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Q1331326 Sociologia
A sociologia é uma ciência importante porque:
Q1331325 Biologia
O sangue é um tecido conjuntivo com diversas funções importantes ao organismo humano. Sobre suas características é incorreto afirmar que:
Q1331324 Biologia
A erva-de-passarinho é uma planta que cresce sobre outras espécies, retirando água e sais minerais da planta hospedeira. A relação ecológica da erva-de-passarinho com a planta hospedeira é a mesma que ocorre entre:
Q1331323 Biologia
A tecnologia do DNA recombinante permitiu a criação do milho Bt, resistente ao ataque de determinados tipos de insetos. Considerando que foi introduzido um gene da bactéria Bacillus thuringiensis, que promove na planta a produção de uma proteína tóxica aos insetos, mas inofensiva aos mamíferos, é correto afirmar que o milho Bt é resultado de técnica de:
Q1331322 Biologia
De acordo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, a resistência do Aedes aegypti aos inseticidas tem aumentado, sendo recomendada a combinação de inseticidas mais potentes com métodos de controle que não sejam somente químicos. Sobre este assunto, é correto afirmar que os inseticidas provocam nos insetos:
1) mutações no material genético que são repassadas à prole, ocasionando resistência desses organismos a esses produtos químicos. 2) modificações em proteínas estruturais do exoesqueleto, aumentando a espessura da cutícula e diminuindo a absorção de produtos químicos. 3) eliminação parcial da população, sendo aqueles resistentes capazes de se reproduzir e proliferar no ambiente disseminando doenças.
Está(ão) correta(s):
Q1331320 Biologia
Considerando as hipóteses para origem da vida, o padre italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799) realizou o seguinte experimento: preparou oito frascos com caldo nutritivo, sendo quatro dos mesmos vedados com rolha de cortiça, e os gargalos de vidro dos outros frascos derretidos no fogo para que ficassem hermeticamente fechados. Após alguns dias, Spallanzani observou que somente nos vidros fechados com cortiça havia crescimento microbiano. As conclusões de tal experimento permitem inferir que:
Q1331299 Geografia
O complexo regional do Nordeste brasileiro apresenta sub-regiões distintas: Meio-norte, Sertão, Agreste e Zona da Mata. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta características do Sertão Nordestino.
Q1331298 Geografia
Um grupo expressivo de geógrafos, meteorologistas e biólogos vem defendendo, já há alguns anos, que existe em andamento um processo de aquecimento global, que repercutirá negativamente em muitas regiões da superfície terrestre. Caso seja verdadeira essa hipótese, que efeitos nocivos poderão ocorrer no Brasil, em decorrência desse fenômeno climático?
1) Aumento de doenças típicas de ambientes tropicais. 2) Impactos na produtividade da agricultura. 3) Desaparecimento de espécies vegetais. 4) Escassez de água potável. 5) Decréscimo da capacidade de pastoreio para o gado de corte.
Estão corretas:
Q1331297 Geografia
A geografia é estudada, desde a Antiguidade, todavia se torna ciência só a partir do século XIX. Com relação ao desenvolvimento da Ciência Geográfica, analise as seguintes afirmativas:
1) O Positivismo, desenvolvido por Augusto Comte, influenciou a Geografia Tradicional. 2) O determinismo geográfico foi desenvolvido na França, por Vidal De La Blache. 3) A região, como objeto da Geografia, é o espaço onde se sintetiza a Geografia Física e Humana. 4) A Geografia Quantitativa propunha a criação de modelos ou fórmulas matemáticas para explicar os fenômenos.
Estão corretas as alternativas:
Q1331296 Geografia
Observe a tabela a seguir. Nesta tabela, uma das correlações não corresponde à realidade, pois é incorreta. Assinale-a.
Q1331295 Geografia
Considerando as diversas formas de classificação de atividade industrial, faça a correlação do foco de atuação das indústrias com suas respectivas classificações de tipos, conforme abaixo:
1) Segundo a natureza dos bens produzidos 2) Segundo a função 3) Segundo a aplicação de recursos ou fatores 4) Segundo a Tecnologia
( ) Indústrias Germinativas ( ) Indústria Trabalho-intensivo ( ) Indústrias Dinâmicas ( ) Indústrias de Bens de Capital
A sequência correta é:
Q1331294 História
O coronelismo se fez presente nas relações políticas alagoanas do século XX. A sua atuação contribuiu para:
Q1331293 História
Em Alagoas, a cultura colonial:
Q1331292 Conhecimentos Gerais
O Modernismo na cultura brasileira trouxe importantes renovações. Nesse aspecto, podemos destacar:
Q1331291 História
As ditaduras militares reforçaram a censura política e a repressão no Brasil, em períodos do século XX. Os governos militares nesses períodos:
Q1331289 História
Os regimes totalitários tiveram presença significativa no século XX. Na Itália, o Fascismo:
Q1331288 História
A democracia trouxe mudanças significativas para o mundo grego, modificando hábitos e relações sociais. A democracia grega, por exemplo:
Q1331286 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it. 

