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The reading passage as dependent exemplification
The presentation of language through reading passages, with appended comprehension questions, is a well-established and very familiar pedagogic practice. But what is the purpose of such passages? When they appear in structurally based courses they seem to be used as a vehicle for usage, to consolidate a knowledge of structure and vocabulary that has already been introduced and to extend this knowledge by incorporating into the passages examples of whatever elements of usage come next in the course. In this case, the passage is intended as a manifestation of selected parts of the language system and in consequence they frequently exhibit an abnormally high occurence of particular structures. It has something of the character of a display case and its value as discourse is decreased accordingly.
(Widdowson, H. G. Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford University Press.)
All sentences are true about the reading passage described, EXCEPT:
Read the text to answer.
Over a ten-month period studying English, Alberto still used reduced and simplified forms of expression. For example, he did not progress beyond the first stage in development of negatives, he continued to use declarative word order rather than inversion in questions, he acquired virtually no auxiliary verbs, and failed to mark regular verbs for past tense or nouns for possession. The gramatical features that he did seem to have acquired could be accounted for his positive transfer from his native language – Spanish – and he was at a very early stage of development.
According to Schumann’s acculturation model, the scenario describes:
Eva is an adult immigrant learner of English in Canada and she is talking to a co-worker. M: Do you see him? And pointed at the man on TV. E: Yes, why? M: Don’t you know him? E: No, I don’t know him. M: How come you don’t know him? Don’t you watch TV? That’s Bart Simpson.
The notion that is central to the scenario presented is:
Mark the item which contains an inconsistency and its corresponding correction:
From interactivity to passivity
Observers have noted that the Internet is moving away from its original model of cooperative communication based on exchange, and tending towards the logic of a mass broadcasting media, resulting in a concentration of producers and the progressive disappearance of interactivity. This tendency towards passivity in the use of the new media can, we believe, be counterbalanced effectively in an approach to FLT which encourages cooperative, collaborative procedures, where teachers abandon traditional roles and act more as guides and mentors, exploring the new media themselves as learners and thus acting as role models for their learners. Case studies show that there is closer interaction between teacher and students when the new media are employed. Language learners who have experienced this kind of approach are most likely to transfer the skills acquired to their daily practice in the use of the new media in the mother tongue. And, above all, this experience should lead to the development of a “user culture”, implying appropriate behaviour, which respects other people as well as the diversity of their opinions.
From interactivity to passivity
Observers have noted that the Internet is moving away from its original model of cooperative communication based on exchange, and tending towards the logic of a mass broadcasting media, resulting in a concentration of producers and the progressive disappearance of interactivity. This tendency towards passivity in the use of the new media can, we believe, be counterbalanced effectively in an approach to FLT which encourages cooperative, collaborative procedures, where teachers abandon traditional roles and act more as guides and mentors, exploring the new media themselves as learners and thus acting as role models for their learners. Case studies show that there is closer interaction between teacher and students when the new media are employed. Language learners who have experienced this kind of approach are most likely to transfer the skills acquired to their daily practice in the use of the new media in the mother tongue. And, above all, this experience should lead to the development of a “user culture”, implying appropriate behaviour, which respects other people as well as the diversity of their opinions.
O Plano de Metas, um dos mais importantes marcos do governo de JK, preconizava, entre outros fatores:
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A crise de terras é uma constante na história do Brasil. Sobre a Reforma Agrária em nosso país, é correto afirmar que:
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Os países que atualmente fazem parte do chamado “Clube Atômico” são:
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O surto recente de violência é a continuidade de um longo conflito entre israelenses e palestinos, cujo marco crucial:
I.É o nome dado à onda de protestos, revoltas e revoluções populares contra governos que eclodiu em 2011.
II.Movimentos revolucionários de cunho nacionalista e popular que eclodiram em diversos pontos da Europa por volta de 1840.
III.Tentativa de criar na Tchecoslováquia um projeto de renovação do socialismo: o socialismo humanista.
A alternativa que traz os nomes desses movimentos, na ordem crescente, é:
Três mulheres e um homem viveram entre os anos 1000 e 1450. As primeiras tumbas da cultura Ichma ficavam no topo de uma pirâmide.
Mil anos de idade em um cemitério pré-inca de forma piramidal que se ergue no coração de um bairro residencial em Lima. A descoberta confirma a presença da cultura Ichmaem Lima, que se instalou na costa central do Perua partir do ano 1000 e desapareceu em 1450, coincidindo com a expansão do império inca, que abarcou os anos 1438-1533.
(Disponível em:
São chamados povos pré-colombianos os povos que precederam à colonização europeia na América. Os mais conhecidos foram os astecas, incas e maias. Dentre as principais características que permeavam o cotidiano desses povos, podemos destacar:
(JUZWIAK, Victor; LEITE, Marcos Flávio. Relação entre Ensino de História e Historiografia: algumas reflexões. Revista Virtual P@rtes.)
Para os historiadores desse período (século XIX), o documento histórico
(Le Goff, 1924 –Tradução Bernardo Leitão... [et al.] –Campinas, SP Editora da UNICAMP, 1990.)
Sobre o calendário, de uma maneira geral, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I.É considerado um dos grandes emblemas e instrumentos do poder; pois,normalmente,os detentores carismáticos do poder são senhores do calendário.
II.Júlio César fez reformar o calendário romano e, numa prova de seu poder, criou o novo calendário, denominado “Calendário Cristão”, vigente até hoje.
III.O lugar que o calendário ocupa nos primeiros séculos do cristianismo demonstra a sua importância para a igreja cristã.
Estão corretas as afirmativas
Acerca desse assunto, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I.A UNE foi a primeira entidade estudantil do Brasil, criada em pleno Regime Militar.
II.Numa das participações mais contundentes, os estudantes estiveram presentes na “Passeata dos Cem Mil” contra o Regime Militar.
III.Na Campanha “Diretas Já”, a participação dos estudantes foi irrisória, pois a UNE tinha sido cassada pelo governo da “Linha Dura”.
IV.O movimento “Caras Pintadas” foi marcado por uma presença muito forte dos estudantes, bem como de outros setores da sociedade civil.
Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas