Questões de Concurso Comentadas para auxiliar de fiscalização financeira

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Q223758 Segurança da Informação
O termo insegurança computacional está relacionado, entre outras coisas, a ação de programas que podem comprometer a segurança dos recursos e informações contidas em ambientes computacionais. Sobre esses programas, considere:

I. É um código escrito com a intenção explícita de se autoduplicar. Tenta se alastrar de computador para computador, incorporando-se a um programa hospedeiro. Ele pode danificar hardware, software ou informações.

II. Cria cópias de si mesmo de um computador para outro automaticamente, ou seja, sem a ação do usuário. Primeiro ele controla recursos no computador que permitem o transporte de arquivos ou informações. Depois que ele contamina o sistema, ele se desloca sozinho, distribuindo cópias de si mesmo pelas redes. Seu grande perigo é a capacidade de se replicar em grande volume. Não precisa de um programa hospedeiro.

III. É um programa de computador que parece ser útil, mas na verdade causa danos. Alastra-se quando a pessoa é seduzida a abrir um programa por pensar que ele vem de uma fonte legítima.

IV. É um termo genérico usado para softwares que realizam certas atividades como anúncios, coleta de informações pessoais ou alteração das configurações do computador, geralmente sem o devido consentimento.

Os itens I, II, III e IV referem-se, correta e respectivamente, a
Q223757 Sistemas Operacionais
No Linux, a quantidade de serviços ativos está diretamente relacionada ao nível de exposição do servidor. Quanto mais serviços, mais portas para serem pesquisadas e abusadas, e maiores as chances de algum serviço conter alguma vulnerabilidade que possa ser explorada em uma invasão do sistema. O comando presente em diversas distribuições Linux e que permite finalizar serviços desnecessários é o
Q223756 Sistemas Operacionais
Sobre o processo de instalação e configuração do Windows Server 2003 é correto afirmar:
Q223755 Redes de Computadores
Sobre as topologias de rede, é INCORRETO afirmar:
Q223754 Redes de Computadores
A empresa SWYTECSecurity deseja ligar a rede local de sua matriz em São Paulo com a rede local da sua filial no Rio de Janeiro com o objetivo de permitir o compartilhamento de dados entre essas Unidades. Tanto na matriz como na filial, há uma rede interna que interliga os computadores no ambiente físico. Ao fazer as ligações necessárias será formada uma rede
Q223753 Redes de Computadores
Sobre o protocolo HTTP, é correto afirmar:
Q223752 Sistemas Operacionais
Considere o texto a seguir.

O Windows Server 2003 possui nativamente um servidor de DNS que é de fundamental importância. Nesse servidor, os domínios DNS são implementados a partir da criação de zonas DNS que podem ser de vários tipos. Um desses tipos é novidade no DNS do Windows Server 2003, em relação a versões anteriores. Esse tipo de zona pode ser criada para a resolução imediata de nomes de um determinado domínio filho. Somente os registros do servidor de nomes, o início de autoridade e hosts necessários são cadastrados. Este recurso é recomendado quando domínios filhos (delegados, como, por exemplo,, que é um domínio delegado a partir do domínio possuem mais de um servidor de DNS com autoridade, pois nestes casos o servidor de DNS "pai" precisaria ter cadastrado todos os servidores DNS com autoridade no domínio filho. Cadastrando uma zona desse tipo, o gerenciamento fica mais simples, pois essas atualizações podem ser feitas automaticamente.

O texto fala de um tipo de zona de DNS denominada zona
Q223750 Programação
Em um programa Java, considere a existência de uma variável do tipo long chamada cod contendo o valor 1234. Para passar o valor contido nessa variável para uma variável do tipo byte chamada codNovo, deve-se fazer casting. Para isso, utiliza-se a instrução: byte codNovo =
Q223749 Programação
Sobre a programação na linguagem Java é correto afirmar:
Q223748 Noções de Informática
Sobre consultas no Microsoft Access 2007, é INCORRETO afirmar:
Q223745 Noções de Informática
Considere a planilha a seguir criada no Microsoft Excel 2010 em Português.

Imagem 014.jpg

Na célula C2 foi digitada uma função que exibe um valor de acordo com o código da categoria contido na célula A2. Em seguida, essa função foi arrastada até a célula C7, gerando os valores apresentados na coluna C. A função digitada obedece aos seguintes critérios:

1º Se o código da categoria for igual a 1, exibir a palavra Administrativo;
2º Senão, se o código da categoria for igual a 2, exibir a palavra TI;
3º Senão, se o código da categoria for igual a 3, exibir a palavra Operacional;
4º Senão, se o código da categoria for qualquer outro valor, exibir a frase Categoria não existente.

A função correta escrita na célula C2 é:
Q223744 Noções de Informática
Considere a planilha a seguir criada no Microsoft Excel 2010 em Português.

