Questões de Concurso Comentadas para especialista em recursos minerais - desenvolvimento e economia mineral

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Q1900005 Direito Constitucional
Cada um do próximo item apresenta uma situação hipotética seguida de uma assertiva, a ser julgada com base nos direitos e garantias fundamentais assegurados na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF).  

Wil renunciou à nacionalidade estadunidense, naturalizou-se brasileiro e casou-se com Amélia, brasileira, com quem atualmente vive no Brasil. Nessa situação, se o casal tiver um filho, este poderá ser registrado na embaixada ou em consulado dos Estados Unidos da América no Brasil, de modo a ter dupla cidadania.
Q1900004 Direito Constitucional
Cada um do próximo item apresenta uma situação hipotética seguida de uma assertiva, a ser julgada com base nos direitos e garantias fundamentais assegurados na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF).  

A mineradora Y tem reduzido seu quadro de funcionários contratados, em razão de contenção de despesas, e Ivo, empregado sindicalizado, estava na lista para ser dispensado, porém foi eleito como suplente para cargo de direção do sindicato. Nessa situação, com a sua eleição, Ivo não poderá ser dispensado até um ano após o final do mandato, salvo se cometer falta grave.
Q1900003 Direito Constitucional
Cada um do próximo item apresenta uma situação hipotética seguida de uma assertiva, a ser julgada com base nos direitos e garantias fundamentais assegurados na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF).  

Heyd, em razão de convicção filosófica, alegou imperativo de consciência para não cumprir o serviço militar obrigatório e se dispôs a prestar serviço alternativo. Nessa situação, caso Heyd não cumpra a prestação alternativa, seus direitos políticos poderão ser cassados. 
Q1900002 Inglês
Can alternative tailings disposal become the norm in mining?

   There is no doubt that the resources extracted from mining are critical to our way of life. Likely, you’re reading this on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Mining touches all our lives daily (in addition to metals used in electronics, think about that can of soda you are drinking, or the aggregate used to pave your driveway). The industry works hard to make sure the net impact is positive. 
   However, the waste associated with mining, both past and present, is an unavoidable result of conventional mineral processing. In the future it may be possible to extract metals like copper and gold without crushing and grinding the ore down to fine particle size and adding considerable quantities of liquid, resulting in conventional tailings.
    What are the challenges associated with conventional tailings? Well, it is all about water. Managing seepage from the tailings themselves, monitoring pore water pressure within the tailings dams or designing facilities to safely store or pass flood events. Because such a significant quantity of water is added during mineral processing, “conventional” tailings dams store the tailings as a slurry. Water within the tailing material is either evaporated, migrates as seepage or remains entrained within the tailings impoundment. Removing water prior to disposal through various means is considered “alternative” disposal. Mining low grades of ore has resulted in increased water use per unit of production. In some cases, the availability of water is one of the greatest constraints on mine development.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
Considering the ideas stated in the text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

Nowadays, it is already possible to extract minerals without generating any waste at all.
Q1900001 Inglês
Can alternative tailings disposal become the norm in mining?

   There is no doubt that the resources extracted from mining are critical to our way of life. Likely, you’re reading this on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Mining touches all our lives daily (in addition to metals used in electronics, think about that can of soda you are drinking, or the aggregate used to pave your driveway). The industry works hard to make sure the net impact is positive. 
   However, the waste associated with mining, both past and present, is an unavoidable result of conventional mineral processing. In the future it may be possible to extract metals like copper and gold without crushing and grinding the ore down to fine particle size and adding considerable quantities of liquid, resulting in conventional tailings.
    What are the challenges associated with conventional tailings? Well, it is all about water. Managing seepage from the tailings themselves, monitoring pore water pressure within the tailings dams or designing facilities to safely store or pass flood events. Because such a significant quantity of water is added during mineral processing, “conventional” tailings dams store the tailings as a slurry. Water within the tailing material is either evaporated, migrates as seepage or remains entrained within the tailings impoundment. Removing water prior to disposal through various means is considered “alternative” disposal. Mining low grades of ore has resulted in increased water use per unit of production. In some cases, the availability of water is one of the greatest constraints on mine development.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
Considering the ideas stated in the text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

An alternative disposal method mentioned in the text could be removing water from waste before its disposal. 
56: E
57: C
58: E
59: E
60: C