third decided to retire sooner because of the pandemic. Moreover, Statistics Canada reported that the third quarter of 2021 saw a 60% increase in job vacancies compared to pre-pandemic levels in the country.

    Both Quiet Quitting and The Great Resignation indicate a marked cultural shift from the early and mid-2010s when "hustle culture" paved the way to "grinding" and "girl-bossing" – two ideas that prioritized work over everything else, with the belief that such effort made employees more desirable to managers, therefore helping them climb up the corporate ladder faster and generating more income.

    In addition, it is important to highlight that employees have been re-evaluating how much time they spend commuting, working overtime and generally investing in low-pay, low-reward jobs. It seems they have realized that they work in systems where they are constantly immersed in a hustle culture – which has been repeatedly shown to be only beneficial for corporations and their managers, through bonuses, through increased productivity, through increased revenue and profits and the like.

    Furthermore, some employees are advocating for policies, benefits and working conditions that strengthen work-life balance. But critics say it doesn't work as well as it should, with a glaring loophole that allows employers to take advantage by vaguely wording their policies.

Adapted from: Last Updated: August 25, 2022
Based on the text, mark the statements below as True (T) or False (F).

( ) By referring to “quiet quitting” as a misnomer, Karen K. Ho means that the ups and downs of everyday life do not make viral trends on TikTok.

( ) According to Zaid Khan, the idea behind “quiet quitting” is to lead people to completely quit their jobs.

( ) In a nutshell, “quiet quitting” is a renewed commitment to life beyond the workplace.

The statements are, in the order presented, respectively:
Q3028593 História
“No século XVIII, o domínio dos latifúndios já se fazia presente, sendo expressivo na Bahia, no território banhado pelo Rio São Francisco e no Sertão Setentrional do Nordeste, incluindo o Estado do Ceará”.

(Fonte: Ipece, 2009).

Neste período, a ocupação do Ceará estava associada à economia
Q3028592 História
No processo de formação e ocupação territorial, o Estado do Ceará já pertenceu à Capitania de
Q3028591 História
Música que faz crítica ao regime militar, EXCETO o que se apresenta na opção
Q3028590 História
Leia o trecho com atenção.

"Fui vencido pela reação e assim deixo o governo. Nestes sete meses cumpri o meu dever. Tenho-o cumprido dia e noite, trabalhando infatigavelmente, sem prevenções, nem rancores. Mas baldaram-se os meus esforços para conduzir esta nação, que pelo caminho de sua verdadeira libertação política e econômica, a única que possibilitaria o progresso efetivo e a justiça social, a que tem direito o seu generoso povo".

O fragmento refere-se a uma carta de renúncia à Presidência da República, cujo autor(a) é
Q3028589 História
Em oposição à candidatura de Júlio Prestes, formou-se a chamada Aliança Liberal com os estados de
Q3028588 História
No dia 17 de janeiro de 2024, o jornal Brasil de Fato trouxe em cena a realidade cubana frente aos persistentes problemas econômicos dos quais o país vem tentando se recuperar desde, pelo menos, a crise gerada pela pandemia em 2020. Um cenário marcando inflação acima dos 30% e episódios recorrentes de escassez de combustível e outros produtos se agravam pelo histórico bloqueio dos EUA contra o país.

Entre as razões que levaram os EUA a embargarem Cuba na década de 1960, está 
Q3028587 História
Em 2024, o mundo conta com mais de 30 guerras em andamento. A maioria no norte da África, algumas no Golfo Pérsico, na península arábica e uma no leste da Europa. Todos os países envolvidos disputam, além de territórios, o controle de reservas de petróleo, gás natural e minérios fundamentais para a indústria.

(Fonte: Tv Senado, 7 de maio de 2024 adaptado)

Na península arábica ocorre a guerra civil no(na)
Q3028586 História
“Tanques e soldados do Exército invadem a entrada do palácio presidencial. Roteiro e imagens lembram as décadas de 1960 e 1970, quando ditaduras militares se espalharam pela América do Sul. Mas a cena coordenada pelo General Zúñiga ocorreu nesta quarta-feira (26) no país sul-americano. Acontecimento surpreendente ou desfecho para um governo em crise?”.
(Fonte: Agência Brasil, 27 de junho de 2024).

O texto faz referência à tentativa de golpe de Estado no(na)
Q3028585 História
Apesar de estar recuperando a confiança da população, Milei enfrenta um impasse com o poder legislativo porque
Q3028584 História
Política externa da União Soviética adotada por Khrushchev (1955-1962) propunha que o Comunismo e o Capitalismo poderiam existir independentes um do outro, em sua zona de influência, efetivando disputas sociais e econômicas fora do âmbito militar. Estamos falando de
Q3028583 História
Na segunda fase da 2ª Guerra Mundial, o quadro começa a ser alterado a partir do(da)
Q3028582 História
“Transformar o proletariado numa força orgânica de cooperação com o Estado e não o deixar pelo abandono da lei, entregue à ação dissolvente de elementos perturbadores, destituídos dos sentimentos de pátria e de família”.
Esse trecho faz referência ao controle estatal, exercido sobre a estrutura sindical no Brasil, notadamente no Governo de
Q3028581 História
A Revolução Industrial transformou as relações de trabalho e a unidade de produção passou a ser a fábrica. O trabalho deixou de ser manual e passou a ser efetuado por uma máquina, controlada pelo homem que agora era operário e não artesão. Para os trabalhadores, esse processou desencadeou o(a)
Q3028580 História
As negociações e as decisões, levadas a efeito pelo Congresso de Viena, basearam-se em três princípios políticos:
Q3028579 História

Observe a imagem a seguir.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O símbolo de nome Marianne ilustra a personificação do(da)

Q3028578 História
A prática do bloqueio continental, instituída por Napoleão, proibia que as nações europeias estabelecessem relações comerciais com
Q3028577 História
Obras como O Príncipe e O Leviatã reafirmam qual sistema político?
101: D
102: E
103: B
104: C
105: D
106: B
107: E
108: A
109: D
110: C
111: E
112: B
113: A
114: D
115: C
116: D
117: B
118: A
119: C
120: D