Imagem 013.jpg

A função utilizada na célula A6 retorna o pagamento periódico de uma anuidade de acordo com pagamentos constantes e com uma taxa de juros constante. O uso correto dessa função na célula A6 é:

Q223741 Noções de Informática
Sobre o BrOffice Writer 3.x e o Microsoft Word 2010, considere:

I. No BrOffice Writer a partir da versão 3, para definir as propriedades de um campo de formulário basta dar um duplo clique sobre o campo desejado que aparecerá a janela de propriedades.

II. No Microsoft Word 2010, a opção para adicionar um novo comentário sobre um texto selecionado encontra-se na guia Exibição.

III. No BrOffice Writer, o Assistente de mala direta encontra-se no menu Correspondências.

IV. No Microsoft Word 2010, o Assistente de mala direta encontra-se na guia Ferramentas.

Está correto o que se afirma em
Q223740 Noções de Informática
Para criar formulários no Microsoft Word 2010, é necessário disponibilizar uma nova guia de opções com ferramentas para inserir e gerenciar os controles de formulário. Essa opção pode ser disponibilizada clicando-se no menu Arquivo, em seguida em Opções, depois em Personalizar Faixa de Opções e na área Guias Principais deve ser marcada a opção
Q223739 Inglês
As questões de números 36 a 40 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

House G.O.P. Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

Published: December 22, 2011

WASHINGTON - Under a deal reached between House and Senate leaders, the House will now approve as early as Friday the
two-month extension of a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits approved by the Senate last Saturday, and the Senate will
appoint members of a House-Senate conference committee to negotiate legislation to extend both benefits through 2012.
House Republicans - who rejected an almost identical deal on Tuesday - collapsed under the political rubble that has
accumulated over the week, much of it from their own party, worried that the blockade would do serious damage to their appeal to
The House speaker, John A. Boehner, announced the decision over the phone to members on Thursday, and did not permit the
usual back and forth that is common on such calls, enraging many of them.
After his conversation with lawmakers, the speaker conceded to reporters that it might not have been "politically the smartest
thing in the world" for House Republicans to put themselves between a tax cut and the 160 million American workers who would benefit
from it, and to allow President Obama and Congressional Democrats to seize the momentum on the issue.
The agreement ended a partisan fight that threatened to keep Congress and Mr. Obama in town through Christmas and was
just the latest of the bitter struggles over fiscal policy involving House conservatives, the president and the Democratic-controlled
Under the deal, the employee's share of the Social Security payroll tax will stay at the current level, 4.2 percent of wages,
through Feb. 29. In the absence of Congressional action, it would revert to the usual 6.2 percent next month. The government will also
continue paying unemployment insurance benefits under current policy through February. Without Congressional action, many of the
long-term unemployed would begin losing benefits next month.
In addition, under the agreement, Medicare will continue paying doctors at current rates for two months, averting a 27 percent
cut that would otherwise occur on Jan. 1.
The new deal makes minor adjustments to make it easier for small businesses to cope with the tax changes and prevents
manipulation of an employee's pay should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months.
Mr. Obama, who has reaped political benefits from the standoff, welcomed the outcome.
"This is good news, just in time for the holidays," he said in a statement. "This is the right thing [VERB 1] to strengthen our
families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will [VERB 2] a real difference in people's lives.

(Adapted from
todays hea dlines & emc=tha2&pagewanted=all)

The correct verb forms of VERB 1 and VERB 2 in the last paragraph are
Q223738 Inglês
As questões de números 36 a 40 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

House G.O.P. Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

Published: December 22, 2011

WASHINGTON - Under a deal reached between House and Senate leaders, the House will now approve as early as Friday the
two-month extension of a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits approved by the Senate last Saturday, and the Senate will
appoint members of a House-Senate conference committee to negotiate legislation to extend both benefits through 2012.
House Republicans - who rejected an almost identical deal on Tuesday - collapsed under the political rubble that has
accumulated over the week, much of it from their own party, worried that the blockade would do serious damage to their appeal to
The House speaker, John A. Boehner, announced the decision over the phone to members on Thursday, and did not permit the
usual back and forth that is common on such calls, enraging many of them.
After his conversation with lawmakers, the speaker conceded to reporters that it might not have been "politically the smartest
thing in the world" for House Republicans to put themselves between a tax cut and the 160 million American workers who would benefit
from it, and to allow President Obama and Congressional Democrats to seize the momentum on the issue.
The agreement ended a partisan fight that threatened to keep Congress and Mr. Obama in town through Christmas and was
just the latest of the bitter struggles over fiscal policy involving House conservatives, the president and the Democratic-controlled
Under the deal, the employee's share of the Social Security payroll tax will stay at the current level, 4.2 percent of wages,
through Feb. 29. In the absence of Congressional action, it would revert to the usual 6.2 percent next month. The government will also
continue paying unemployment insurance benefits under current policy through February. Without Congressional action, many of the
long-term unemployed would begin losing benefits next month.
In addition, under the agreement, Medicare will continue paying doctors at current rates for two months, averting a 27 percent
cut that would otherwise occur on Jan. 1.
The new deal makes minor adjustments to make it easier for small businesses to cope with the tax changes and prevents
manipulation of an employee's pay should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months.
Mr. Obama, who has reaped political benefits from the standoff, welcomed the outcome.
"This is good news, just in time for the holidays," he said in a statement. "This is the right thing [VERB 1] to strengthen our
families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will [VERB 2] a real difference in people's lives.

