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Q986896 Noções de Informática

No que diz respeito ao programa de navegação Mozilla Firefox, em sua versão mais atual, aos conceitos de organização e de gerenciamento de arquivos e às noções de vírus, worms e pragas virtuais, julgue o item a seguir.

O Firefox verifica a ortografia das palavras de acordo com o que o usuário digita nas caixas de textos. Essa verificação ortográfica somente é ativada em caixas de texto que contenham mais de uma linha.

Q986895 Noções de Informática

No que diz respeito ao programa de navegação Mozilla Firefox, em sua versão mais atual, aos conceitos de organização e de gerenciamento de arquivos e às noções de vírus, worms e pragas virtuais, julgue o item a seguir.

A importação de favoritos de outros navegadores, como, por exemplo, do Google Chrome, é uma tarefa que pode ser realizada pelo Firefox. No entanto, cookies não podem ser importados.

Q986894 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Excel 2013, do sistema operacional Windows 8 e dos conceitos de redes de computadores, julgue o item subsequente.

O UDP é conhecido como um protocolo não confiável, uma vez que ele não fornece nenhuma garantia de que a mensagem chegará ao receptor.

Q986893 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Excel 2013, do sistema operacional Windows 8 e dos conceitos de redes de computadores, julgue o item subsequente.

As principais características da rede LAN são a capacidade de atingir longas distâncias e ser uma rede predominantemente pública.

Q986892 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Excel 2013, do sistema operacional Windows 8 e dos conceitos de redes de computadores, julgue o item subsequente.

No Windows 8, ao clicar o botão direito do mouse sobre o ícone do Google Chrome, estando ele localizado na barra de tarefas, será possível obter uma lista dos sites mais visitados.

Q986891 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Excel 2013, do sistema operacional Windows 8 e dos conceitos de redes de computadores, julgue o item subsequente.

No Windows 8, os programas que estão em execução não podem ser fixados na barra de tarefas.

Q986890 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Excel 2013, do sistema operacional Windows 8 e dos conceitos de redes de computadores, julgue o item subsequente.

No Excel 2013, é possível, por meio do recurso formatação condicional, alterar a aparência de um intervalo de células com base em critérios formulados pelo usuário.

Q986884 Raciocínio Lógico
Em um campeonato com dez equipes de futebol, cada  vitória  vale  três  pontos,  cada  empate,  um  ponto  e  cada  derrota  não  vale  pontos.  Cada  equipe  joga  com  todas  as  outras  duas  vezes,  uma  como  mandante  e  outra  como  visitante.  

Com base nesse caso hipotético, julgue o próximo item.

No total, haverá menos de 190 jogos no campeonato.

Q986882 Matemática
Oito pastas diferentes necessitam de ser guardadas em duas gavetas distintas.  

Com base nessa situação hipotética, julgue o item que se segue.

Se cada gaveta deve conter pelo menos uma pasta, então o número de possibilidades para guardar as oito pastas nas duas gavetas é menor que 260.

Q986878 Redação Oficial

Julgue o seguinte item, considerando a correção gramatical dos trechos apresentados e a adequação da linguagem à correspondência oficial.

Venho aqui informar que não vai dar para comprir o cronograma previsto para a execução do projeto de formação continuada, por estar muito apertado no tempo.

Q986877 Redação Oficial

Julgue o seguinte item, considerando a correção gramatical dos trechos apresentados e a adequação da linguagem à correspondência oficial.

Informo‐lo de que sua solicitação foi devidamente encaminhada ao setor de pagamento deste Conselho para as providências que se fazerem necessárias.

Q986876 Redação Oficial

Julgue o seguinte item, considerando a correção gramatical dos trechos apresentados e a adequação da linguagem à correspondência oficial.

Colocamo‐nos à disposição de Vossa Senhoria para quaisquer esclarecimentos relacionados à logística do evento.

Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840075 Inglês



      San Francisco, CA − A woman charged with child endangerment after a hit-and-run driver fatally struck her 2-year-old niece as the family crossed against a traffic light was acquitted of all charges today, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi announced.

      Jurors deliberated a day and a half before clearing Loyresha Gage, 26, of felony child endangerment resulting in death and misdemeanor child endangerment. Gage faced up to 10 years in state prison, said her attorney, Deputy Public Defender Kevin Mitchell.

      The tragic incident occurred Aug. 15, 2014. Gage was caring for her sister’s 2-year-old twins. As the three left the Metreon after seeing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, Gage took a long-awaited call from a friend who had been a no-show to the planned movie date. ..I.. still on the phone, Gage attempted to navigate a crosswalk on Mission Street.

