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Q2819192 Inglês

Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto apresentado abaixo.

A Laptop Designed to Take a Licking and Keep on Ticking


      “All terrain” is not usually a designation associated with things as delicate as hard drives and high-speed memory chips. Dell, however, is betting that its Latitude ATG D620 − the ATG stands for All-Terrain Grade − can change that.

      The ATG D620, which Dell says is designed to military specifications, includes a spill-resistant keyboard, heavy-duty case and 14-inch screen, which is visible in direct sunlight. It weighs about 6 pounds with the optical disk drive and battery installed, and is about 2 inches thick.

      The laptop comes in a metal-and-black finish with protective coverings on its serial, video out, modem, Ethernet and four U.S.B. ports.

      Inside the hard shell is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, running at up to 2 gigahertz, and up to 4 gigabytes of memory. The least expensive model ($2,499) runs at 1.6 gigahertz and includes an 80-gigabyte drive and 512 megabytes of memory.

      Dell includes a fingerprint scanner for security, while military and other security-conscious users can enable the laptop’s built-in Smart Card reader and other data encryption technology.

      ...... it won’t survive a dunk in the deep, the ATG D620 can survive a splash of mud or a good, hard drop.

(Adapted from The New York Times, January 25, 2007)

Segundo o texto, o ATG D620

Q2819178 Inglês

Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto apresentado abaixo.

A Laptop Designed to Take a Licking and Keep on Ticking


      “All terrain” is not usually a designation associated with things as delicate as hard drives and high-speed memory chips. Dell, however, is betting that its Latitude ATG D620 − the ATG stands for All-Terrain Grade − can change that.

      The ATG D620, which Dell says is designed to military specifications, includes a spill-resistant keyboard, heavy-duty case and 14-inch screen, which is visible in direct sunlight. It weighs about 6 pounds with the optical disk drive and battery installed, and is about 2 inches thick.

      The laptop comes in a metal-and-black finish with protective coverings on its serial, video out, modem, Ethernet and four U.S.B. ports.

      Inside the hard shell is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, running at up to 2 gigahertz, and up to 4 gigabytes of memory. The least expensive model ($2,499) runs at 1.6 gigahertz and includes an 80-gigabyte drive and 512 megabytes of memory.

      Dell includes a fingerprint scanner for security, while military and other security-conscious users can enable the laptop’s built-in Smart Card reader and other data encryption technology.

      ...... it won’t survive a dunk in the deep, the ATG D620 can survive a splash of mud or a good, hard drop.

(Adapted from The New York Times, January 25, 2007)

Segundo o texto, qual das alternativas abaixo NÃO tem relação com possíveis danos que o ATG D620 possa sofrer?

Q2819173 Inglês

Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto apresentado abaixo.

A Laptop Designed to Take a Licking and Keep on Ticking


      “All terrain” is not usually a designation associated with things as delicate as hard drives and high-speed memory chips. Dell, however, is betting that its Latitude ATG D620 − the ATG stands for All-Terrain Grade − can change that.

      The ATG D620, which Dell says is designed to military specifications, includes a spill-resistant keyboard, heavy-duty case and 14-inch screen, which is visible in direct sunlight. It weighs about 6 pounds with the optical disk drive and battery installed, and is about 2 inches thick.

      The laptop comes in a metal-and-black finish with protective coverings on its serial, video out, modem, Ethernet and four U.S.B. ports.

      Inside the hard shell is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, running at up to 2 gigahertz, and up to 4 gigabytes of memory. The least expensive model ($2,499) runs at 1.6 gigahertz and includes an 80-gigabyte drive and 512 megabytes of memory.

      Dell includes a fingerprint scanner for security, while military and other security-conscious users can enable the laptop’s built-in Smart Card reader and other data encryption technology.

      ...... it won’t survive a dunk in the deep, the ATG D620 can survive a splash of mud or a good, hard drop.

(Adapted from The New York Times, January 25, 2007)

Leia os excertos de texto abaixo.

• On the trail, or on urban streets, All Terrain boots and shoes meet the demands of your active lifestyle.

• ... other models include a range of high-speed allterrain go-karts and what is believed to be the...

• ... you can pick up a complimentary all-terrain bicycle for cycling around trails...

• "all terrain vehicle" means a vehicle that is propelled by motorized power and capable of travel on or off a highway

• The term "all-terrain vehicle" is used in a general sense to describe any of a number of small open motorized buggies and tricycles designed for off-road use.

• ... rubber soles that give exceptional grip on all terrain. If you anticipate extra heavy wear or enjoy...

Dos exemplos acima, infere-se que all-terrain, no texto, significa

Q2818717 Inglês

Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto apresentado abaixo.

A Laptop Designed to Take a Licking and Keep on Ticking


      “All terrain” is not usually a designation associated with things as delicate as hard drives and high-speed memory chips. Dell, however, is betting that its Latitude ATG D620 − the ATG stands for All-Terrain Grade − can change that.

      The ATG D620, which Dell says is designed to military specifications, includes a spill-resistant keyboard, heavy-duty case and 14-inch screen, which is visible in direct sunlight. It weighs about 6 pounds with the optical disk drive and battery installed, and is about 2 inches thick.

      The laptop comes in a metal-and-black finish with protective coverings on its serial, video out, modem, Ethernet and four U.S.B. ports.

      Inside the hard shell is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, running at up to 2 gigahertz, and up to 4 gigabytes of memory. The least expensive model ($2,499) runs at 1.6 gigahertz and includes an 80-gigabyte drive and 512 megabytes of memory.

      Dell includes a fingerprint scanner for security, while military and other security-conscious users can enable the laptop’s built-in Smart Card reader and other data encryption technology.

      ...... it won’t survive a dunk in the deep, the ATG D620 can survive a splash of mud or a good, hard drop.

(Adapted from The New York Times, January 25, 2007)

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto é

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