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Q2524686 Administração Pública
A Constituição Federal de 1988 determinou que o controle externo da administração pública brasileira seja conduzido pelo Tribunal de Contas e pelo Ministério Público. Essas instituições possuem autonomia formal em relação ao governo, sendo responsáveis por fiscalizar a correta aplicação dos recursos públicos, garantir a transparência nos atos de gestão e fortalecer a participação da sociedade civil. Além disso, têm o poder de atuar mediante solicitação do cidadão, ampliando assim o controle democrático sobre a administração pública.
Com relação à accountability, analise os itens a seguir:
I. O conceito de accountability é fundamental na teoria democrática moderna, uma vez que estabelece que os governantes e ocupantes de funções públicas devem prestar contas à sociedade, seguindo critérios democráticos que definem o propósito e o alcance de cada instituição. II. O que deve ser prestado conta à sociedade não é apenas determinado pelos ocupantes dos cargos públicos, mas sim por um processo amplo que engloba a criação de leis por políticos eleitos, a interação de controles entre os poderes para evitar a centralização decisória e a definição de padrões republicanos para evitar o exercício personalizado do poder ou a influência de grupos de interesse. III. A lógica da transparência apresentada pelo ideário do governo aberto pode levar a uma falácia em torno da accountability.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Q2524685 Administração Pública
O planejamento nas organizações públicas é uma pedra angular para garantir a eficiência e a eficácia na entrega de serviços à sociedade. No entanto, é imperativo reconhecer que esse processo está passando por uma redefinição e realinhamento devido às transformações significativas na realidade contemporânea. Tais mudanças são impulsionadas pela globalização, avanços tecnológicos e evolução das expectativas dos cidadãos. Assim, o planejamento público está se adaptando dinamicamente para abraçar essas mudanças, garantindo que os serviços oferecidos estejam alinhados com as necessidades emergentes da comunidade e sejam entregues de maneira efetiva e oportuna.
Assinale, dentre as opções a seguir, a que apresenta uma mudança da função de planejamento.
Q2524684 Administração Pública
Os princípios de governança pública são fundamentos orientadores que promovem a transparência, a responsabilidade, a eficácia e a equidade nas ações e decisões do setor público, visando ao interesse público e ao desenvolvimento sustentável.
Assinale, dentre as opções a seguir, a que compreende princípios de governança pública.
Q2524681 Administração Geral
A matriz GUT é uma ferramenta de análise que ajuda a priorizar problemas ou situações, considerando sua gravidade, urgência e tendência de crescimento, facilitando a tomada de decisões assertivas.
Sobre a matriz GUT, é correto o que se afirma em
Q2524679 Administração Pública
A evolução da Administração Pública, do modelo racional-legal ao paradigma pós-burocrático, reflete uma transição de estruturas hierárquicas e procedimentos formais para abordagens mais flexíveis, participativas e orientadas para resultados.
Sobre o modelo racional-legal de administração pública, assinale a afirmação correta
Q2517219 Direito Constitucional
Ao estudar a remuneração, direitos e vantagens no âmbito da remuneração dos agentes públicos, Helena verificou que o subsídio é uma espécie remuneratória que tem definição constitucional, de modo que decidiu aprofundar os estudos acerca das respectivas peculiaridades.
Nesse contexto, considerando o disposto na CRFB/88 e a orientação do Supremo Tribunal Federal acerca do tema, é correto afirmar que o subsídio
Q2517170 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

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The text ends in a note of
Q2517169 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The word “roughly” in “Over the past roughly 50,000 years” (5th paragraph) indicates a(n)
Q2517168 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
According to the text, the word that “this extraordinary gift” (5th paragraph) refers to is our
Q2517167 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The opposite of “the smartest” (4th paragraph) is
Q2517166 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
In the second paragraph, “on the flip side” means
Q2517165 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The expression “such as” in “such as climate change” (2nd paragraph) can be replaced without significant change in meaning by
Q2517164 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The first sentence presents a
Q2517163 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

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Based on the text, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

( ) The author mentions the fact that AGI may supplant human faculties.
( ) Ways in which we can lead meaningful lives are detailed.
( ) AGI has already solved the problems of economic equality.

The statements are, respectively
Q2517162 Português
Assinale a opção em que a preposição A – sozinha ou combinada - tem valor semântico diferente dos demais.
Q2517160 Português
As frases a seguir mostram forma negativa.
Assinale a opção em que a modificação para a forma positiva mantém o sentido original.
Q2517159 Português
Todas as frases abaixo estão separadas em dois segmentos.
Assinale a opção em que a relação lógica entre esses segmentos está corretamente indicada. 
Q2517158 Português
Entre todas as frases a seguir, assinale aquela que só pode ser entendida no sentido figurado.
Q2517157 Português
Assinale a opção em que não está presente uma expressão ou termo indicativo de causa.
Q2517155 Português
Todas as frases a seguir mostram termos ligados pela conjunção OU.
Assinale a opção em que essa conjunção mantém o valor de alternativa (e não de adição).:
1: E
2: D
3: A
4: E
5: A
6: E
7: D
8: B
9: E
10: C
11: E
12: A
13: D
14: B
15: E
16: B
17: E
18: D
19: B
20: A