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Q2226458 Inglês
     Data art is a form of digital art that uses data as a medium or source material to create visually appealing and meaningful representations. It often involves the use of algorithms, software, and technology to turn data into something that can be seen, such as a graph, chart, or animation. The goal is to convey emotions to the audience by sharing insights, patterns, or stories hidden within the data in an accessible and creative way. Data artist Kirell Benzi adds that, because it is based on data, the piece has a more objective truth behind its construction and does not solely come from the artist’s imagination.
       Still emerging, Data Art has nonetheless existed for decades. What stands it apart, from the other digital art categories, is the complex interaction between material, process, and expression.
        The artist Aaron Koblin once argued that “data can make us more human”. As part of a project to put this forward, he made Flight Patterns. The summary purpose explains it all: Interpreting a series of flight data and, once processed, a wide range of human behaviors appears. It is how we all flow through technology.

Internet: <>(adapted). 
Considering the information stated in the precedent text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.
The use of “nonetheless”, in the first sentence of the second paragraph, expresses a somewhat contradictory idea in the sentence.

Q2226457 Inglês
     Data art is a form of digital art that uses data as a medium or source material to create visually appealing and meaningful representations. It often involves the use of algorithms, software, and technology to turn data into something that can be seen, such as a graph, chart, or animation. The goal is to convey emotions to the audience by sharing insights, patterns, or stories hidden within the data in an accessible and creative way. Data artist Kirell Benzi adds that, because it is based on data, the piece has a more objective truth behind its construction and does not solely come from the artist’s imagination.
       Still emerging, Data Art has nonetheless existed for decades. What stands it apart, from the other digital art categories, is the complex interaction between material, process, and expression.
        The artist Aaron Koblin once argued that “data can make us more human”. As part of a project to put this forward, he made Flight Patterns. The summary purpose explains it all: Interpreting a series of flight data and, once processed, a wide range of human behaviors appears. It is how we all flow through technology.

Internet: <>(adapted). 
Considering the information stated in the precedent text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.
Kirell Benzi questions the meaning of artistic objects constructed using data as a medium. 

Q2226456 Inglês
     Data art is a form of digital art that uses data as a medium or source material to create visually appealing and meaningful representations. It often involves the use of algorithms, software, and technology to turn data into something that can be seen, such as a graph, chart, or animation. The goal is to convey emotions to the audience by sharing insights, patterns, or stories hidden within the data in an accessible and creative way. Data artist Kirell Benzi adds that, because it is based on data, the piece has a more objective truth behind its construction and does not solely come from the artist’s imagination.
       Still emerging, Data Art has nonetheless existed for decades. What stands it apart, from the other digital art categories, is the complex interaction between material, process, and expression.
        The artist Aaron Koblin once argued that “data can make us more human”. As part of a project to put this forward, he made Flight Patterns. The summary purpose explains it all: Interpreting a series of flight data and, once processed, a wide range of human behaviors appears. It is how we all flow through technology.

Internet: <>(adapted). 
Considering the information stated in the precedent text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.
Data art enables visualization of artistic representations derived from data.

Q2226455 Inglês
     Data art is a form of digital art that uses data as a medium or source material to create visually appealing and meaningful representations. It often involves the use of algorithms, software, and technology to turn data into something that can be seen, such as a graph, chart, or animation. The goal is to convey emotions to the audience by sharing insights, patterns, or stories hidden within the data in an accessible and creative way. Data artist Kirell Benzi adds that, because it is based on data, the piece has a more objective truth behind its construction and does not solely come from the artist’s imagination.
       Still emerging, Data Art has nonetheless existed for decades. What stands it apart, from the other digital art categories, is the complex interaction between material, process, and expression.
        The artist Aaron Koblin once argued that “data can make us more human”. As part of a project to put this forward, he made Flight Patterns. The summary purpose explains it all: Interpreting a series of flight data and, once processed, a wide range of human behaviors appears. It is how we all flow through technology.

Internet: <>(adapted). 
Considering the information stated in the precedent text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.
Data art is a process that converts the emotional aspects of art pieces into data.
Q2226454 Português
Texto CB1A1-II

    Em 1898, Nikola Tesla impressionou quem assistiu à sua apresentação na Feira Electrical Exhibition, que aconteceu no (então recém-inaugurado) Madison Square Garden, em Nova York.
      Em uma piscina, o cientista colocou um barco em miniatura — que, de repente, começou a se mover sozinho. A plateia, boquiaberta, logo o indagou sobre o feito. Tesla disse que havia equipado o barco com um “sistema inteligente”, capaz de responder, inclusive, a comandos de direção.
         As pessoas, então, gritaram para que a miniatura navegasse para frente, para o lado, para trás… E o barquinho obedeceu, como se estivesse “ouvindo” as ordens. Mentira. Tesla estava comandando tudo à distância. Cortesia de sua invenção: o primeiro sistema de controle remoto via ondas de rádio.
       Hoje, claro, ninguém cairia no truque do barquinho. Mas, naquela época, quase ninguém conhecia as propriedades da radiotransmissão — a primeira transmissão transatlântica, feita pelo italiano Guglielmo Marconi, havia acontecido apenas um ano antes, em 1897. Tesla, assim como Marconi, foi um dos precursores desse campo de estudo, que revolucionou o modo como nos comunicamos.

Rafael Battaglia. Internet:<>  (com adaptações).

Julgue o item que se segue, em relação a estruturas linguísticas do texto CB1A1-II.

A correção gramatical e a coerência do texto seriam preservadas caso o travessão empregado logo depois do vocábulo “miniatura” (primeiro período do segundo parágrafo) fosse substituído por uma vírgula.

2611: C
2612: E
2613: C
2614: E
2615: C