Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q730068 Inglês
The (in)appropriate speaker model?
"Anyone working in the field of English as a Lingua Franca (henceforth ELF) has to face sooner rather than later a serious contradiction: that despite the widespread acceptance of the extensive role of English as an international lingua franca and its increasing number of functions in this respect, there is still an almost equally widespread resistance to this lingua franca’s forms. Given the well-established sociolinguistic fact that languages are shaped by their users, and that nowadays “native speakers are in a minority for [English] language use” (Brumfit 2001, 116), it would make sense for English language teaching to move away from its almost exclusive focus on native varieties of English. This suggestion always meets, however, with strong resistance from many quarters, and this is particularly so in the case of accent. The result is that two particular native speaker English accents, Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American (GA), continue to command special status around the English speaking world including international/lingua franca communication contexts where sociolinguistic common sense indicates that they are inappropriate and irrelevant." 
Source: adapted from: JENKINS, J. (Un)pleasant? (In)correct? (Un)Intelligible? ELF Speakers' perceptions of their accents. In: MAURANEN, Anna and RANTA, Elina (Ed.).English as a Lingua Franca:Studies and Findings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, p.10-35.  
Without changes in meaning, the word that in “...sociolinguistic common sense indicates that they are inappropriate and irrelevant” (lines 28 and 29) can be:
Q730067 Inglês
The (in)appropriate speaker model?
"Anyone working in the field of English as a Lingua Franca (henceforth ELF) has to face sooner rather than later a serious contradiction: that despite the widespread acceptance of the extensive role of English as an international lingua franca and its increasing number of functions in this respect, there is still an almost equally widespread resistance to this lingua franca’s forms. Given the well-established sociolinguistic fact that languages are shaped by their users, and that nowadays “native speakers are in a minority for [English] language use” (Brumfit 2001, 116), it would make sense for English language teaching to move away from its almost exclusive focus on native varieties of English. This suggestion always meets, however, with strong resistance from many quarters, and this is particularly so in the case of accent. The result is that two particular native speaker English accents, Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American (GA), continue to command special status around the English speaking world including international/lingua franca communication contexts where sociolinguistic common sense indicates that they are inappropriate and irrelevant." 
Source: adapted from: JENKINS, J. (Un)pleasant? (In)correct? (Un)Intelligible? ELF Speakers' perceptions of their accents. In: MAURANEN, Anna and RANTA, Elina (Ed.).English as a Lingua Franca:Studies and Findings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, p.10-35.  
The sentence “...languages are shaped by their users...” (lines 11 and 12) in active voice is, "users
Q730066 Inglês
The (in)appropriate speaker model?
"Anyone working in the field of English as a Lingua Franca (henceforth ELF) has to face sooner rather than later a serious contradiction: that despite the widespread acceptance of the extensive role of English as an international lingua franca and its increasing number of functions in this respect, there is still an almost equally widespread resistance to this lingua franca’s forms. Given the well-established sociolinguistic fact that languages are shaped by their users, and that nowadays “native speakers are in a minority for [English] language use” (Brumfit 2001, 116), it would make sense for English language teaching to move away from its almost exclusive focus on native varieties of English. This suggestion always meets, however, with strong resistance from many quarters, and this is particularly so in the case of accent. The result is that two particular native speaker English accents, Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American (GA), continue to command special status around the English speaking world including international/lingua franca communication contexts where sociolinguistic common sense indicates that they are inappropriate and irrelevant." 
Source: adapted from: JENKINS, J. (Un)pleasant? (In)correct? (Un)Intelligible? ELF Speakers' perceptions of their accents. In: MAURANEN, Anna and RANTA, Elina (Ed.).English as a Lingua Franca:Studies and Findings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, p.10-35.  
The main point made by the passage "Given the well-established sociolinguistic fact that languages are shaped by their users, and that nowadays "native speakers are in a minority for [English] language use” (Brumfit 2001, 116), it would make sense for English language teaching to move away from its almost exclusive focus on native varieties of English." (lines 10 to 18) is to:
Q730065 Inglês
What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from Access: March 24th , 2016.  
In the text 05, the word "needs" (line 05) has the vowel sound /i:/, that can also be identified in the words
Q730064 Inglês
What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from Access: March 24th , 2016.  
The same type of underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 05 "The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with." (lines 16 to 18), is:
Q730063 Inglês
What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from Access: March 24th , 2016.  
In the sentence "How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers?" (lines 04 to 08), the relative pronoun can be substituted, without change of meaning, by:
Q730062 Inglês
What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from Access: March 24th , 2016.  
Considering the words taken from the text 05, the underlined words with the appropriate stress syllable are
Q730061 Inglês
What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from Access: March 24th , 2016.  
According to the text 05, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is a common
Q730060 Inglês

Identify the item that best replaces the phrasal verb in bold type.  

I’ve finally got over the problem.  

Q730059 Inglês
Identify the item that best replaces the phrasal verb in bold type.  
  I’ve just ran into your sister on the mall.  
Q730058 Inglês
Identify the item that best replaces the phrasal verb in bold type.  

He tore up all her letters when she decided to move. 
Q730057 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.
Considering the context of use in the text 04, the words "teaching" and "learning" (line 22) in the second paragraph are
Q730056 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.
The discourse marker "such as" in the exerpt "...such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements." (lines 14 to 19) can be substituted, without change in meaning, by
Q730055 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.
The most suitable articles to fill up the blanks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the text 04, respectively are:
Q730054 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.

Considering the excerpt taken from the text 04 "In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students..." (lines 28 to 31), answer the question.

The modal verb “should” brings the idea of:

Q730053 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.
Considering the excerpt taken from the text 04 "In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students..." (lines 28 to 31), answer the question.
The word "framework" can be substituted, without changing of meaning by:
Q730052 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.
According to what is developed throughout the text 04, what is the best title to it?
Q730051 Inglês
Mario-Centered Nintendo Land To Open By Tokyo Olympics
Nintendo Land is set to become the next highly-anticipated attraction at Universal Studios Japan, where it is scheduled to debut by 2020 in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The recently confirmed $350 million deal was said to mirror the same large-scale investment that was needed in building the Harry Potter-themed area of the park, which opened to the public in July 2014.
Source: 305/mario-centered-nintendo-land-set-to-openby-tokyo-olympics.htm. (Adapted). Access: March 23rd, 2016.  
The pronoun it refers to
Q730050 Inglês
Mario-Centered Nintendo Land To Open By Tokyo Olympics
Nintendo Land is set to become the next highly-anticipated attraction at Universal Studios Japan, where it is scheduled to debut by 2020 in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The recently confirmed $350 million deal was said to mirror the same large-scale investment that was needed in building the Harry Potter-themed area of the park, which opened to the public in July 2014.
Source: 305/mario-centered-nintendo-land-set-to-openby-tokyo-olympics.htm. (Adapted). Access: March 23rd, 2016.  
One can infer from the title “Mario-Centered Nintendo Land To Open by Tokyo Olympics” that “to open”
Q730049 Inglês
In the sentence “The actress dances as well as she acts.” the passage “as well as” expresses an idea of
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