Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q2776442 Inglês

Read the news and answer the following three questions.

Even for a country numbed by injustice and inequality, Brazil has been shocked by revelations that a poor mother who stole an Easter egg for her children was condemned to a harsher jail sentence than corporate executives and politicians who cheated the public of millions of dollars.

The woman – who is referred to only by her first name, Maria – was sentenced to three years, two months and three days in prison for shoplifting a chocolate egg and a chicken breast from a supermarket in Matão, São Paulo in 2015, according to local media.

She was kept in detention for five months before her trial, then found guilty of a first-degree crime. Although she was briefly remanded during her appeal, a second judge sent her to prison pregnant in November 2016. She has since given birth – to her fourth child – behind bars, and is now nursing her baby son in an overcrowded cell. Once the child is six months, it will be taken from her care.

The case is far from unusual, but it has drawn public attention because of an appeal by a legal ombudsman and a newspaper article that drew damning comparisons with the laxer punishments handed down to those convicted of far greater crimes in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) case, a sprawling corruption investigation which has implicated a string of major figures in Brazilian politics and business. (Jonathan Watts published in:

Which statement does not reflect what is written in the article.

Q2776441 Inglês

“Besides, while a number of neighbors ___________________ in the spinning-top adventure, the rest are brought _____________________ to their balconies prompted by bloodcurdling cries.”

Complete the sentence with the right verb form.

Q2776440 Inglês

“We had ___________________ able to ask them about the knowledge they ______________________to produce what they were producing, whether we ________________________ have got a satisfying answer”

Fill in the blanks with the right verb tenses.

Q2776438 Inglês

Mark the sentence in which there is a wrong use of the modal according to the correct grammar use.

Q2776435 Inglês

“Waste of money, which they could ________________________ lent to her parents for living expenses.”

Complete the sentence with the right modal or auxiliary.

Q2776425 Inglês

“After showing a short scene, students might ________________ to imagine they are one of the characters.”

Complete the sentence with the right verb tense.

Q2776076 Inglês

Read the sentence below and, given its context, choose the option that best replaces the underlined word:

The main reason he is living in Canada is to make better his English.

Q2776075 Inglês

Match the two columns, relating the word to its meaning:

1 - Professor

2 - Lawyer

3 - Pupil

4 – Physician

( ) a doctor

( ) a student

( ) a university teacher of the highest rank

( ) is a general term for a person who is qualified to advise people about the law and represent them in court

The correct sequence is:

Q2776060 Inglês

A dictionary is a very important tool for anyone who is learning a new language. With a good dictionary you can do the following:

I - Look up the meaning of an English word you see or hear and find the English translation of a word in your language

II - Check the spelling of a word and check the plural of a noun or past tense of a verb

III - Find out other grammatical information about a word and find the synonym or antonym of a word

IV - Look up the collocations of a word and check the part of speech of a word

V- Find out how to say a word and find out about the register of a word

VI - Find examples of the use of a word in natural language

Q2776058 Inglês

I ________________ to get married next year but my mother ____________me that is better wait and become more ______________about my decision.

(Eu pretendo me casar ano que vem, mas minha mãe aconselhou que é melhor esperar e se tornar mais confiante sobre minhas decisões.) A alternativa que preenche as lacunas corretamente respeitando a tradução dada é:

Q2774045 Inglês

Complete with the best verb meaning and form:

“The project ____________ at the home of Abdel Hernandez last year, when a group of artists had met to discuss recent episodes of censorship of art exhibitions and they had also thought of possible ways to respond.”

Q2774043 Inglês

“The cognitive approach was a reaction to the behaviorist features of the audio-lingual approach, influenced by cognitive psychology and Chomskyan linguistics. Cognitive psychology (Neisser, 1967) holds that people do not learn complex systems like language or mathematics through habit formation but through the acquisition of patterns and rules that they can then extend and apply to new circumstances or problems.” On this approach, it is correct the following statement:

Q2774041 Inglês

Complete with the best adverb: “Never tell her how _____________ butter and cream you use.”

Q2774039 Inglês

Thinking about teaching methodology, we can reflect that:

I. Language learning is a process of habit formation.

II. It is important for teachers to prevent student error since errors can lead to the formation of bad habits.

III. Students should back out the sentence patterns of the target language.

IV. Positive reinforcement helps students to develop correct habits.

It is correct what it was said in:

Q2774036 Inglês

Complete with the better modal verb: “Using a phone's speaker option _____________ allow the caregiver to do other tasks while waiting for a response.”

Q2774035 Inglês

“The experimental tutors may have _____________ like experts in the targeted text since they had been told that they _____________ received instruction while their tutees had not.”

Q2774032 Inglês

Choose the best synonym for “divert” in the following sentence: “She was trying to divert my attention from her inappropriate question about Lily's gift.”

Q2774028 Inglês

Complete the following sentence with the better phrasal verb according to the meaning in parenthesis: “I don't know why the teacher never (ask someone for an answer in class) you. You always know the answer.”

Q2774027 Inglês

Read the article and answer the following three questions.

Trump aide cites 'massacre' that never occurred to defend immigrant ban

A Trump administration aide corrected herself on Friday after a wave of criticism for referencing a 2011 "massacre" in Kentucky that never occurred to defend President Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

During an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday, White House counselor and spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway said Trump's recent executive order was justified in part because of the "Bowling Green massacre" of 2011, which never took place.

Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound."

The phrase "Bowling Green massacre" was the top trending topic on Twitter on Friday morning as thousands of social media users mocked Conway's error.

On television late on Thursday, Conway spoke about two Iraqis who came to the United States and were radicalized, adding, erroneously, "and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre."

She then said: "Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."

In fact, in May 2011, two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and charged with attempting to send weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq. They admitted to using improvised explosive devices against U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison and to 40 years in prison, respectively. Neither was charged with plotting attacks within the United States, prosecutors said.

Conway said on Twitter that she meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" on the show. She also slammed a network reporter for criticizing her.

"NBC reporter texted me at 632am re:a diff story; never asked what I meant on @Hardball b4 slamming me on @TODAYshow Not cool, not journalism," Conway (@KellyannePolls) wrote.

In the sentence, “Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound." How can you retell what was said?

Q2774022 Inglês

Read the article and answer the following three questions.

Trump aide cites 'massacre' that never occurred to defend immigrant ban

A Trump administration aide corrected herself on Friday after a wave of criticism for referencing a 2011 "massacre" in Kentucky that never occurred to defend President Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

During an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday, White House counselor and spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway said Trump's recent executive order was justified in part because of the "Bowling Green massacre" of 2011, which never took place.

Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound."

The phrase "Bowling Green massacre" was the top trending topic on Twitter on Friday morning as thousands of social media users mocked Conway's error.

On television late on Thursday, Conway spoke about two Iraqis who came to the United States and were radicalized, adding, erroneously, "and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre."

She then said: "Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."

In fact, in May 2011, two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and charged with attempting to send weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq. They admitted to using improvised explosive devices against U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison and to 40 years in prison, respectively. Neither was charged with plotting attacks within the United States, prosecutors said.

Conway said on Twitter that she meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" on the show. She also slammed a network reporter for criticizing her.

"NBC reporter texted me at 632am re:a diff story; never asked what I meant on @Hardball b4 slamming me on @TODAYshow Not cool, not journalism," Conway (@KellyannePolls) wrote.

What is wrong about the news?

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