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I. Na seguinte frase, não há um substantivo: a casa é verde.
II. No trecho "Já fecharam a urna funerária", o vocábulo "urna" é classificado como pronome reflexivo.
III. O termo "enxame" é um verbo.
IV. A grafia do verbo seguinte está correta: correr.
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Brazil's universities take affirmative action
By Julia Carneiro
BBC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
28August 2013
Antonio Oliveira has benefited from the “quotas” in the first semester since the law came into effect. As a teenager he had to balance his time between school and helping his parents harvest vegetables to sell at a farmer's market, and doing other small jobs to scrape by.
Until recently, he says the only prospects for those growing up in his city, Colinas, were to work with crops or to get a post at the city hall - “a mediocre job that people think is heaven,” as he puts it. But Antonio has just finished his first term studying Economic Sciences at Rio de Janeiro's prestigious Federal University (UFRJ), a dream he had nurtured since his days at a rural public school.
His placement represents a radical change in the Brazilian university system.
Competition for places
Anew law approved a year ago reserves 50% of spots in Brazil's federal universities for students coming from public schools, low-income families and who are of African or indigenous descent.
“I think this is a life-changing opportunity.I hope I will get a good job after university and be able to give my parents more comfort as they grow old,” said Antonio Oliveira, student.
The number of posts reserved for black, mixed race and indigenous students will vary according to the racial make-up of each Brazilian state.
Ten years ago affirmative action gradually started being adopted in both state and federally funded Brazilian universities, in an attempt to give underprivileged Brazilians better chances of getting free higher education - and thus access to better jobs. Half of Brazil's population is ofAfrican descent, but the country's public universities tend to reflect the Brazilian upper classes - who are mostly white.
Although these universities are free, those who traditionally made it in usually came from expensive private schools. Students from public education - the majority of whom are black or mixed race - were less likely to secure one of the highly competitive places. Now the “quotas” are mandatory in all of Brazil's 59 federal universities, which have until 2016 to reserve half of their positions for affirmative action.
Controversial issue
Antonio Freitas says the country is moving backwards with the quota policies.
But racial quotas have sparked widespread controversy in Brazil. Many who are against them argue that easing access to higher education denies the principle of merit that brings excellence to universities.
“This is bad for the future of Brazil, because the main objective of universities is research, is to achieve quality,” says Antonio Freitas, provost of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a prestigious private university.
“Eventually you may not have the most qualified people in engineering, in medical school, in the most challenging areas which Brazil needs to develop.”
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The sentences below provide further information about the studentAntonio Oliveira. Choose the only sentence in which the expression used to refer to his age is correct.
The Guardian newspaper in the UK invited people to send in their opinions about the phenomenon of young teenagers turning to drink and drugs. Below is a selection of ome of those opinions:
I'm 27. Since the age of about 13 I've been drinking and smoking. Why? Let me attempt to answer. My generation's culture is accelerating at a pace never before experienced. We have instant solutions to everything. We want information - we log onto the net. We want to contact someone - we have our mobile phone. We want entertainment - we turn on the TV or the games console. With so many ways to instantly gratify ourselves is it any wonder than when things aren't going so well we turn to the quickest solution: drink and drugs?
Andrea, Manchester
I am sickened by teenagers who blame society for their drinking habits. These kids say that society doesn't provide enough for them and that they are bored and that's why they turn to drink and drugs. Well, I grew up in a rural village that had absolutely nothing: no bars, cinemas, sports centres, youth clubs - NOTHING! But we didn't take drugs and I had my first drink when I was 17. Boredom is no excuse.
G. Winterbottom, Greenwich
Let's remember how influential TV can be. Inevitably TV shows things that look good on the screen. This means they focus on people doing crazy things, being hip and generally acting like a true party animal. Filming university lecturers talking about good books is no way to attract a mass audience. Repeatedly kids are bombarded with images implying that life is about excitement and craziness - a message that entails a total disregard for the virtues that stop adult society falling apart. This must make young people nowadays much more demanding than kids in the past, and it must make them much more likely to look for easy ways of forgetting the thoroughly unexciting demands of adult life.
Yazoo, Brazil
All 14-year-olds want to do is go out and do exactly what the 18 year olds are doing. I am constantly hearing tales from my friend's 14-year-old sister about how she's been sick in a club. She thinks it's great, and says it's what everybody does. She also tells me that the most popular radio station in the UK has a program on Saturday morning where teenagers regularly phone in and talk to the DJ about how drunk they got the previous night. Everybody just laughs.
Andrew, Birmingham
If your future is going to consist of fifty or sixty years stuck in a tedious 9 to 5 job like a rat on a treadmill, chemicals are the way to go.
Naz, UK
When I was young I turned to drink for the following reasons: I always felt like an outsider. Teachers and adults never valued my thoughts and contributions, I was a second class citizen because of my age. Yet when I went out at the weekend and drank I forgot all about that, and for a few hours I felt on top of the world.
Alan, New Zealand
In Holland there isn't this idea that sex, drink and drugs (at least soft drugs) are something bad. The whole system is more relaxed and people are much more open about these issues. Of course there are problems but I don't think the solution is stricter legislation. Britain has much stricter legislation and the problems there are far worse. Take teenage pregnancies as an example. The age of consent for sex in the UK is 16, whereas in Holland it is 12, and we have the lowest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe.
Helga, Amsterdam
The text presents people’s opinions on the consumption of alcohol and drugs by young adolescents. Most of these people try to give a reason for the young adolescents’ drinking habits and drug use but
( Acessed on March 2nd, 2013.) Write True (T) or False (F) for the sentences below according to the same article: ( ) In terms of language teaching, Dias recommends the association of the vygostikyan view of knowledge construction, genre pedagogy and the integration of technological resources.
( ) Dias affirms that the integration of technological tools to the classroom environment is enough to make teaching techniques adequate to the 21st century students’ needs.
( ) According to the article, students are required to comprehend authentic texts and to be able to produce similar texts of the same genre.
( ) Writing short paragraphs about specific themes is an example of a task based on the notion of writing as social practice.
( ) Writing activities should follow a circular and recursive process that involves the production of a first draft, followed by peer revision and the teacher’s feedback. The CORRECT sequence is:
According to the text:
( Acessed on March 2nd, 2013.) The preposition that correctly completes the sentence: “My main focus is to discuss and reflect ____ the importance of the integration of information” is