(Adapted from
todays hea dlines & emc=tha2&pagewanted=all)

A melhor tradução para should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months é
Q223737 Inglês
As questões de números 36 a 40 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

House G.O.P. Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

Published: December 22, 2011

WASHINGTON - Under a deal reached between House and Senate leaders, the House will now approve as early as Friday the
two-month extension of a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits approved by the Senate last Saturday, and the Senate will
appoint members of a House-Senate conference committee to negotiate legislation to extend both benefits through 2012.
House Republicans - who rejected an almost identical deal on Tuesday - collapsed under the political rubble that has
accumulated over the week, much of it from their own party, worried that the blockade would do serious damage to their appeal to
The House speaker, John A. Boehner, announced the decision over the phone to members on Thursday, and did not permit the
usual back and forth that is common on such calls, enraging many of them.
After his conversation with lawmakers, the speaker conceded to reporters that it might not have been "politically the smartest
thing in the world" for House Republicans to put themselves between a tax cut and the 160 million American workers who would benefit
from it, and to allow President Obama and Congressional Democrats to seize the momentum on the issue.
The agreement ended a partisan fight that threatened to keep Congress and Mr. Obama in town through Christmas and was
just the latest of the bitter struggles over fiscal policy involving House conservatives, the president and the Democratic-controlled
Under the deal, the employee's share of the Social Security payroll tax will stay at the current level, 4.2 percent of wages,
through Feb. 29. In the absence of Congressional action, it would revert to the usual 6.2 percent next month. The government will also
continue paying unemployment insurance benefits under current policy through February. Without Congressional action, many of the
long-term unemployed would begin losing benefits next month.
In addition, under the agreement, Medicare will continue paying doctors at current rates for two months, averting a 27 percent
cut that would otherwise occur on Jan. 1.
The new deal makes minor adjustments to make it easier for small businesses to cope with the tax changes and prevents
manipulation of an employee's pay should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months.
Mr. Obama, who has reaped political benefits from the standoff, welcomed the outcome.
"This is good news, just in time for the holidays," he said in a statement. "This is the right thing [VERB 1] to strengthen our
families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will [VERB 2] a real difference in people's lives.

(Adapted from
todays hea dlines & emc=tha2&pagewanted=all)

Infere-se do texto que
Q223736 Inglês
As questões de números 36 a 40 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

House G.O.P. Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

Published: December 22, 2011

WASHINGTON - Under a deal reached between House and Senate leaders, the House will now approve as early as Friday the
two-month extension of a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits approved by the Senate last Saturday, and the Senate will
appoint members of a House-Senate conference committee to negotiate legislation to extend both benefits through 2012.
House Republicans - who rejected an almost identical deal on Tuesday - collapsed under the political rubble that has
accumulated over the week, much of it from their own party, worried that the blockade would do serious damage to their appeal to
The House speaker, John A. Boehner, announced the decision over the phone to members on Thursday, and did not permit the
usual back and forth that is common on such calls, enraging many of them.
After his conversation with lawmakers, the speaker conceded to reporters that it might not have been "politically the smartest
thing in the world" for House Republicans to put themselves between a tax cut and the 160 million American workers who would benefit
from it, and to allow President Obama and Congressional Democrats to seize the momentum on the issue.
The agreement ended a partisan fight that threatened to keep Congress and Mr. Obama in town through Christmas and was
just the latest of the bitter struggles over fiscal policy involving House conservatives, the president and the Democratic-controlled
Under the deal, the employee's share of the Social Security payroll tax will stay at the current level, 4.2 percent of wages,
through Feb. 29. In the absence of Congressional action, it would revert to the usual 6.2 percent next month. The government will also
continue paying unemployment insurance benefits under current policy through February. Without Congressional action, many of the
long-term unemployed would begin losing benefits next month.
In addition, under the agreement, Medicare will continue paying doctors at current rates for two months, averting a 27 percent
cut that would otherwise occur on Jan. 1.
The new deal makes minor adjustments to make it easier for small businesses to cope with the tax changes and prevents
manipulation of an employee's pay should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months.
Mr. Obama, who has reaped political benefits from the standoff, welcomed the outcome.
"This is good news, just in time for the holidays," he said in a statement. "This is the right thing [VERB 1] to strengthen our
families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will [VERB 2] a real difference in people's lives.

