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Q454432 Relações Públicas
Para a elaboração de um planejamento estratégico de comunicação, precisa-se de um esquema básico que, após a verificação do que já está implantado, passe pela análise do ambiente e do cenário e pelo estudo das necessidades e expectativas internas e externas, para, a partir daí, proceder-se ao planejamento de novas ações.

Entre as fases desse processo de elaboração de planejamento, está a seguinte:
Q452397 Inglês
Comparing the excerpt from Text I “Non-OECD countries are projected to lead oil demand growth this year and forecast to add 1.3 mb/d in 2H14 compared to the same period a year ago” (lines 13-15) to the excerpt from Text II “Non-OECD oil demand, led by Asia and the Middle East, looks set to overtake the OECD for the first time as early as 2Q13 and will widen its lead afterwards” (lines 24-27), one states that Text number
Q452396 Inglês
According to Text II, the statement “ongoing North American hydrocarbon revolution is a ‘game changer’.” (lines 14-15) suggests that the hydrocarbon revolution represents a
Q452395 Inglês
The expression from Text II upstream, midstream and downstream (lines 8-9) implies that investment programmes will be respectively directed to costs that involve
Q452394 Inglês
In the fragment of Text I “Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters.” (lines 31-33), the expression easing geopolitical tensions means geopolitical tensions that are
46: A
47: E
48: D
49: C
50: C