Human trafficking is slavery 

According to the United States Department of Justice, human trafficking is the “third most profitable criminal activity. An estimated $9.5 billion is generated in annual revenue from all trafficking activities, with at least $4 billion attributed to the worldwide brothel industry.”
The United States Department of State estimates that 800,000 women, children and men are internationally trafficked every year. Most of these victims are enslaved in the sex trade industry, followed by domestic servitude and labor. Over 14,000 victims are trafficked into the United States annually, according to the United States Department of Justice, and an estimated 200,000 American children are potentially trafficked each year into the sex trade.
Since 2001, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has issued almost 1,100 certifications to human trafficking victims in the United States originating from over 40 countries. The largest contributing regions are Latin America and Asia. The majority of victims are female and half of all victims are children. Law enforcement agencies report that the majority of trafficking cases presented as prostitution. But victims of human trafficking have also been rescued from enslavement as domestic servants, child soldiers, child brides, beggars, manual laborers, sweatshops workers, and in landmine removal efforts. There are also baby trafficking rings that sell babies to both knowing and unknowing adoptive parents.
Anyone can potentially fall prey to human traffickers. Before enslavement, many victims earned higher educational degrees. Many victims were professionals. Others were simply seeking a better life when they fell prey. Regardless of demographics or the circumstance of their trafficking, the common thread among all trafficking victims is the deprivation of inherent human rights and dignity. They are frequently subjected to physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Although these victims are a commodity to the traffickers, they are nonetheless considered expendable. They are consequently not given adequate care. Without proper care and essential services, these innocent victims will be less likely to live hopeful, healthy, and productive lives. 

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
Human traffickers
Q1331285 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it. 

Human trafficking is slavery 

According to the United States Department of Justice, human trafficking is the “third most profitable criminal activity. An estimated $9.5 billion is generated in annual revenue from all trafficking activities, with at least $4 billion attributed to the worldwide brothel industry.”
The United States Department of State estimates that 800,000 women, children and men are internationally trafficked every year. Most of these victims are enslaved in the sex trade industry, followed by domestic servitude and labor. Over 14,000 victims are trafficked into the United States annually, according to the United States Department of Justice, and an estimated 200,000 American children are potentially trafficked each year into the sex trade.
Since 2001, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has issued almost 1,100 certifications to human trafficking victims in the United States originating from over 40 countries. The largest contributing regions are Latin America and Asia. The majority of victims are female and half of all victims are children. Law enforcement agencies report that the majority of trafficking cases presented as prostitution. But victims of human trafficking have also been rescued from enslavement as domestic servants, child soldiers, child brides, beggars, manual laborers, sweatshops workers, and in landmine removal efforts. There are also baby trafficking rings that sell babies to both knowing and unknowing adoptive parents.
Anyone can potentially fall prey to human traffickers. Before enslavement, many victims earned higher educational degrees. Many victims were professionals. Others were simply seeking a better life when they fell prey. Regardless of demographics or the circumstance of their trafficking, the common thread among all trafficking victims is the deprivation of inherent human rights and dignity. They are frequently subjected to physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Although these victims are a commodity to the traffickers, they are nonetheless considered expendable. They are consequently not given adequate care. Without proper care and essential services, these innocent victims will be less likely to live hopeful, healthy, and productive lives. 

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
Victims of human trafficking in the US
Q1331284 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it. 

Human trafficking is slavery 

According to the United States Department of Justice, human trafficking is the “third most profitable criminal activity. An estimated $9.5 billion is generated in annual revenue from all trafficking activities, with at least $4 billion attributed to the worldwide brothel industry.”
The United States Department of State estimates that 800,000 women, children and men are internationally trafficked every year. Most of these victims are enslaved in the sex trade industry, followed by domestic servitude and labor. Over 14,000 victims are trafficked into the United States annually, according to the United States Department of Justice, and an estimated 200,000 American children are potentially trafficked each year into the sex trade.
Since 2001, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has issued almost 1,100 certifications to human trafficking victims in the United States originating from over 40 countries. The largest contributing regions are Latin America and Asia. The majority of victims are female and half of all victims are children. Law enforcement agencies report that the majority of trafficking cases presented as prostitution. But victims of human trafficking have also been rescued from enslavement as domestic servants, child soldiers, child brides, beggars, manual laborers, sweatshops workers, and in landmine removal efforts. There are also baby trafficking rings that sell babies to both knowing and unknowing adoptive parents.
Anyone can potentially fall prey to human traffickers. Before enslavement, many victims earned higher educational degrees. Many victims were professionals. Others were simply seeking a better life when they fell prey. Regardless of demographics or the circumstance of their trafficking, the common thread among all trafficking victims is the deprivation of inherent human rights and dignity. They are frequently subjected to physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Although these victims are a commodity to the traffickers, they are nonetheless considered expendable. They are consequently not given adequate care. Without proper care and essential services, these innocent victims will be less likely to live hopeful, healthy, and productive lives. 

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
The trafficking of humans
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