      After waiting for traffic to clear, Gage and her niece, Mi’yana Gregory, stepped into the crosswalk. A little less than halfway across Mission Street,

      Gage realized her nephew was still on the curb and panicked. As she sprinted back to pick him up, a sedan sped down Mission and fatally struck Mi’yana.

      Gage was arrested Aug. 19 and police never found the hit-and-run driver.

      Gage’s family did not want her prosecuted and attended the trial to support her. The prosecutor’s decision to charge Gage was extremely painful for her family, who were struggling to cope with losing Mi’yana, Mitchell said.

      Adachi praised the jury’s decision.

      “The decision to treat this tragic mistake like a crime only added to the pain and suffering Ms. Gage and her entire family experienced. Fortunately, her public defender worked hard to ensure her case was heard,” Adachi said.


De acordo com o texto,
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840074 Inglês



      San Francisco, CA − A woman charged with child endangerment after a hit-and-run driver fatally struck her 2-year-old niece as the family crossed against a traffic light was acquitted of all charges today, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi announced.

      Jurors deliberated a day and a half before clearing Loyresha Gage, 26, of felony child endangerment resulting in death and misdemeanor child endangerment. Gage faced up to 10 years in state prison, said her attorney, Deputy Public Defender Kevin Mitchell.

      The tragic incident occurred Aug. 15, 2014. Gage was caring for her sister’s 2-year-old twins. As the three left the Metreon after seeing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, Gage took a long-awaited call from a friend who had been a no-show to the planned movie date. ..I.. still on the phone, Gage attempted to navigate a crosswalk on Mission Street.

      After waiting for traffic to clear, Gage and her niece, Mi’yana Gregory, stepped into the crosswalk. A little less than halfway across Mission Street,

      Gage realized her nephew was still on the curb and panicked. As she sprinted back to pick him up, a sedan sped down Mission and fatally struck Mi’yana.

      Gage was arrested Aug. 19 and police never found the hit-and-run driver.

      Gage’s family did not want her prosecuted and attended the trial to support her. The prosecutor’s decision to charge Gage was extremely painful for her family, who were struggling to cope with losing Mi’yana, Mitchell said.

      Adachi praised the jury’s decision.

      “The decision to treat this tragic mistake like a crime only added to the pain and suffering Ms. Gage and her entire family experienced. Fortunately, her public defender worked hard to ensure her case was heard,” Adachi said.


A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna I é
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840073 Inglês

Writing a business letter

Using the correct language and tone

      Business letters ..I.. be written in a formal tone using business-like language. Although it ...II... be suitable to use a friendly and informal style for an office memo, you ..III.. remember that a business letter normally conveys information on a professional matter and the language used should reflect this. However, avoid using technical terms or jargon which may be unfamiliar or confusing to the reader.

Using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar

      Using correct spelling is very important especially in regards to people’s names and any business or technical terms that you may be using. You can use the spell check facility in your word processing package or consult a dictionary before having someone review your letter.

      Punctuation helps the reader understand your letter so it is important that you know how to use it correctly. You also need to be aware of where punctuation is used in a letter. For example, unless instructed otherwise, you should use the open punctuation style for correspondence. Open punctuation means that you do not use punctuation other than in the actual text. For example, the inside address would not have any punctuation. Open punctuation is often used in business correspondence to speed up the process of creating letters.

      A simple grammatical error can easily make your letter look unprofessional. Make sure that you understand the basic rules of grammar.

      If you are uncertain of the rules on punctuation or grammar then it would pay to consult an English language handbook or you could ask your supervisor.

Conveying the correct information

      The purpose of a business letter is to convey specific information. Therefore, you must ensure that the correct details are provided. Any figures or financial information should be thoroughly checked before being reviewed by the person signing the letter.

Ensuring the correct enclosures are included

      If the letter indicates that other documents will be enclosed then you must make sure that the correct documents are in fact enclosed.

Reviewing your

      work Whenever you prepare a business letter, firstly prepare a draft copy which you have checked thoroughly. This draft copy should be presented for review. The review process may result in corrections or further information being added.

      Make the appropriate changes and then present the letter again for another review. This process should be repeated, until the person signing the letter is satisfied that it correctly conveys their message.


      When you prepare your draft letter you should use one and a half or double spacing to allow the reviewer to easily make changes. The final letter can be prepared using single spacing unless your firm has other specific spacing requirements.

Filing business letters

      You will need to take a photocopy of the final signed letter prior to sending it to the intended recipient(s).


A recomendação NÃO mencionada no texto é:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840072 Inglês

Writing a business letter

Using the correct language and tone

      Business letters ..I.. be written in a formal tone using business-like language. Although it ...II... be suitable to use a friendly and informal style for an office memo, you ..III.. remember that a business letter normally conveys information on a professional matter and the language used should reflect this. However, avoid using technical terms or jargon which may be unfamiliar or confusing to the reader.

