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Q2415257 Pedagogia

Julgue o item a seguir de acordo com o Decreto n.º 9.235/2017, que dispõe sobre o exercício das funções de regulação, supervisão e avaliação das instituições de educação superior e dos cursos superiores de graduação e de pós-graduação no sistema federal de ensino.

As funções de supervisão e de avaliação da educação superior devem ser exercidas obrigatoriamente em regime de cooperação com os sistemas de ensino distrital, estaduais e municipais.

Q2415256 Pedagogia

Julgue o item a seguir de acordo com o Decreto n.º 9.235/2017, que dispõe sobre o exercício das funções de regulação, supervisão e avaliação das instituições de educação superior e dos cursos superiores de graduação e de pós-graduação no sistema federal de ensino.

Os atos administrativos de credenciamento e recredenciamento de instituições de educação superior (IES), bem como os de autorização, reconhecimento ou renovação de reconhecimento de cursos superiores, são atos autorizativos.  

Q2415255 Pedagogia

Julgue o item a seguir de acordo com o Decreto n.º 9.235/2017, que dispõe sobre o exercício das funções de regulação, supervisão e avaliação das instituições de educação superior e dos cursos superiores de graduação e de pós-graduação no sistema federal de ensino.

O Decreto n.º 9.235/2017 determina que o prazo de validade dos atos autorizativos é de dois anos, contados da data de publicação do ato.

Q2415254 Inglês
        Back in October 2011, Stanford professors launched three free online courses, open to the public. One by one, these courses went massive, with enrollments topping 100.000 students each. Soon the media was calling these courses MOOCs, short for massive open online courses.
         Since then, more than 1.200 universities around the world have launched free online courses. In addition to the larger global MOOC platforms, many national governments around the world have launched their own country-specific MOOC platforms, including India, Italy, Israel, Mexico and Thailand.
            After a decade of popularization, in 2021, over 220 million students had signed up for at least one course on one of these platforms, and 40 million did so in 2021 alone. MOOCs and MOOC platforms are still growing, even after the crazy “Year of the MOOC” prompted by the pandemic and travel restrictions.
            At Class Central, we try to catalog as many MOOCs as possible, and our listing currently includes more than 150.000 of them, from MOOC platforms and other online learning platforms. But due to limited resources, we cannot index every single one. If you’re looking for MOOCs from around the world, this list is our best attempt to catalog all different MOOC platforms that are out there.

Internet:<https://classcentral.coom>  (adapted)

Keeping in mind the ideas expressed above and the linguistic aspects of the text, judge the following item. 

It is correct to conclude from the text that the total number of students who signed up for the three free online courses offered by Stanford in 2011 was higher than 300.000.

Q2415253 Inglês
        Back in October 2011, Stanford professors launched three free online courses, open to the public. One by one, these courses went massive, with enrollments topping 100.000 students each. Soon the media was calling these courses MOOCs, short for massive open online courses.
         Since then, more than 1.200 universities around the world have launched free online courses. In addition to the larger global MOOC platforms, many national governments around the world have launched their own country-specific MOOC platforms, including India, Italy, Israel, Mexico and Thailand.
            After a decade of popularization, in 2021, over 220 million students had signed up for at least one course on one of these platforms, and 40 million did so in 2021 alone. MOOCs and MOOC platforms are still growing, even after the crazy “Year of the MOOC” prompted by the pandemic and travel restrictions.
            At Class Central, we try to catalog as many MOOCs as possible, and our listing currently includes more than 150.000 of them, from MOOC platforms and other online learning platforms. But due to limited resources, we cannot index every single one. If you’re looking for MOOCs from around the world, this list is our best attempt to catalog all different MOOC platforms that are out there.

Internet:<https://classcentral.coom>  (adapted)

Keeping in mind the ideas expressed above and the linguistic aspects of the text, judge the following item. 

The phrase “short for massive open online courses” (in the last sentence of the first paragraph) can be correctly replaced with which stands for massive open online courses.

616: E
617: C
618: E
619: C
620: C