(Adapted from
todays hea dlines & emc=tha2&pagewanted=all)

Segundo o texto,
Q223735 Inglês
As questões de números 36 a 40 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

House G.O.P. Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

Published: December 22, 2011

WASHINGTON - Under a deal reached between House and Senate leaders, the House will now approve as early as Friday the
two-month extension of a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits approved by the Senate last Saturday, and the Senate will
appoint members of a House-Senate conference committee to negotiate legislation to extend both benefits through 2012.
House Republicans - who rejected an almost identical deal on Tuesday - collapsed under the political rubble that has
accumulated over the week, much of it from their own party, worried that the blockade would do serious damage to their appeal to
The House speaker, John A. Boehner, announced the decision over the phone to members on Thursday, and did not permit the
usual back and forth that is common on such calls, enraging many of them.
After his conversation with lawmakers, the speaker conceded to reporters that it might not have been "politically the smartest
thing in the world" for House Republicans to put themselves between a tax cut and the 160 million American workers who would benefit
from it, and to allow President Obama and Congressional Democrats to seize the momentum on the issue.
The agreement ended a partisan fight that threatened to keep Congress and Mr. Obama in town through Christmas and was
just the latest of the bitter struggles over fiscal policy involving House conservatives, the president and the Democratic-controlled
Under the deal, the employee's share of the Social Security payroll tax will stay at the current level, 4.2 percent of wages,
through Feb. 29. In the absence of Congressional action, it would revert to the usual 6.2 percent next month. The government will also
continue paying unemployment insurance benefits under current policy through February. Without Congressional action, many of the
long-term unemployed would begin losing benefits next month.
In addition, under the agreement, Medicare will continue paying doctors at current rates for two months, averting a 27 percent
cut that would otherwise occur on Jan. 1.
The new deal makes minor adjustments to make it easier for small businesses to cope with the tax changes and prevents
manipulation of an employee's pay should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months.
Mr. Obama, who has reaped political benefits from the standoff, welcomed the outcome.
"This is good news, just in time for the holidays," he said in a statement. "This is the right thing [VERB 1] to strengthen our
families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will [VERB 2] a real difference in people's lives.

(Adapted from
todays hea dlines & emc=tha2&pagewanted=all)

A extensão de que trata o texto
Q223734 Inglês
As questões de números 31 a 35 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

Making Performance Budgeting Work: New IMF Book

October 04, 2007

Member countries will find valuable advice on how to reform their budgeting practices to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of public expenditure in a major new work on performance budgeting produced by the Fiscal Affairs Department. The book,
Performance Budgeting: Linking Funding and Results (500pp), came off the presses of the top UK publisher Palgrave Macmillan in

Edited by FAD staff member Marc Robinson, the book contains a comprehensive treatment of contemporary performance
budgeting practice and theory. In a series of thematic chapters and case studies, the book discusses:
- The key forms of performance budgeting which [TO IMPLEMENT] around the world - how they differ, and what they have in
common points.
- Lessons from the experience of governments around the world - ranging from OECD nations to developing, middle-income
and transition countries - about what forms of performance budgeting work, under what circumstances, and with what
implementation strategies.
- How successful performance budgeting can improve aggregate fiscal discipline.
- The information requirements of performance budgeting, and
- The links between performance budgeting and other budgeting and public management reforms.
Many of the contributors to this work are leaders in performance budgeting implementation in their countries. Others are
respected academics and technical experts from the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations. Countries
covered in the case studies include the UK, USA, Australia, France, Chile, Spain, Russia, Colombia and Ethiopia.
One major focus of the book is performance budgeting as a tool for improved expenditure prioritization - that is, for helping to
shift limited public resources to the services of greatest social benefit. A key finding is that this type of performance budgeting will only
work if the budget process is fundamentally changed so that top politicians and bureaucrats systematically consider expenditure
priorities when formulating the budget. This means more than just considering the priorities for new spending. It requires also having
mechanisms to systematically review existing spending programs to identify what is ineffective and low priority and can, therefore, be
cut. This is what countries such as Chile and the United Kingdom have successfully done, and the United States is currently attempting
to achieve with its Program Assessment Rating Tool instrument. Conversely, it is a mistake to believe that merely changing the budget
classification and developing performance indicators will in itself improve the allocation of resources in the budget.
(Adapted from

According to the text,
21: B
22: D
23: B
24: A
25: E
26: C
27: E
28: D
29: E
30: B
31: D
32: A
33: E
34: C
35: E
36: E
37: C
38: A
39: B
40: A