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Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3230 Conhecimentos Gerais
A Semana de Arte Moderna, ocorrida em 1922, em São Paulo, é um marco da cultura brasileira. Dela, pode-se dizer, em linhas gerais, que foi um movimento
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3229 Conhecimentos Gerais
No passado recente, o Brasil conviveu com uma crise de energia elétrica de grandes proporções. A respeito das circunstâncias que determinaram e envolveram essa crise energética, assinale a opção incorreta.
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3226 Conhecimentos Gerais
Uma das novidades presentes no processo eleitoral brasileiro de 2002 é a interpretação dada pela Justiça à legislação existente, determinando a verticalização das coligações. Com isso,
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3205 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
According to the text, Presidents Bush and Cardoso
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3204 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
Anthony Harrington
16: B
17: C
18: E
19: B
20: E