Using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar

      Using correct spelling is very important especially in regards to people’s names and any business or technical terms that you may be using. You can use the spell check facility in your word processing package or consult a dictionary before having someone review your letter.

      Punctuation helps the reader understand your letter so it is important that you know how to use it correctly. You also need to be aware of where punctuation is used in a letter. For example, unless instructed otherwise, you should use the open punctuation style for correspondence. Open punctuation means that you do not use punctuation other than in the actual text. For example, the inside address would not have any punctuation. Open punctuation is often used in business correspondence to speed up the process of creating letters.

      A simple grammatical error can easily make your letter look unprofessional. Make sure that you understand the basic rules of grammar.

      If you are uncertain of the rules on punctuation or grammar then it would pay to consult an English language handbook or you could ask your supervisor.

Conveying the correct information

      The purpose of a business letter is to convey specific information. Therefore, you must ensure that the correct details are provided. Any figures or financial information should be thoroughly checked before being reviewed by the person signing the letter.

Ensuring the correct enclosures are included

      If the letter indicates that other documents will be enclosed then you must make sure that the correct documents are in fact enclosed.

Reviewing your

      work Whenever you prepare a business letter, firstly prepare a draft copy which you have checked thoroughly. This draft copy should be presented for review. The review process may result in corrections or further information being added.

      Make the appropriate changes and then present the letter again for another review. This process should be repeated, until the person signing the letter is satisfied that it correctly conveys their message.


      When you prepare your draft letter you should use one and a half or double spacing to allow the reviewer to easily make changes. The final letter can be prepared using single spacing unless your firm has other specific spacing requirements.

Filing business letters

      You will need to take a photocopy of the final signed letter prior to sending it to the intended recipient(s).


De acordo com o texto,
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840071 Inglês

Writing a business letter

Using the correct language and tone

      Business letters ..I.. be written in a formal tone using business-like language. Although it ...II... be suitable to use a friendly and informal style for an office memo, you ..III.. remember that a business letter normally conveys information on a professional matter and the language used should reflect this. However, avoid using technical terms or jargon which may be unfamiliar or confusing to the reader.

Using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar

      Using correct spelling is very important especially in regards to people’s names and any business or technical terms that you may be using. You can use the spell check facility in your word processing package or consult a dictionary before having someone review your letter.

      Punctuation helps the reader understand your letter so it is important that you know how to use it correctly. You also need to be aware of where punctuation is used in a letter. For example, unless instructed otherwise, you should use the open punctuation style for correspondence. Open punctuation means that you do not use punctuation other than in the actual text. For example, the inside address would not have any punctuation. Open punctuation is often used in business correspondence to speed up the process of creating letters.

      A simple grammatical error can easily make your letter look unprofessional. Make sure that you understand the basic rules of grammar.

      If you are uncertain of the rules on punctuation or grammar then it would pay to consult an English language handbook or you could ask your supervisor.

Conveying the correct information

      The purpose of a business letter is to convey specific information. Therefore, you must ensure that the correct details are provided. Any figures or financial information should be thoroughly checked before being reviewed by the person signing the letter.

Ensuring the correct enclosures are included

      If the letter indicates that other documents will be enclosed then you must make sure that the correct documents are in fact enclosed.

Reviewing your

      work Whenever you prepare a business letter, firstly prepare a draft copy which you have checked thoroughly. This draft copy should be presented for review. The review process may result in corrections or further information being added.

      Make the appropriate changes and then present the letter again for another review. This process should be repeated, until the person signing the letter is satisfied that it correctly conveys their message.


      When you prepare your draft letter you should use one and a half or double spacing to allow the reviewer to easily make changes. The final letter can be prepared using single spacing unless your firm has other specific spacing requirements.

Filing business letters

      You will need to take a photocopy of the final signed letter prior to sending it to the intended recipient(s).


Os verbos que preenchem corretamente as lacunas I, II e III são, correta e respectivamente:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840065 Noções de Informática
Trabalhando no ambiente Windows, uma secretária executiva deve saber que:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840064 Secretariado
Uma secretária executiva deseja enviar um e-mail com dados confidenciais para um destinatário no exterior. Para isso ela deve
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840063 Noções de Informática
Uma secretária executiva está utilizando um editor de textos de um pacote de aplicativos Office e necessita converter o arquivo texto editado para um formato de padrão aberto com o objetivo de garantir a interoperabilidade entre aplicativos, a independência de fornecedores e que o texto mantenha-se editável. A secretária escolheu o formato
321: C
322: E
323: C
324: E
325: C
326: E
327: C
328: C
329: C
330: E
331: E
332: C
333: C
334: A
335: E
336: A
337: D
338: E
339: E
340: C