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Q623546 Arquitetura de Computadores
Um desenvolvedor de sistemas definiu um tipo de dados inteiro, o qual, na linguagem de programação escolhida utiliza 4 bytes de memória para seu armazenamento. Enquanto o programa estiver em execução, será possível colocar nesse espaço quantos valores únicos diferentes?
Q623545 Sistemas Operacionais
Sobre Sistemas Operacionais, indique a alternativa INCORRETA
Q623544 Arquitetura de Computadores

Para que os programas funcionem, eles devem ser traduzidos para o código de máquina (de código fonte para código objeto) e para isso é necessário um tradutor ou um compilador. Em relação à característica de um programa compilado, analise as afirmativas a seguir:

I. O compilador ocupa a memória enquanto se executa o programa.

II. O compilador é carregado na memória apenas na compilação do programa.

III. O programa é traduzido inteiramente uma vez.

IV. O programa precisa ser traduzido cada vez que é rodado.

V. Sua execução é rápida.

VI. O programa acaba por se tornar mais lento.

Está CORRETO o que se afirma em:

Q623543 Arquitetura de Computadores
Somando-se os hexadecimais A39 e E12B, os resultados correspondentes no sistema decimal e no binário serão, respectivamente,
Q623532 Inglês
Microsoft’s Project Natick brings data centers underwater
Jordan Novet January 31, 2016 9:11 PM

Microsoft today unveiled Project Natick, a fascinating research initiative that could bring cloud computing infrastructure closer to big cities near large bodies of water — by putting data centers underwater

Microsoft isn‘t running any web services, like Office 365, through the data center infrastructure inside of these capsules. But Microsoft did build one (named the Leona Philpot, after the Halo character) and set it 30 feet underwater off of the California coast for four months in 2015. The capsules could have their computing hardware replaced every five years, but eventually they could well be kept underwater, without people onsite, for 20 years or more. And they could be powered by renewable energy, too. 

"Project Natick reflects Microsoft‘s ongoing quest for cloud datacenter solutions that offer rapid provisioning, lower costs, high responsiveness, and are more environmentally sustainable,‖ Microsoft explained on the website for the project. 

It‘s an unusual and forward-looking way for a company at Microsoft‘s scale — or any scale, really — to operate its core data center infrastructure. It‘s reminiscent of the Google barge that some people suspected had been intended to house data center hardware. (Other reports suggested it could be used for retail purposes.) But that project has been forgotten. Major web companies like Google and Facebook are now focusing on using aircraft to deliver the Internet to people, which has taken up some of the spotlight on research into new or better ways to deliver services. But the servers, storage, and networking equipment have got to live somewhere.

One might think putting data centers in the ocean might have environmental repercussions. But Microsoft is indicating that nothing untoward happened in the initial experiment. 

"During our deployment of the Leona Philpot vessel, sea life in the local vicinity quickly adapted to the presence of the vessel,‖ Microsoft said on the Project Natick website. 

Now Microsoft is looking to advance the research by building larger capsules. People working on the project have begun devising one three times as large as the first, according to John Markoff of the New York Times. 

SOURCE: accessed on 19/02/16 at 3:30 pm. 
No extrato do texto “ During our development of the Leona Philpot vessel,...” o adjetivo possessivo 'our‘ faz referência a
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