Questões de Concurso Comentadas para profissional básico - análise de sistemas - suporte

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Q5973 Engenharia de Software
No contexto de engenharia de software, testes de software podem ser decompostos numa série de passos que devem ser executados seqüencialmente. Considerando a arquitetura de software convencional, o primeiro passo deve ser o teste de
Q5971 Redes de Computadores
Suponha uma rede 802.11g com 3 estações conectadas por meio de um ponto de acesso (access point). A esse respeito, observe os textos abaixo.

I - Para transmitir, uma estação aguarda o meio ficar livre e permanece escutando o meio até o fim da transmissão do quadro para garantir que qualquer colisão seja detectada. Uma vez que o transmissor receba dados diferentes do que enviou (colisão detectada), a transmissão é interrompida e um quadro especial é enviado para garantir que todas as estações detectem a colisão.
II - A subcamada LLC dessa rede sem fio é a mesma utilizada em uma rede 802.3 (Ethernet).
III - Essa rede pode atingir, teoricamente, a velocidade de transmissão de 56623104 bits por segundo.

Está(ão) correto(s) o(s) texto(s):
Q5970 Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados
É uma propriedade das árvores balanceadas (árvores B)
Q5969 Programação
Em relação a métodos de chamada de sub-rotinas, pode-se afirmar que chamadas por
Q5968 Sistemas Operacionais
No Linux, a execução da linha de comando

echo abcde12345 | tr 3 4 | grep -v 3 | wc -l

produz como saída
Q5967 Redes de Computadores
Em relação a um arranjo de sete discos em RAID nível 2, pode-se afirmar que
Q5966 Sistemas Operacionais
Considerando-se o algoritmo de escalonamento por alternância circular (round-robin) aplicado a sistemas interativos, que problema pode ocorrer quando um quantum muito longo é adotado?
Q5965 Arquitetura de Computadores
Seja A uma máquina hipotética com tempo de ciclo de 5 ns e sem paralelismo no nível de instrução. Assumindo-se que cada estágio demora um ciclo de relógio, qual opção indica uma latência e um número de estágios no pipeline de uma máquina hipotética B suficientes para que B tenha uma largura de banda de processador superior ao da máquina A?
Q5964 Segurança da Informação
Um servidor Windows faz backup completo (full) de seus arquivos semanalmente aos sábados, iniciando às 20h e terminando às 23h. Um backup incremental é realizado às 8h, diariamente. Em uma determinada terça-feira, às 19h, o único disco rígido desse servidor falhou totalmente. Assim, é correto afirmar que
Q5963 Redes de Computadores
Observe as afirmativas abaixo, relacionadas a datagramas IPv4.

I - Em situações de congestionamento, os datagramas com o bit DF igual a 1 devem ser descartados.
II - A remontagem de datagramas sempre ocorre no destino.
III - Quando a MTU de uma rede é menor que o campo offset do datagrama a ser trafegado, ocorre a fragmentação.

Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s)
Q5961 Sistemas Operacionais
Suponha duas máquinas M1 e M2 com os seguintes serviços:

M1 - Servidor de correio Postfix em Linux, arquitetura x86.
M2 - Servidor WEB IIS em Windows 2003, arquitetura x86.

Uma terceira máquina M3 (x86) com Windows 2000 será criada para execução dos serviços das máquinas M1 e M2, tornando esses dois últimos servidores máquinas virtuais. Que software pode ser utilizado para isso?
Q5960 Redes de Computadores
Uma pequena empresa disponibiliza um site na Internet em uma infra-estrutura própria. O servidor de DNS apresenta problemas de sobrecarga devido a um grande número de consultas realizadas. Considerando-se que não há mudanças freqüentes de endereços IP e que as consultas, oriundas de usuários legítimos, são relacionadas ao servidor WEB, que alteração pode ser feita na configuração do servidor DNS para reduzir consideravelmente sua sobrecarga?
Q5959 Redes de Computadores
Um administrador de redes instalou um novo servidor Linux e disponibilizou para você um acesso SSH por usuário e senha. Sua estação de trabalho Windows XP (endereço IP e o servidor (endereço IP se conectam à rede por meio de um switch ethernet nível 2. Um usuário X (endereço IP, não administrador e mal-intencionado, está conectado no mesmo switch que você.
Considerando que você efetuará uma conexão SSH a esse servidor, observe as afirmativas abaixo.

I - Como o tráfego SSH é criptografado, ataques do tipo man-in-the-middle jamais podem ser bem sucedidos.
II - Seria necessário que a rede fosse interligada por um HUB para que, pelo menos, X pudesse observar o tráfego criptografado.
III - É imprescindível que o fingerprint da chave pública SSH recebida do servidor seja checado, para garantia de autenticidade.
IV - Uma vez que X consiga invadir o default gateway da sub-rede do servidor, sua senha será exposta. Está(ão) correta(s), apenas, a(s) afirmativa(s)
Q5957 Programação
Que API deve ser utilizada em uma aplicação Java EE 5 para leitura e manipulação (parse) de um fluxo (stream) de dados XML, com rapidez e baixo consumo de memória RAM?
Q5956 Sistemas Operacionais
Marque a opção em que todas as ações aumentam o desempenho de um servidor HTTP Apache 2.x.
Q5955 Programação
Um servidor Linux, que roda, exclusivamente, um servidor de aplicação Java EE, possui 2 GB de memória RAM e 1 CPU. A única aplicação em execução atinge, em momentos de pico, 50 usuários simultâneos. Para que essa aplicação tenha um desempenho adequado, o tamanho máximo da Heap da JVM pode ser configurado para
Q5914 Inglês
          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007
The title that best summarizes the content of the article is:
Q5913 Inglês
          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007
The final message of the text (lines 55-66) is that:
Q5912 Inglês
          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007
If you "push your ... initiative forward" (lines 49-50) you:
Q5911 Inglês
          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007
Check the correct pair of synonyms.
61: D
62: B
63: A
64: D
65: C
66: E
67: E
68: C
69: A
70: B
71: E
72: B
73: B
74: D
75: D
76: E
77: D
78: C
79: A
80: C